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.... of ‘guilty’ without view of any evidence. If that is not enough, starting on page 62 Juror 10 begins a speech lasting 2 pages in which he spews out his views of people like the defendant: “Human life doesn’t mean as much to them as it does to us…And they are-wild animals.” Juror 10 is an impatient and uncaring/unconcerned person. It is made clear by viewing his lines that Juror 10 does not take his part on the jury seriously and only wants to reach a consensus as quickly as possible. His reason is .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 512 | Number of pages: 2

Joy Luck Club

.... enough to choose many things for themselves. They were given all the orders and were expected to follow them without question. They did not have choice in whom they married and whether they worked. Girls were also given to other families when they were young. A son could never go to another home to live. The women of America would never stand for this treatment. They are educated and make their own decisions. Differences in the cultures of Chinese and American women are numerous. Lena St. Clair .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 573 | Number of pages: 3

Jay Gatsby And The American Dr

.... offered Gatsby a job on his luxurious yacht, Gatsby immediately agreed to work for Dan Cody. He worked on Cody’s yacht for five years until Cody had died. With the $25,000 Cody had left him, Gatsby decided to move East to try to become rich and famous. Gatsby was extremely dedicated to his dream; he resorted to bootlegging and crime with Meyer Wolfsheim, the man who fixed the World Series. Gatsby’s illusion intensifies when he begins to become involved with crime and immoral activites to become weal .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 976 | Number of pages: 4

Joy Luck Club - Literary Analy

.... one daughter that lost these comparisons, a lowered self-image was the result. Jing-Mei never believed in herself, because she felt that since her childhood she had failed her mother. "In the years that followed, I failed her so many times, each time asserting my own will, my right to fall short of expectations. I didn't get straight A's. I didn't become class president. I didn't get in to Stanford. I dropped out of college. For unlike my mother, I did not believe I could be anything I wanted to .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1034 | Number of pages: 4

Jane Eyre

.... acceptance leads her to discover Helen Burns. Helen teaches Jane that love doesn't always have to come from others, but that it come through having faith in god. Jane looks to Helen as a role model but doesn't feel that she can be satisfied soley through spiritual love. Through Jane's acquaitance with Helen, she finds further comfort from Ms.Temple. Ms.Temple makes Jane feel significant and gives Jane a taste of what she needs to continue her pursuit for love. Jane's search continues at Thornfield. She .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 647 | Number of pages: 3

Jack London’s Apparent Conflic

.... wolf becoming domesticated and part of civilization (Walcutt 22) London describes White Fang as a strong, quick, and agile wolf, taken in and domesticated by society to better accommodate a human. White Fang took on a moral trait of man; suppress the weak and obey the strong (Magill Master Plots 582). Because of this, White Fang represents humanity and its attempt to tame nature. London ends the story by allowing the idea of man conquering nature, by allowing White Fang to become domesticated and life .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1491 | Number of pages: 6

Johnny Got His Gun Book Report

.... body. He becomes a prisoner of his own mind who will live that way until he dies of natural causes or what ever comes first. .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 358 | Number of pages: 2


.... person. In a way, Macbeth could be classified as jealous. He was obviously a bit jealous of Duncan because Duncan had everything, including happiness. Duncan was the King and Macbeth was not. This could cause a lot of jealousy. Macbeth had desires and wishes but they were unattainable with Duncan around. In the end of the story everyone loses respect for Macbeth and realizes that he was the one who killed Duncan. Macbeth was killed. This seems like a high price to pay just to be King. The str .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1239 | Number of pages: 5

Macbeth And Fear

.... V, S I, L 32-35] Here Lady Macbeth is trying to wash out what she sees as being blood on her hands. As well she mentions hell an obvious fear of going there for what she has done. At the start Lady Macbeth was the one pushing on Macbeth to kill Duncan. Lady Macbeth takes her life right before the battle against the english is about to begin. This taking of her own life demonstrates her fear and in the end what that fear can do to a person. Now we come to the witches prophecies, these are a main source .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 686 | Number of pages: 3


.... has metamorphosed and is now truly the unguers ungerzeifer. Sadly, Gregor's family treats him like the beast that he truly has become. Seeing the damages as irreparable, they strip him of his worldly possessions and leave him in a "naked den fit for a beast." The struggle that he puts forth when his furniture is taken is symbolic of his struggle to return to human form. This is done in vain, though, as he has taken two steps backwards in an attempt to take one forward. The resulting squabb .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 541 | Number of pages: 2


.... situation was similar. He eventually was forced to become a lawyer, whereas what Kafka wanted was a literary degree. Franz Kafka made his character, Gregor, transform into an insect in the story. Nobody wants to associate themselves with an insect, which is a lowly creature, a pest, or nuisance. This symbolizes Kafka’s depression and his poor self image. Since his family treats the insect like an outcast, that must be how Franz felt about the treatment that his own family gave him. It showed the .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 941 | Number of pages: 4

Moby Dick

.... the Acushnet. But Melville did not like his treatment on board this vessel, and would soon abandon them at an island of the Marquesas with another member of the crew. On this island they ran into a group of cannibals that, instead of harming them, would take them in. None the less, both the men would grow tired of the tribe and would escape, although Melville did remain slightly longer than is counterpart. When Melville did escape, however, he would board the Lucy Ann, a whaling ship that was tempor .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 3488 | Number of pages: 13

My Antonia

.... but he is soon caught up in daily life on his grandparents farm. He is blissfully happy when he first meets Antonia. They become great friends and share numerous adventures. Cather uses brief, beautifully descriptive and nostalgic recollections of situations and feelings to increase the pain and sadness of the separations that she places throughout the book. An excellent example of this is the way Cather builds up to Mr. Shimerda's suicide. Mrs. Cather describes Antonia's love and strong bond wi .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 902 | Number of pages: 4

Macbeth Literary Essay

.... when he was in battle. Macbeth was loyal to the King (Duncan), and did as he wished. In battle, he kills a traitor to the Scotland who was a high ranking individual. For killing the traitor so bravely, Macbeth is awarded the title the Thane of Cawdor. The irony of this situation is that the title first did indeed belonged to ‘a most disloyal traitor’(pg. 3, line 53). As Macbeth heads home with his new title and a lot more ambition. This is mainly because of the three witches who tell him he will be ki .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 657 | Number of pages: 3

Macbeth Essay

.... his guest. Finally he thinks of the character of Duncan, a king of almost divine excellence. Macbeth has a vision of the heavenly powers horrified by this murder; he sees Pity personified as a “naked new born babe” which is nevertheless “striding the blast” while “heaven’s cherubin” are mounted on the winds. The speech builds to a mighty climax then suddenly the power is lost, when Macbeth turns to his own wretched motive for committing such a crime. He can find nothing except Vaulting Ambition. His m .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 833 | Number of pages: 4

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