Macbeth - Supernatural Theme
.... a breakdown and crumbles in front of many distinguished guests, only heightening any prior suspicions they may have had. If Banquo didn’t appear during the scene, Macbeth would only remain content that his friend had been murdered knowing that the task of keeping Banquo’s children off the throne had grown much easier. Banquo’s appearance helps to portray Macbeth as a character because it shows that although he has lost most of his decency, he still is embattled and deeply affected by the appearance o .....
My Antonia
.... create quite a reputation for themselves. She somehow gets mixed up with the wrong crowd and slowly begins to lose the honor and respect she worked so hard to gain. 'Antonia leaves to marry a " no-good " and comes home alone, sorrowful and dejected. Her fiance had told her that they had been married but then ran off without her. 'Antonia later gives birth to a girl, the illegitimate child of this supposed marrige. She takes great pride in her daughter but with her birth, she loses whatever respect she h .....
Materialism - The Great Gatsby
.... and zealous obsession. Fitzgerald contrasts Jay Gatsby and Nick Carraway to display how the materialistic attitude of the 1920’s leads many to hopeless depression and how materialism never constitutes happiness. Fitzgerald uses Jay Gatsby, a character who spends his entire adult life raising his status, only to show the stupidity of the materialistic attitude. Rather than hard work, Gatsby turns to crime and bootlegging in order to earn wealth and status to get the attention of Daisy Buchanon, a woman he .....
Macbeth And Lady Macbeth
.... her hands as if she were washing them. Showing her deeply disturbed conscious, Lady Macbeth says, "all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand" (Shakespeare 39-40). With constant feelings of guilt and suffering of Lady Macbeth's horrid past, her life crumbles. These events eventually dominate her soul and ultimately lead her to suicide. In Macbeth's last hour, he is filled with confusion, fear, pride, and remorseless thoughts. Knowing that he is about to die, Macbeth refuses to yield in ba .....
Macbeth - The Masks Of Lady Ma
.... said Macbeth would be king. She even mentions how "the raven himself is hoarse/ That croaks" (1.5.34-35), which foretells the upcoming death of Duncan. Lady Macbeth's hunger to be queen is only the start of the immense mask she creates for herself to become the dominating and powerful woman she wants to be.
Trying to convince Macbeth to kill the king is a great challenge for Lady Macbeth that allows readers of the play to see the demanding side of her. Because her husband is "too full o' the milk .....
Macbeth- Tragic Hero
.... appear. Act III is the Act of Tragic Decision. Characters usually act under the influence of a tragic flaw, causing them to make a crucial decision. In Act IV, the Act of Falling Action, the character realizes the error in the decision. In a futile effort, they try to reverse it but ultimately fail. The damage is beyond repair. In Act V, the Act of Catastrophe, the character suffers the consequences of the decision, and is destroyed professionally, physically and socially.
In Macbeth, Shakespear .....
Mcmurphy Is A Tragic Hero
.... with them, "The combine had whipped him. It beats everybody. It'll beat you too. They can't have somebody as big as Papa running around unless he's one of them"(Pg. 171). Later, McMurphy become opened with the personal life, making his private reality a public property to the patients. He offers himself to them, telling them the way he became in order for them to become more like him. The only thing that keeps him going now is the will of the acutes; his own will has now withered away. He is no longer a .....
Crucible Character Analysis On
.... demonstrating his intense love for his wife. Proctor shows signs of being a tragic hero when he attempts to go into court to save his wife and prove the girls liars. However, he ends up being accused himself. Mary Warren is in court testifying when she suddenly breaks down “ hysterically, pointing at Proctor, fearful of him: My name, he want my name. ‘I’ll murder you,’ he says, ‘if my wife hands! We must go and over throw the court,’ he says”... “ [Proctor] wake me every night, his eyes were .....
Color Symbolism In The Scarlet
.... darkness as a state of self- containment. White most clearly symbolizes purity. Pearl, who has not committed any great sins nor does she hold herself back from anything, is always portrayed with the light shining on her. When Hestor removes her scarlet letter and faces her sin and pride, the sunlight shines on her for the first time. The sunshine is used to express a moment of enlightenment and change.
Hawthorne uses reds, darkness, and light, to express character's emotions and the state of their .....
Catcher In The Rye (Depression
.... Boy, was I getting nervous" (42). Holden expresses these feelings to the reader while he is talking to Stradlater about Jane. The jealousy and immaturity of Holden leads them into a fight. Holden is also immature in the relationships that he has with females. He explains the cab ride to the theater with Sally, " We horsed around a little bit in the cab on the way over to the theater. At first she didn't want to, because she had her lipstick on and all, but I was being seductive as hell and she didn’t h .....
Cyrano The Bergerac - Love
.... finds out of her feelings towards another character Christian, who she likes because of his looks, Cyrano finds a way to express his love to Roxane. He decides that he would write to her in the name of Christian who comparatively is a poor writer and "wishes to make Christian his interpreter"(II,85).
Both Christian and Cyrano love Roxane but Roxane loves only the person that has been writing to her. It was actually Cyrano, who was writing to her but she thinks it was Christian. Cyrano had said, " .....
.... become highly agitated over this situation, and the scenario is blown completely out of proportion. Soon after this happens, trials dates are set.
The church has a great deal of influence over the government in The Crucible. Sins and crimes are very closely connected; whereas, if one is committed, the other is likewise. Since the authority of the church, such as reverends are looked at as “high and mighty” these “sinless” people are also often the heads of, or have a lot of say in the town’s gove .....
Candide The Satire Of An Age.
.... that a thing greater then man (God) has everything laid out, and everything “is for the best” (30). It is here that Voltaire's attack on Christianity begins. He bombasts them for believing that all the world is a stage, and that God has written the script. This idea of predestination is the antithesis of the Enlightenment period, and thus it is only natural that Voltaire, a typical Enlightenment writer, harangue these notions by means of a person who believes in this until his death- Candide.
Fi .....
Compare And Contrast Of The Me
.... the novel, but he does not want to take care of her or have anything to do with her. The two characters are similar in the way that they do not believe in God and will both die lonely and abandoned.
Kafka creates a very lonely and abandoned world for Gregor Samsa in his short novel Metamorphosis. Gregor is an existentialist character who mutates into a giant bug without reason and no longer has any control over his life. He becomes completely uninvolved in the way that he does not talk or have any .....
Canterbury Tales (reeve Charac
.... excerpt from The Miller’s Tale shows Chaucer getting very specific by
connecting the Reeve with a name. This act of naming the Reeve gives
evidence to support the argument that the Reeve seems to be more of a
specific individual than a representative of a large class of people.
After Chaucer presents the physical characteristics of the Reeve, he
then describes the Reeve’s occupation. A reeve by definition is a minor
official or superintendent on an estate, generally an intermediary between .....