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.... is a catalyst of this play and that is illustrated through Hamlet’s soliloquy. Hamlet sees his decisive actions and comes to believe that the situation with Claudius must be terminated immediately. I believe that without the ever present Fortinbras Hamlet would have mulled over his decision and taken no action at all. Fortinbras influenced Hamlet in his decision that Claudius must be taken care of immediately no matter what the cost. .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 601 | Number of pages: 3

Huck Finn

.... the presence of Jim, on the raft, but Huck is very clever with his answer. Huck assures them that a runaway slave would never go south, and the frauds are satisfied with his answer. The frauds are always looking for a way to get a fast buck. There is no doubt they would have sold Jim right then and there if it hadn’t been for Huck’s fast thinking. One day, one of the frauds goes ashore and sells Jim as a runaway slave. Even though Huck and Jim were careful not to reveal the secret, Jim is sold anyway. .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 744 | Number of pages: 3

Hills Like White Elephants

.... their feelings as she sees it. If the story were told from one of the main characters view, such as the man or girl, the reader would be put in an even more informative position and it would be easier to know their dilemma. The two characters are talking about doing something, but it is not quite clear what it is that they want to do. Therefore they sort of leave the reader to guess what the problem is. If the story were told from their pint of view they could tell the reader what is going on from their .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 953 | Number of pages: 4

Humor In Shakespeares The Temp

.... and joking constantly while the old goat yammers on about whatever. Even when it comes to deposing his own brother, he can reply nonchalantly that his “ garments rest well upon his shoulders” (Act II sc I ) . By giving Antonio humor, Shakespeare erases the image of the clear cut, serial villain and gives Antonio an added layer of complexity. The way he snickers and whines, you could see him back in Milan, mocking other nobles behind their backs. He’s probably very disappointed or anxious with hi .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 979 | Number of pages: 4

Huck As Hero

.... the strength of a mind by observing its ability to retain pureness. Huck is exposed to many evil ideas and ways of living. Although it seems to the reader that he has fallen into these ideas, Huck proves everyone wrong. When Huck lives with the widow, he is not allowed to swear, the widow is trying to straighten Huck out and this is one thing that must go. As one would think, being in a household where profanity was abolished would create clean language for Huck. As we see in chapter six, “I had stop .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1266 | Number of pages: 5

Hester Prynne

.... conceal the cottage from view, as seem to denote that here was some object which would fain here been, or at least ought to be, concealed.” (pg. 76) The Puritans despise secrecy, as is seen when Hester’s sin is displayed in public fashion and also in the scarlet letter itself. Both of these showcasings of Hester’s sin, leave her with nothing to hide before the Puritans. The forest is the right place for her in the Puritan sense, in that all of society knows she is there, yet none want to acknowledge .....

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Fahrenheit 451

.... is extremely careful due to the fact that Montag might not be able to be trusted until Faber notices the book Montag has brought with him, the Bible. Montag goes to Faber in hope that Faber can copy the book for him, Faber cannot, and they decide to attempt to give Beatty the another book. That night Montag returns to work and succeeds in switching the books, but they fire-station receives a call of a house with books. When the fire fighters arrive Montag realizes that this is his house and the switch .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 537 | Number of pages: 2

Flowers For Algernon

.... seem. He also starts to think about romance. Miss Kinnian, or Alice as he later in the book calls her, is Charlie’s night school teacher and then a romantic interest and then a teacher again. She liked the old Charlie, but when he starts becoming smart she finds it harder and harder to keep up with him. Being with him makes her feel strange, inadequate at times. She’s almost afraid of him. She thinks she knows Charlie, but discovers she doesn’t. The people at the bakery employed the .....

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.... can be traced back to the flaws of Frankenstein as a creator. Many of Frankenstein's faults are evident in the appearance of his creation. It was described as having 'straight black lips, dull yellow eyes and yellow skin' (pg47). Frankenstein, haven chosen the parts for the creature, is the only one possible to blame for its appearance. His irresponsibility to his creature's outward appearance immediately dooms it to being a social outcast. Frankenstein's irresponsibility is also evident in his inadeq .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1287 | Number of pages: 5

Jane Eyre

.... shrub” (2). Jane confronted John Reed and was sent to the red room that she dreaded. Later in the novel, when Mr. Rochester proposed to Jane, the departing of the two was strongly foreshadowed when “(the tree) had been struck by lighting… half of it split away” (244). Following this description, the truth of Mrs. Rochester was later revealed and Jane forced herself to leave Mr. Rochester, which once again assures the accuracy of the predicting weather. Charlotte Bronte was clever with her use of the .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 550 | Number of pages: 2

Flowers For Algeron

.... go to New York to get away from everyone. That is where Daniel Keyes states that he wouldn’t want the operation to be done. This is the statement Charlie made: "…Im going someplace where nobody knows that Charlie Gordon was once a genus…" I think that where Daniel Keyes point was made because if he (Charlie) had never had the operation, he wouldn’t be trying to get away from society, he would have never known what being a "genius" even meant. Daniel Keyes stated in the story, " It was evil when Eve listen .....

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John Updike AandP

.... spent the day at the beach, and had not lived in his town nor spent much time in it at all. "The one that caught my eye first was the one in the plaid green two piece. She was a chunky kid, with a good tan and a sweet broad soft-looking can with those two crescents of white just under it"(79). John Updike has Sammy describe these girls in such great detail in order to point out there untouched nature. These girls did not wear any make up, and they barely had any clothes on at all. They had nothin .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1215 | Number of pages: 5

Joy Luck Club

.... him believe that she was from a poor family. Ying-Ying also let him think that he married her to save her from some catastrophe, since she seemed to be in a desperate state of mind when she married him. She could not tell her husband, and later, her daughter Lena, that the catastrophe they imagined was only the news of the death of her bad and unloving former husband, and the emptiness she felt after hearing that news. She let St. Clair make all decisions for her, since she wanted to give up her "chi" -- h .....

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John Steinbeck

.... his feeble-minded friend and protects him above all, even his own interests. It is like a sacred bond, and this makes them different from people who are just on their own. Seeking friendship is also to be seen in Candy, Curley's wife and Crooks. Characteristics: The story is set in California, and that is what Steinbeck is good at, he loves it and knows it very well. The construction is somewhat weird, Steinbeck tried to make it a novel that could be acted or a play that could be read as a novel as we .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1187 | Number of pages: 5

John Savage Desires What Makes

.... or conscience thundered poetically), “the strongest suggestion our worser genius can, shall never melt mine honour into lust. Never, never!” (pg. 174-175) This occurs when Lenina wanted to have sex with John. Instead of accepting her invitation, he lashes out at her screaming, “Whore! Impudent strumpet!” (pg. 176). Meaning that he fails to understand how the Fordian society works. Not only that, but the fact that there are many in our society who can only wish to be in his place. Another f .....

[ Download This Essay Now ] Number of words: 1371 | Number of pages: 5

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