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Search results 51 - 60 of 359 matching essays
- 51: Yolen's Briar Rose: Review
- ... published the book in 1992. It has 200 pages, and it is a fictional story. Jane Yolen is the award-winning author of more than 150 books for children. Among her many books is another Holocaust story, The Devil's Arithmetic that won the Jewish Book Award. Born and raised in New York City, Jane Yolen now lives in Hatfield, Massachusetts. She attended Smith College and received her master's degree ... story is real or fantastical. I tell the story that needs to be told." When asked if she had any relatives who were in concentration camps during WWII and how she became interested in the holocaust, she replied, “My family--both sides--came over at the beginning of this century and we had no family left in either the Ukraine or Latvia during World War II. I am interested in the Holocaust as a Jew and as a citizen of the world.” Briar Rose is the story in which a woman tries to find out the secret of her grandmother's past, and why her grandmother ...
- 52: Maus
- Maus Maus, by Art Spiegelman is written in comic book form that portrays animals to symbolize humans. The author writes about two stories. The first story is of two survivors of the Holocaust. Vladek Spiegelman, a Jew who, along with his wife Anja, survive Auschwitz and came to live in Queens, New York. There, Vladek and Anja raise their post-Holocaust son, Art, (their first son died during the early stages of the Final Solution). The second story is about the son, Art, and his relationship with his father. Art grows up under the shadows of ... He grabs paper towels from restrooms so he won’t have to buy napkins or tissues” (132)! This shows how Vladek makes use of everything. I think he does this because if something like the Holocaust ever were to happen again Vladek wants to have money in case he’d need it for things like bribery. Vladek quotes, “even paper was hard to have there” (63). So this could have ...
- 53: Adolf Hitler The Final Solutio
- ... in little towns called Ghettos. This secluded and kept the Jews from the other Germans. After all of the measures taken by Hitler to seclude Jews, Hitler started what was to be known as the Holocaust. Starting in 1935 , Jews were beginning to get persecuted in a event which was to be later known as the Holocaust. Death camps and concentration camps that had been built by Hitler earlier in the 1930 s were put into use. As Hitler himself put it, Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord. During the Holocaust German SS Troops would invade homes and kill the Jews inside or they would arrest them. They would send away the arrested by train to different concentration and/or death camps, resulting in the ...
- 54: Lord of the Flies: The Theme of Religious Persecution
- ... of The Flies reveals something else - the novel has many references to religious persecution throughout history. Golding uses many religious elements along with metaphors representing the death of Jesus, the torture of Jews in the Holocaust, and the ascent and reign of Hitler in Nazi Germany to present an underlying theme of religious persecution that proves his grim outlook on the nature of man. Golding's use of religious elements allows ... are too numerous to be coincidental, Golding's Simon is the Bible's Jesus. In much the same way Simon's death represents the death of Jesus, Piggy's death is a metaphor for the Holocaust. Golding was a Jewish man living in Britain during World War II. He was deeply troubled by the images he saw of the Holocaust and he portrayed that masterfully in this novel. Piggy was different from all the other boys as the Jews were different from the Germans. Piggy was referred to only by his derisive nickname, much ...
- 55: Elie Wiesel
- ... citizenship, and then Elie eventually decided to remain in America. As many knew that Jewish people were high believers and mainly focused on religion. However, Elie Wiesel thought of God before, during, and after the Holocaust as both the protector and punisher of the Jews. Whatever had happened before he had faith that it was for their good, or one of God s greater plans. Either way Elie accepted God s ... would not let it go this far. God would have saved them by now. He was getting confused and many stories and words were running around in his mind. Elie Wiesel went on during the Holocaust keeping hope and faith no matter how hard it was and kept in mind that God one day will do him good. In a world of absurdity, we must invent reason, we must create beauty ... made some very strong words with deep thoughts to get people to think about racism and how cruel each individual could be. Near 1978, President Jimmy Carter appointed Elie Wiesel Chairman of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council. Then, in 1985, he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Freedom and, in 1986, the Noble Prize for Peace. The English translation of his memories appeared in 1995 as All Rivers Run ...
- 56: Alas, Babylon
- English Essay #3 “We’re all going to have to learn how to walk again.” After a nuclear holocaust devastates the country of the United States, the people of the River Road Community have to work through adversity and strive for the survival of every family. Households have to do without the things they ... changes in the lifestyle of the community, the ways in which the diminishment of supplies are dealt with, and how the loss of community members forces others to take on new roles. After the nuclear holocaust, the lifestyle of the River Road community changed drastically. Before The Day, many residents of the community were wastrels. These rejects of society lived each day to eat, drink, and sleep. They lacked the drive ... the River Road community relied on the barter system. Trades were made for the items that were needed. If one person needed a spoon, they could trade some honey for it. Because of the nuclear holocaust, the lifestyle of the River Road community changed. Another way in which the community had to “…learn how to walk again”, arose from the lack of supplies. Before The Day, many residents live on ...
- 57: The Use Of Propaganda In The N
- When one thinks of the term "propaganda", what comes to mind? Would it bring a positive response? Would it bring a negative response? When one thinks of "propaganda" in association with the Holocaust, what comes to mind? A positive response or a negative response? Most likely a negative response. Why is "propaganda" any different from what any political party or regime does, namely to disseminate its views? Is ... or which we think to be untrue? And finally, was the role of "propaganda" in the Nazis’ assumption of power overstated? (Daniel Goldhagen, 1996) As many people who are learned in the field of the Holocaust will agree, propaganda played an extremely vital part in the Nazis’ rise to power, as well as their brain-washing of the German population into detesting all, of what they considered, "heretics" to the degree ... entice women to compromise on giving up what they considered to be a trim figure. Hitler needed to replace the traditional fit look for women with a more substantial motherly looking image (Seymour Rossel, The Holocaust: The World and the Jews, 1933-1945 84). Workers in the arts industry were urged to use such women in their work. Hitler even granted an award to any German woman who gave birth ...
- 58: Individual, Group And Society
- ... individuals in a group. In what occasion, these things can be seen in real life. A group can be also formed by people who share common characteristics or conditions. How Samuel P. Oliner, one of Holocaust survivor, think the difference of groups in such extreme condition. To accomplish a task sometimes needs help, but wants to accomplish without any assistance. Eventually failed to accomplish the task. In what situation can this ... than two people, isn't it? I have little knowledge about Jewish and Nazi in Second World War. I should have seen "Schindler's List" by Steven Spielberg. Anyway a sociologist Samuel P. Oliner, a Holocaust survivor, investigated nonprimordial rescue behavior during the Holocaust. He might have performed the research objectively as a sociologist and subjectively as a Holocaust survivor. If this subject were investigated only in terms of "sociology", the result would be that no particular reasons ...
- 59: Dawn, By Elie Wiesel
- ... the French, Jewish, periodical, L Arche, Tel-Aviv newspaper Yediot Ahronot, and the Jewish daily forward in New York City. Francois mauriac the Roman Catholic Nobelest and Nobel Laureate convinced Wiesel to speak about the Holocaust. Wiesel wrote an 800 page memoir which he later edited into a smaller version called "Night". In the mid 60 s Wiesel spoke out a lot about the Holocaust. Later on Wiesel emerged on as an important moral voice on Religious Issues and the Human Rights. Since 1988 Wiesel has been a professor at Boston University. Some of Wiesel s greatest novels has been ... Throughout the book her voyage is to kill the man that killed a fellow Jewish prisoner for no apparent reason. This book forwards attention to the life of a young Israeli who struggles through the Holocaust and wants to maintain peace throughout Israel . She is a "diamond in the rough" one could say. Her strong hope was not the same among her fellow Israeli s. The future looked dim and ...
- 60: Night
- ... quality interest it provided me. I hope you find this book review to be informative and entertaining. Elie Wiesel was born in 1928 in Romania. He grew up experiencing the first-hand horrors of the holocaust. At age 15, Elie was sent to Auschwitz camp by the Nazis. Auschwitz is known to be one of the worst camps during the Holocaust. This book is a biography, about his life in camp. This book is extremely detailed and it is meant for teenagers. I think that it is important for people to have the information as to what went on in the holocaust. It is a perfect resource for people my age, since it is a short book, and doesn’t go into too much detail. There is also a lot of action, which would catch most ...
Search results 51 - 60 of 359 matching essays