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Search results 1671 - 1680 of 30573 matching essays
- 1671: Talking About Love
- Talking about love. What is love? It may seem like a stupid question, but on second examination, it doesn t seem quite so stupid. After all, love is a feeling. How can we really describe what a feeling is or means? The meaning of any feeling can differ greatly between individuals, and the meaning of love is no different. In What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, Raymond Carver weaves a tale of two couples examining what love is. While Carver doesn t reveal any great truths about what love is, he does make a statement about the nature of true love. Carver makes the point that modern, on-again, off-again relationships have little to do with love. True love is about needing someone so badly that it s unbearable to think of life without that person. There is a fine line between true love and obsession; the former being one of the most wonderful feelings that humans can experience, and the latter ...
- 1672: Mark Twain 4
- ... is actually a very intelligent style of writing, for it is difficult for an author to write in a different level of dialect than they actually speak. The reader can tell that this dialect isn t Twain s own, since he doesn t write with it in every part of the book. Huckleberry Finn is supposed to be written from Huck s point of view. The story is written as he would speak it, so mistakes inevitably ...
- 1673: A Streetcar Named Desire: Is Illusion Necessary To Life
- A Streetcar Named Desire: Is Illusion Necessary To Life I believe that illusion is not necessary to everyone's life but rather it helps them to avoid the harsh realities that they may have to deal with in their lives. I also believe that a major theme of this play was how our lives ... she was young, "sixteen, I made the discovery - love. All at once and much, much too completely" (1368). She met Allan Grey, the perfect man - he had "a nervousness, a softness and tenderness which wasn't like a man's, although he wasn't the least bit effeminate" (1368). However, as we are eventually are shown, this illusion wouldn't last forever. The young couple got married and, to Blanche, were falling more and ...
- 1674: The Wars
- ... his mother, his sister and his father. Furthermore, an attempt will be made to reveal the strengths and weaknesses in these relationships and the meanings Timothy Findley is trying to proclaim. To best understand Robert's relationship with his mother Mrs. Ross, one must look at their relationship from the perspective of Mrs. Ross. It is her interpretations and ensuing reactions to the tragic events of the novel that reveal the most to the reader about Robert's relationship with her. Mrs. Ross is portrayed as an adamant woman in the beginning of The Wars, yet as the story progresses, her firmness is broken by various tragedies. Mrs. Ross found it hard to ... sudden death of her brother and her father, now she had lost a daughter and was going to lose a son. It is also evident she kept a lot of things to herself. At Rowena's funeral she stood apart from the rest of the family pretending she did not need any help. Mrs. Ross hid behind a large, black hat that day. Before Rowena's death and Robert leaving ...
- 1675: Madness In Yellow Wallpaper
- Sliding Towards Madness in Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper,” relays to the reader something more than a simple story of a woman at the mercy of the limited medical knowledge in the late 1800’s. Gilman creates a character that expresses real emotions and a psyche that can be examined in the context of modern understanding. “The Yellow Wallpaper,” written in first person and first published in 1892 in ...
- 1676: Rasputin
- ... of his background. His father, Efimy, was a farmer of moderate success, married to a wife, Anna, who had already provided him with an older son, Dimitri. Although later enemies were to allege that Rasputin's surname was in fact an insult meaning "debauched" in Russian, it had been the family name for years, derived from the word for a fork in the road. Pokrovskoye perched on the banks of the Tura River in Tobolsk Province; Pokrovskoye was a typical Russian peasant village where few if any were educated and town’s people were religious, narrow minded and fearful. When Rasputin was eight years old, he suffered his first tragedy. He was playing with his older brother along the banks of the Tura when Dimitri fell and ... known from his childhood but also a number of heretical sects. Principals among these were the Khlysty and the Skopsty. The first group held that only through sin could one truly repent and receive God's grace, while the second believed that if a penitent studied long enough, it was possible to attain a semi-divine nature and escape earthly judgment. When Rasputin returned to Pokrovskoye, he was a changed ...
- 1677: Terry Fox
- Terry Fox "Somewhere the hurting must stop" (Terry Fox). It's as fascinating as it is rewarding to recognize the many accomplishments and effects on humanity brought forth by the courageous Terry Fox. Appreciating and acknowledging a brief history of his life, his marathon of hope and it's successes over the years including special awards and the outstanding results and also the public's view towards Terry will help prove what a brave and beautiful person he was. Terry Fox was born on July 28, 1958 and grew to be very brave, persuing qualities that were strong and ...
- 1678: The Movie Bugsy
- BUGSY Benjamin Segal was an infamous mobster during the World War II era, a time when America was experiencing national unity. The world war was in the back of everyone’s mind. In the middle of all this madness the daily trials of being American were harder than the easier times of today. Benjamin Seigal was a big part of the mob. He was the mastermind ... throughout his life both the one that set him back was his love for the ladies, which led to his demise. Main Characters include Bugsy-Warren Beatty –the main character Virginia Hall-Annette Benning –Bugsy’s love interest Mickey Cohen-Harvey Keitel –Bugsy’s right hand Harry Greenberg-Elliot Gould –Bugsy’s friend from NY Meyer Lansky-Ben Kingsley –Bugsy’s boss Warren Beatty was the main character in this film. Virginia Hill was Bugsy’s love interest. ...
- 1679: Cover Girl Cosmetics
- By: Heather Hale E-mail: hhale4253@aol.com Cover Girl Cosmetics Why Cover Girl is one of the most successful cosmetic organizations since the 1960’s? By: Heather Hale Cover Girl cosmetics have been the top-seller since 1961 and are still going strong. It is hard, with all the advanced lines of make-up for one product to go as far as Cover girl has, so how does Cover Girl cosmetics do it? A lot of Cover Girl’s strong, on going successes are due to changing the look of the product, exceptional promotions which the public can’t look over, giving a cosmetic appeal to both older and younger aged women and most importantly by using near perfect women and teens to model their products. Although it’s wonderful that Cover Girl ...
- 1680: Why Teams Dont Work
- ... this study to prove the legendary story about the Camelot An historic example of team, effort gone awry. In the legendary story, a few events transformed Camelot from a utopia kingdom into wasteland. This isn t just idle meandering. There are corporate Camelot s, too, (such as my company MobileComm); those companies that started with such promise and fell victim to problems in their teamwork concepts. It is clear to see that team-based systems simply don t work; better controls equals better management. An emphasis on separating workers into specifically defined jobs, having centralized management control, and maintaining a structured chain of command contributes to a much better and more effective ...
Search results 1671 - 1680 of 30573 matching essays