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Search results 901 - 910 of 1468 matching essays
- 901: The Wolverine
- ... truly say that the wolverine is one mean guy and he can kick some major butt. So if you see one remember to stay away or be brave(stupid) and confront it. Bibliography 1)The internet at The University of Michigan-Museum of Zoology 2)The World Book Encyclopedia 1969 edition 3)Last but not least the TELEVISION.
- 902: Cryogenics: Is It Worth Waiting For
- ... willing to take the risk of being suspended or maybe even lost in time for a chance to live life again. Works Cited Allen, Richard J. Cryogenics. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippencott Company,1964. AOL user. Internet interview. 6 January 1997. Coxeter, Ruth. The Deep Freeze for Irregular Heartbeats. Business Week 19 September 1994: 90. "Cryobiology." Comptons New Media Forum. 1995 ed. "Cryobiology." The Gale Encyclopedia of Science. 1996 ed. "Cryobiology ...
- 903: Acupuncture 2
- ... the Latin word acus, meaning needle, and pungere, meaning puncture. The Chinese call acupuncture Chen Chiu. On doing my research over acupuncture I used many different sources. I got most of my information from the Internet. I discovered a large acupuncture clinic in Houston and contacted them over the phone. I never really realized that acupuncture was used so much in this country, but there are many places acupuncture is used ...
- 904: Robotics
- ... The McGraw-Hill Illustrated Encyclopedia of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York, 1994. Warring, R. H. Robots and Robotology. Tab Books Inc. Blue Ridge Summit, Pa. 1984. And various sites on the internet.
- 905: Trito-Isaiah
- ... Readers Digest Association, Inc: New York 1994 The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible, Abington Press: Nashville 1962 Life and Literature of the Early Period www.freethinkers.org/library/modern/gerald_larve/ot11/chap24.html. Internet Explorer. 11 March 1999
- 906: The Holy Bible and Its History
- ... Bible, and should be considered by the Christian as no more than a fiction novel. Sources Eerdmans' Handbook to the History of Christianity. The Complete Guide to Bible Versions. Many reports gathered from around the Internet. Personal research. The King James Bible (KJV) The New International Version (NIV) The Holy Ghost and others... This text is "NOT" copyrighted! Greg Moore gmoore@brawleyonline.com
- 907: What Is Hinduism
- ... of this paper was to examine Hinduism and observe any changes to the religion in South Florida. I have to thank Bhumika Shah for the differences I found. I connected with Ms. Shah through the Internet. She was born in India, but was raised in America. She was very knowledge in the area and extremely beneficial to my research. First, I discovered that puja can not be performed at anytime of ...
- 908: Knowledge
- ... everyone says. We tend to try to model ourselves after the people on the big screen. The enormous impact that the media and entertainment industry has on the public grows daily with increasing technology. The internet is one of the newer sources of both education and entertainment. It is also fairly harmful. Many things that are banned from television and movies are easily accessible on the World Wide Web, to everyone ...
- 909: Jesus
- ... these people do have followers, just as Jesus did, but for the most part, people just look at them from and laugh, just as people did to Jesus. 1.A People's Life of Jesus. Internet site; jesus.com 2.Jesus The
. Divine Teacher. Page 126-127
- 910: Computers
- ... crime has become one of the many risks that society must face if it would enjoy the benefits of modern technology. Imagine a world without computers. That would mean no proper means of communicating, no Internet, no video games. Life would be extremely difficult. Adults would have to store all their office work paper and therefore take up an entire room. Teenagers would have to submit course-works and projects hand ...
Search results 901 - 910 of 1468 matching essays