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Search results 801 - 810 of 1468 matching essays
- 801: Teen Suicide
- ... Suicide: A study of diversity among men and women. New York. Simon & Schuster. 2. Jay, K., and Young, A. (1977). You Are Not Alone: A study conducted amongst 30,000 teens; New York: Summit. 3. Internet Address: http://www.suicide252.45.com/teen/ 4. Internet Address: http://www.geocities.com/tn.scd/facts
- 802: Euthanasia
- ... die. Most of the victims of diseases that would result in them wanting to die are in an unstable condition and are not fit to make these major decisions. A paper I read off the internet said "Contrary to the assumptions of many in the public, a scientific study of the people with terminal illness published in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that fewer than one in four expressed a ... family member make the decision for them. The whole family should sit down with a trained psychiatrist and sort through their mental trauma. They need help to realize that death is not the answer. The internet paper goes on to say "The humane response is to mobilize psychiatric and social service resources to address the problems that led to would-be suicide" (whats). Euthanasia has become illegal in some states. The ...
- 803: How Alcohol May Affect Human Behaviour
- ... a lot of facts which are valid in that it is a recent and respectable source. Myths and Facts About Alcohol, http://channelone.com:80/ns/news/96/09/960910/myth.html (March 1996) This internet site discusses common questions that people have about alcohol. For example ‘When I have alcohol I feel more relaxed and social able', etc. This source is just facts on common myths of alcohol and what ... to-earth manner. This site is not intended to be technical but a discussion point with those concerned about the use of alcohol. It does not pretend to be otherwise. As a general comment about internet sites the truthfulness of their content would need to be evaluated with caution as their authorship is unknown. Bibliography Drug and Alcohol Services Council, ‘Alcohol', 1990. Information Sheet Number 8, October 1990 Commonwealth Department of ...
- 804: Nature / Nurture or Both !
- ... Cited Dangles, Tori.” Chromosomes contain clues on sxhizophrenia”, Bsoton Globe, Feb17-97 Dobzhansky,Theodosius. Genetic Diverisy & Human Equality.1973 Glick, Marion E.” Behavior and the Brain:A New View of the Narure-Nurture Debate.” Online. Internet.http//:www.rockefeller.edu/pubinfo/neurolecutre.nr.html. Feb.6 -1996 Neubauer, Peter. Nature's Thumprint,1990 Pelle, Online. Internet.http://www.frw.uva.nl/acd/isg/drugs/peele/lib/genetics.html. Feb.17-97 5:00PM R.C. Lewontin. Not In Our Genes. 1984 Richard, Darwin. Selfish Gene, 2nd.edition.1989 Torta, Gerald. Microbiology ...
- 805: An Attempt At Understanding Dreams
- ... I'm getting the feeling that the more I learn about the issue, the more I realize how incredibly huge and complex it is. For my last source of information I decided to use the Internet. As I expected, I typed the phrase “sleep and dreams”, and in a matter of seconds I was bombarded with hundreds of articles and links. I found several dream analysis links where you share your dreams on the Internet, and sometimes you get them analyzed. I also found some frequently asked questions about dreams and nightmares, many of which are like the ones answered in my interview with Dr. Hassan. I printed some articles ...
- 806: Schizophrenia: Explained and Treatments
- ... Company, 1982. Hoffer, Abram and Osmond, Humphrey. How to Live with Schizophrenia. Secaucus: Carol Publishing Group, 1992. Honig, Albert. The Awakening Nightmare. Rockaway: American Faculty Press, 1972. Long, Phillip W. Schizophrenia: Youth's Greatest Disabler. Internet: Internet Mental Health, 1996. Sinclair, Lawrence. High Performance Consultants. Psyrix Corporation, 1995. Torrey, E. Fuller. Surviving Schizophrenia: A Family Manual. National Alliance for the Mentally Ill Pamphlet. Arlington, VA: Wilson, 1993. Walsh, Maryellen. Schizophrenia: Straight Talk ...
- 807: Anorexia Nervosa
- ... illness. Hormone changes result from the low weight and low levels of body fat. In young women menstruation stops. Anorexia nervosa can be very severe illness, including a risk of death from starvation (Encarta Encyclopedia, Internet). Anorexia nervosa is a disorder in which preoccupation with dieting and thinness leads to excessive weight loss. The individual may not acknowledge that weight loss or restricted eating is a problem (www.anorexia.com, Internet). The American Anorexia Nervosa Association defines anorexia as a "serious illness of deliberate self-starvation with profound psychiatric and physical components." Now that we know what anorexia means, lets narrate how this disease came to ...
- 808: How Alcohol May Affect Human Behaviour
- ... a lot of facts which are valid in that it is a recent and respectable source. Myths and Facts About Alcohol, http://channelone.com:80/ns/news/96/09/960910/myth.html (March 1996) This internet site discusses common questions that people have about alcohol. For example ‘When I have alcohol I feel more relaxed and social able', etc. This source is just facts on common myths of alcohol and what ... to-earth manner. This site is not intended to be technical but a discussion point with those concerned about the use of alcohol. It does not pretend to be otherwise. As a general comment about internet sites the truthfulness of their content would need to be evaluated with caution as their authorship is unknown. Bibliography Drug and Alcohol Services Council, ‘Alcohol', 1990. Information Sheet Number 8, October 1990 Commonwealth Department of ...
- 809: Should Marijuana be Legalized for Medical Purposes?
- ... is a personal, rather than legal, decision. Works Cited "Claim V: There Are No Compelling Medical Reasons to Prescribe Marijuana or Heroin to Sick People." DEA- Publication: Speaking out Against Drug Legalization: Claim V. Online. Internet. 6 August 1996. Danks, Holly. "Churches Fight Marijuana Legalization." The Oregonian. 21 June 1986: C1. Djurdjulov, Adam. "Smoking is as accepted as the word 'damn.'" The Arizona Daily Wildcat. 14 October 1996: 4. Friday. Dir ... Time 8 October 1996: 36-37. Nahas, Gabriel, MD, and Pace, Nicholas, MD "Marijuana Smoking as Medicine: A Cruel Hoax." Usenet Newsgroups. Online. 16 August 1996. "Marijuana and Christians: Cure or Curse?" Aggressive Christianity. Online. Internet. 6 October 1996.
- 810: The New Initiatives of George W. Bush
- ... Tax Plan for America, 1) Supplementary means to return money to the people is doubling the child credit to $1,000, which Bush and Republicans support. Lastly, Bush supports an prolongation of the moratorium on Internet sales taxation at least through 2004. Many politicians say government cannot afford a tax cut. Bush reminds them that government does not pay for anything: People do. Therefore, Bush has confirmed: “The question is not ... has a more vaguely formed tax plan; he wants a flatter tax system that closes loopholes and exemptions. (Bush and McCain on the Issues, 2-3) Similarly, both candidates have called for a moratorium on Internet taxation. When discussing cutting the current tax rates, cutting the marriage tax penalty, or cutting inheritance taxes, Bush and McCain agree on supporting them all. Your choice as a Republican rests on whether you have ...
Search results 801 - 810 of 1468 matching essays