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Search results 771 - 780 of 1468 matching essays
- 771: The Environmental Movement
- The Environmental Movement There are indeed many environmental advocacy organizations that use the Internet as a means of communicating their message and spreading their word. In this relatively recent "digital age", the use of a web site is proving to be an invaluable tool, and possibly more effective than ... no doubt that they serve their niche very well. Their use of petitioning (they have a separate petition for each issue they are involved with) seems to draw strong local support, and now with the Internet, more people can fill out the petition. They also include a place on the site where you can make your tax-deductible donation to the group. They certainly are civil and get their goals accomplished ...
- 772: Decriminalizing Prostitution And Legalizing Brothels In The United States
- ... Kenneth R. “The End of an Era, Maybe.” U.S. News & World Report 26 Nov. 1990: 20. Sion, Mike. “With Legal Casinos Abounding, Is Legal Prostitution Next?” Gannet News Service 16 Jan. 1995. Electric Library. Internet. 4 June 1996. Sillars, Les. “Taking it Off the Streets.” Alberta Report/Western Report 1 Nov. 1993. Electric Library. Internet. 4 June 1996.
- 773: Urban Legends
- ... usually told at sleepaway camps,schools, family reunions,cocktail parties,and even corporate coolers.They are also spread by word of mouth,news reports,read in the paper,on the phone, fax, email and online internet. There are the most effective ways in getting the story out (Elliot 11). The Urban Legends we tell have much to tell about us,like what prompts our fears, sparks our desires, vindicates our fustrations ... tale is the girl and rarely ever the guy. Eating takeout or fastfood is a bad idea is the fear depicted in that tale (Cavendish 263-264). Finally,a scare that began circulating on the internet in August 1998 is the "Mall Grab". This tale is about a man who is well-dressed and asks a women to do a Public Service Announcement to discourage drug use because he wants real ...
- 774: Animal Testing
- ... those that are cruelty free. Most cruelty free products say so either on the packaging or in informational literature. A person can find lists of what products are and are not cruelty free on the Internet by doing a quick web search. A person will be surprised to find that there are actually many readily available brand names that are not tested on animals. Also on the Internet, and on magazine shelves everywhere, detailed information is available. There are also alternatives for the cosmetic companies. There is the possibility of human volunteers for testing. Jobs could be created this way if companies were ...
- 775: Does Violence In Movies Contribute To Violent Teens
- ... at the background and the evidence that needs to be found. True, Grossman may be an expert on the subject, but I don’t see how people can sue several entertainment companies, violent computer games, Internet pornography, and a violent movie that is said to have contributed to a 14-year-old’s 1997 school shooting in Paducah, Ky. I’m not sure how anyone can sue a entertainment company for something that has a warning on it, and I am not sure what the Internet pornography company because there was no attempt of sexual acts toward other students. I think that they are just suing the companies because these days people are money hungry and will do anything to get ...
- 776: Treating People Fairly Is A Right That Has Been Changed By Affirmative Action
- ... be retained, except that at no time will there be a greater percentage of minority personnel laid off than the current percentage of minority personnel employed at the time of the lay off”. (Supreme Court Internet Library #84-1340) After being laid off, petitioner Wygant alleged violations of the Equal Protection Clause and certain State and Federal statues. The District Court upheld the constitutionality of the layoff provision, stating that racial ... low bid on the same subcontract but was not certified, filed suit against Federal officials, claiming that the compensation clause violated the equal protection component of the 5th Amendment’s due process clause. (Supreme Court Internet Library #93-1841) The Court upheld the constitutionality of the Federal Race-based action under a lenient standard and sent the case back. Many of these court cases should not even happen. If a company ...
- 777: Public School Issues
- ... the backbone of the educational process. I strongly believe multicultural education and its evolutionary reform is a necessity in our educational systems--especially because of our global expansion. As I researched numerous sites on the Internet, I found many sources to support my ideas. One such source was Education Reforms and Students at Risk: A Review of the Current Sate of the Art. The report cited Pittsburgh’s Prospect Middle School ... and the assortment of resources in the library and media center. And lastly, become involved in your school’s PTA. You can effect changes by having your voice heard. Through the textbook reading and the Internet exploration, I became even more convinced that multicultural education reinforces the fundamental ideas of co-existence and harmony. It must exist to foster the ideas of self-worth through the positive acceptance of one’s ...
- 778: Fantasy's Integral Role In The Creation Of A Killer
- ... A Serial Killer New York: Signet 1992 2. Haines, Max Multiple Murderers Toronto: The Toronto sun publishing corp. 1994 3. Marilyn Kim Killing Spree Honolulu: Signet 1989 4. "Genesis Of A Serial Killer" On-line. Internet. December 4 1996 5. "Serial Killer Hit List" On-line. Internet. December 11 1996
- 779: Method of Communication and Different Uses of Communication
- ... approximately 50000 voice/data/video lines. Global communication was now relatively cheap. From 1985 onwards the major growth area in technology has been with Personal Computers. Bringing with it new uses for old technology. The Internet has received so much media hype that the number of subscribers is increasing exponentially. Electronic mail is not a new concept, however it is only recently that people have started to use it on a ... we move into the next millennium communication systems are still under rapid improvement. Fibre optic phone lines are being installed throughout the country, and will allow faster digital communication expanding the possibilities of computer communication. Internet ‘Phones' are under development allowing full duplex conversations between people over different countries and continents. With advances in satellite transmission it is now possible to purchase satellite phones from which you can also check your ...
- 780: Pornography
- ... forums for the proliferation of unhealthy sexual desires is pornography. Pornography is displaying the human body in a perverse, sexual way. It can be found in film, magazine, television, on CD-ROM, and even the internet, and can range from "soft-core", depicting natural poses and action, to "hard-core", or depicting sex combined with violence, that any reasonable, decent, well-adjusted human being would recognize as horrible and disgusting. Much ... on the television late at night. This provides the oppurtunity for anyone with access to these channels to see pornography. Many children have access to this. Also anyone with a computer and access to the internet has the oppurtunity to pick up some pornography. Some restrictions should be made on these things but people say that it violates their First Amendment right. Pornography is something that shouldn't be around. Women ...
Search results 771 - 780 of 1468 matching essays