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Search results 681 - 690 of 1468 matching essays
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681: Computer Virus
... a virus?" As a discouraging feeling of helplessness came over me, I thought of all the people who had loaded something from disk on this box or who had used this box to access the Internet. Because there was no virus protection in the first place, it was going to be very difficult to determine how many floppy disks and hard drives had been infected. I wished I had learned about ... this virus to possibly hide from anti-virus software. Virtually any media that can carry computer data can carry a virus. Computer viruses are usually spread by data diskettes, but can be downloaded from the Internet, private bulletin boards, or over a local area network. This makes it extremely easy for a virus to spread once it has infected a system. The mentioned Stealth_c virus was transported by the least ...
682: Clinical Depression A Disease Like Any Other.
... sufferer will probably withdraw completely from society and this could possibly result in death! Bibliography 1. "Depression." Encyclopedia Britannica: Micropedia. Vol 4. 1992. 2. Nemeroff , Charles B. "The Neurobiology of Depression." Scientific American. On-line. Internet. 26 April 1998. Available: www.sciam.com 3. Peterson, Shelly. "Unmasking Depression." Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology. V64. N6. Dec 1996. page 1417. 4. "Types." Depression.com. On-line. Internet. 1998. Available: www.depression.com (parts 3 & 13). 5. "Anti-Depressants." The Gerontologist. V38. N2. April 1998. P247.
683: Attention Deficit Disorder ( Add)
... the inconsistency of the symptoms. Even though their overactivity tends to diminish in adulthood, there is much support needed throughout the earlier years. Resource centers and places such as universities (Monash, Clayton) or even the Internet, provide a wide range of ideas and information on the disorder. For Christian families, there is a subscription available from the Internet (members.aol.com/addnews/index/html) that will provide them with the latest information in a user-friendly way. WC: 1369 Bibliography www.addoneplace.com http://members.aol.com/addnews/index.html http://members.aol ...
684: Analysis On Electronic Data Imaging
... on any media, and the destruction of the paper records." On a local note, the Harris County District Attorney's office now has more than 10 million pages of documents scanned and stored on the Internet(Mansfield, 1999). With this popular method, even CD's are unnecessary. Attorneys simply carry a laptop computer with them to access the Internet and quickly find the documents they need(Williamson, 1999). More advanced imaging systems allow work-flow processing to automate and re-engineer business processes. Document imaging systems can be cost justified through simple operational savings ...
685: Assisted Suicide Or Euthanasia
... a country built on Christian beliefs this will be an on going debate and might never come to a consensus. Bibliography BIBLIOGRAPHY Dobson, James. “Dr. Dobson’s Study.” Focus on the Family. 1998. 17p. Online. Internet. 17 JAN. 1998. Available http://www.family.org/docstudy/newsletters/ a0000580. Html. “Death.” The World Book Encyclopedia. 1990 “Euthanasia.” The World Book Encyclopedia. 1990 Halpern, A.L. and A.M. Freedman. Letter. New York Times. 2 NOV. 1997: n. pag. Lundberg M.D. George D. Views of Assisted Suicide from Several Nations. 1997. New York: JAMA, 1997. Online. Medical News and Perspectives. Internet. 24 Sept. 1997 available http://www.asst.suicide.com/html. Quill, Thomas A. Bio Medical Ethics: Proposed Clinical Criteria for Physician-Assisted Suicide. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996 Glover, J. Causing Death and Saving Lives ...
686: Abortion
... Abortion: How it is corrupting Today’s Society In today’s society human sexuality is displayed in many was and many forms. It is used on our television programs and commercials, movies and magazine articles, Internet and etc. Sexuality is so evident in our world, that having pre marital sexual relations is no longer restricted or wrong in the eyes of society. Due to the lack of concern, more and more ... Abortion: How it is corrupting Today’s Society In today’s society human sexuality is displayed in many was and many forms. It is used on our television programs and commercials, movies and magazine articles, Internet and etc. Sexuality is so evident in our world, that having pre marital sexual relations Word Count: 190
687: Teen Pregnancy
... and your life. WORK CITED Gutman-Bowe, Sonia. Teen Pregnancy. Minneapolis: 1987. Hildebrand, Verna. Parenting: Rewards and Responsibilities. New York: 1988 "Pregnancy and birth." Grolier, INC. 1996 ed. "Programs that work now." AFDC. 1995 online. Internet. 18 November 1999. Available http://www.intac.com/~jdeck/tahra/programstext.html. "Teen Pregnancy Facts and Stats." NCPTP. 1999. Online. Internet. 11 November 1999. Available http://www.teenpregnancy.org/factstats.html. Word Count: 2415
688: School Violence
... in schools is a great concern in our society. The concern is heightened by the abundance of media coverage on a number of recent school shootings. With all of the news clips, sound bites, and Internet coverage swirling around in our heads, one might conclude that children are more violent today, than they were in recent years. But, school violence is not a new issue for the nineties; School violence has ... parental supervision, lack of family involvement and exposure to violence in the mass media. These factors could be traced to high divorce rates, both parents working and high availability of mass media, e.g. television, Internet, ect. Students who live in fear of violence, witness violent acts, or become victims of violence suffer an array of short-term and long-term consequences emotionally and physically. They have been found to be ...
689: Quintana Roo
... with sophisticated regions. Quintana Roo contained valuable untapped resources, such as: the many miles of white, sandy beach shoreline along the Riviera Maya, traditional Mayan communities, the Great Maya Reef and intriguing ancient Mayan ruins (Internet 1). The significance of Quintana Roo’s undisturbed and natural areas was crucial to Mexico’s tourism industry as other leading tourism countries were turning to a more environmentally based “ecotourism” (Daltabuit and Pi-Sunyer ... of Mexico Business Mexico 1 June 1999. Reproduced by Lexis Nexis Academic Universe. 2. “Quintana Roo” Encyclopedia Britanica Online. *http://www.eb.com:180/bol/topic?eu=63870&sctn=1* [Acessed 13 November 1999]. 3. Internet: http://www.rivieramaya.com/english/riviera.stm Word Count: 2126
690: European Studies
... to operate than the former price-oriented policy and has so far been more successful. More time is required however in order to determine whether the policy is truly successful. FOOTNOTES REFERENCES (1) Various Inputs, Internet, (Telecom Eireann, 1998) ôTreaty of Rome (as amended): Agricultureö (2) Josling, T.E. & Langworthy, Mark & Pearson, Scott, Options for Farm Policy in the European Community (Trade Policy Research Centre, 1981) page 2 (3) Various Inputs ... Inputs, European Review of Agricultural Economics 1973 : Volume 1 1989 : Volume 16 1992 : Volume 19-1, Volume 19-3, Volume 19-4 1994 : Volume 21-2, Volume 21-3/4 (Mouton de Gruyter) Various Inputs, Internet (Telecom Eireann, 1998) Word Count: 5189

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