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Search results 671 - 680 of 1468 matching essays
- 671: Technology And Special Education
- ... on and on. There are solutions and resources inside and outside the classrooms that allow you to obtain the software you need for the students you serve. Some available options include freeware programs which are internet sites where other teachers have posted single switch programs at the sites listed were created using HyperStudio or IntelliPics. These switch programs are free and cover a wide variety of curriculum areas. To use HyperStudio ... on and on. There are solutions and resources inside and outside the classrooms that allow you to obtain the software you need for the students you serve. Some available options include freeware programs which are internet sites where other teachers have posted single switch programs at the sites listed were created using HyperStudio or IntelliPics. These switch programs are free and cover a wide variety of curriculum areas. To use HyperStudio ...
- 672: Computers Not The Greatest Invention Of The 20 Th Century
- ... computers allowed individual computers to form electronic co-ops. Using either direct wiring, called a Local Area Network (LAN), or telephone lines, these networks could reach enormous proportions. A global web of computer circuitry, the Internet, for example, links computers worldwide into a single network of information. During the 1992 U.S. presidential election, vice-presidential candidate Al Gore promised to make the development of this so-called "information superhighway" an ... administrative priority. Though the possibilities envisioned by Gore and others for such a large network are often years (if not decades) away from realization, the most popular use today for computer networks such as the Internet is electronic mail, or E-mail, which allows users to type in a computer address and send messages through networked terminals across the office or across the world. Defining the fifth generation of computers is ...
- 673: Endocrine Disruptors
- ... A. and Daniel B. Pickford. 1995. Organisation versus Activation: The role of Endocrine-disrupting Contaminants (EDCS) during Embryonic Development in wildlife. Environmental Health Perspectives. 103 (Suppl 7): 157-164. Kamrin, M. unknown. Environmental Hormones. Internet Reference www.ace.orst.edu Luoma, Jon R. 1995. Havoc in the hormones. Aududonil:60-66 McLachlan, J., Arnold, S. 1996. Environmental Estrogens. American Scientist 84:452-461. Montague, P. 1991 The Wingspread Statement Part 1. Internet Reference www.xpo.rtknet.org/E3621T132. Rupa, D. S., Reddy, P. P. and 0. S. Reddi. 1991 Reproductive performance in population exposed to pesticides in cotton fields in India. Environment research 55:123-128. Saxena ...
- 674: New Technology
- What is Portico? Portico is the only second-generation virtual assistant that has the ability to manage your messages, juggle your appointments, keep track of your contacts, and access information from the Internet. Just tell Portico what you want - in plain everyday words, or if you like, retreive the same information over the web. Portico works the way you do. No menus, no tricky commands. With Portico, you ... technology. High-performance components make this system sophisticated and very robust. The network has a fault-tolerant ATM backbone running Intel-based Windows NT machines. And of course, the network is fully integrated with the Internet, so it's based on HTML, HTTP and TCP/IP. Because the system is standards-based, we have the ability to integrate any and all of the latest technologies that emerge in the future. The ...
- 675: Network Security
- ... who is either an extraordinary exhibitionist or incredible dullard. Show me a business that has no trade secrets or confidential records, and I ll show you a business that is not very successful. As the Internet becomes a facility used by businesses in their day to day operations, security and integrity are becoming crucial. The need for reliable data communications, their exists an increasing need for security of both the transmitted data as well; as controlled access to the corporate network over which the data is transmitted. [ Internet] A firewall is a system or a group of systems that enforces an access control policy between two networks. The firewall can be thought of as a pair of mechanisms: one which exists to block ...
- 676: Genetic Engineering 3
- ... Dewitt,Philip. "The Perils of Treading on Heredity." Time Weekly News Magazine. Mar 20,1989 pg. 70. "Genetics." 1995 Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia. CD-ROM. 1995 Compton's NewsMedia, Inc. "Genetic Testing." Understanding Genetic Testing. Internet: http://www.gene.com/AE/Aepc/NIH/gene01.html. April 12,1999. Greegad, Samuel. "Genetic Testing: Should You Be Afraid? Its No Joke. Workforce v. 76 n. 7 July 1997 pg. 38. Jones,Valerie. "In ... n 13 Sep. 1997 pg. 102. Lewin, Seymour. "Nucleic Acids." 1994 Microsoft Encarta. CD-ROM, Microsoft Inc. 1994. "Protein Synthesis." 1995 Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia. CD-ROM. 1995 Compton's NewsMedia, Inc. Reuterlinkextra. "Genetic Testing." Internet: Http://foundationReuters.com/genetic.htm April 12,1999. StableFord, Brian. Future Man. New York: Crown Publishers Inc. 1984.
- 677: Endocrine Disruptors
- ... A. and Daniel B. Pickford. 1995. Organisation versus Activation: The role of Endocrine-disrupting Contaminants (EDCS) during Embryonic Development in wildlife. Environmental Health Perspective s. 103 (Suppl 7): 157-164. Kamrin, M. unknown. Environmental Hormones. Internet Reference www.ace.orst.edu Luoma, Jon R. 1995. Havoc in the hormones. Aududonil:60-66 McLachlan, J., Arnold, S. 1996. Environmental Estrogens. American Scientist 84:452-461. Montague, P. 1991 The Wingspread Statement Part 1. Internet Reference www.xpo.rtknet.org/E3621T132. Rupa, D. S., Reddy, P. P. and 0. S. Reddi. 1991 Reproductive performance in population exposed to pesticides in cotton fields in India. Environment research 55:123-128. Saxena ...
- 678: Dolphins 2
- ... Wild video). Dolphins also show their intelligence through the ability to understand gestures,sounds, word meaning, and word order. Dolphins can immediately understand and act upon new or novel instructions never before experienced ( Dolphin Research Internet). The intelligence of the dolphin has been tested over and over again in hopes of dolphins and humans being able to communicate. Another way that intelligence is represented is by the ability to learn, as ... do not know what they are saying, but one fact is for sure: their language is able to carry concepts and abstract information that could even be more sophisticated and efficient than human language (Levasseur Internet). Dolphins communicate at a speed ten times as fast as the human language (In The Wild video). Humans do not know what they are saying, but researchers are trying to understand their language and hope ...
- 679: Development Of Operating Systems
- ... system to handle the new developments. Microsoft Corporation has dominated the IBM compatible world, Windows being the standard operating system for majority of personal computers. Now as computing and information technology becomes more towards the Internet and virtual computing, so too must the operating systems. In 1992, Microsoft for Workgroups 3.1 was introduced, extending on from the previous versions. It allowed the sending of electronic mail, and provided advanced networking ... local area network. This was only the one stage in the vast evolution of the worlds most popular operating system, with the most recent being Windows NT and Windows 98, the latter being a fully Internet integrated operating system. Windows, however is not the only operating system in use today. Other's such as UNIX, Apple Operating System and OS/Warp have also had an impact, each new version more advanced ...
- 680: Cdr
- ... copies of any copyrighted material unless you are backing up an original copy that you own. Higher penalties for prosecuted offenders have also been introduced to deter potential offenders. In both of these cases, the Internet plays a large role. Due to the accessibility the Internet, it is very easy to download copies of music and software. Then using CDR, create your own replica of the original material. Possible future developments The future is very promising; the way that we store ...
Search results 671 - 680 of 1468 matching essays