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Search results 651 - 660 of 1468 matching essays
- 651: Past, Present, and Future of Computers
- ... more information. Of course, some are dedicated to destruction and random violence, but there always will be those types of people in the world. Of course, there is personal information that is transmitted over the Internet that no one but the inteded party and yourself should have access to (i.e. your credit card numbers and expration dates) but who decides what is and what isn't personal information. This is a problem that has greatly prevented the growth of the Internet into major companies. In the future, it can only get worse. At the rate we are going, everything will be computerized and stored electronicaly. This means that with the know-how, anyone could access your ... with them. Information will be stored, transmitted, and viewed completly electronicaly. Perhaps an implant directly into the brain will be the link between humans and computers. This implant could feed you information directly off the Internet and several other sources. I personally believe that this is extremely scary. Once that link is made, there will be the desire to get even closer to the computer. A new, even more intimate ...
- 652: Adam Sandler
- ... cry. He is a very talented actor, musician, screenwriter etc And he will entertain many people for years to come. Works Sited Arnold, C. Gonged! People Weekly 9 Mar. 1998: 110 Celeb-Site Profile. Online. Internet. 8 Dec. 1998 Available at: http://www.celebsite.com/people/adamsandler/ The Ultimate Adam Sandler Page. Online. Internet. 9 Dec. 1998 Available at: http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/8075 Warner Bros. Records. Online. Internet. 12 Dec. 1998 Available at: http://www.wbr.com/sandler/whatthehell/
- 653: Frank Sinatra
- ... dead. It was the second time the music had died. His life has touched the world and has forever changed the art of singing, as we know it. Bibliography Works Cited William, Dean. “Sinatra, Frank.” Internet. March 14 2000. Available WWW. http://articles.eb.com. Schoemer, Karen. “The Kid from Hoboken.” Newsweek. May 25 1998: 57. “Sinatra, Frank.” Internet. March 14 2000. Available WWW. http://search.biography.com. Wilson, Jeff. “Sinatra outspoken”. Internet. March 14 2000. Available WWW http://www.nj.com. “Sinatra, Frank”. The World Book Encyclopedia. Volume 17 S-Sn. World Book Inc. 93’. Word Count: 1475
- 654: Cancer Treatments And Breakthroughs
- ... didn't use any of my sources that I received from the library because they were out of date. And, when I looked for something on the history of cancer, I found nothing. Although the Internet in the library helped, the actual books and encyclopedias weren't helpful because of my topic. Basically, all of my sources were from the Internet. One of the best places that I found was Medscape.com. On this site, you had to be a member, but it was free. Once I was logged-in, the latest news was displayed, and ... you can gain access to basic information about cancer, stated so anyone could understand it. Without this information, I would have been lost when I went to some of the other sites. I did my internet handout on Medscape.com. Another helpful site was the site for a medical journal known as the Scientific American. When I visited this site, I found an article that described in detail the conventional ...
- 655: Sir Isaac Newton
- ... few families to prosper in Lincolnshire (Westfall 1). At the age of three Isaac’s life would take a drastic turn. When Isaac was three his mother, Hannah Ayscough, remarried to the Reverend Barnabas Smith (Internet-newtonia). Isaac and the Reverend never got along and the Reverend would not have a child that was not his living with him. Isaac stayed with his grandparents when his mother went to live with ... his mother to prepare him to attend the University (Westfall 17). In 1660 he returned to Grantham to finish grammar school and prepare for the university. In June of 1661 Newton entered Trinity College, Cambridge (Internet-groups). While at Cambridge Newton studied mathematics (Internet-newtonia). This is when Newton first started to delve into the many discoveries he would soon be making. Throughout Isaac Newton’s childhood and early adulthood he came in contact with many obstacles. Whether ...
- 656: Pen Pals: Based On X-Files Characters
- ... as no one really knows the whole story. As the series unfolds, we will hopefully learn more about what happens. I have submitted my story to the writers & producers of the X-Files via the Internet in hopes they will use my story in a future episode. This story is also available over the Internet on my home page so others can view it at their leisure. The idea for this story has been in the back of my mind before I was assigned this project. I have always loved ... year, I have submitted my stories, ideas, and suggestions to the writers of the X-Files. Unfortunately, none of my ideas have been selected. Lots of activity regarding the X-Files goes on over the Internet, and through discussions are where I get a lot of my ideas for the stories that I write. =============================================== June 8th, 1996 6:58pm- Washington, DC, Scully's Apartment Dana Scully arrived home to find ...
- 657: Anarchy
- ... commune availability, and varieties of music-an anarchist's version of a yuppie's coffeehouse). The creation of one-time 'zines such as the underground newspaper run by Carmel students and Spunk Press on the Internet links many "off-the-scene," or non-public anarchists, to contribute to the revolution effort. Anarchists are involved with a wide array of Internet web sites and message boards The Internet is often labeled as "anarchy in action" (Farber 321). Electronic Smogor 4 communications provide a way to transcend national borders and may minimize the importance of cultural barriers such as race and gender as ...
- 658: The River Rouge Manufacturing Complex
- The River Rouge Manufacturing Complex. The first piece of material I gathered was a picture via the internet. This picture is of the River Rouge assembly plant in Dearborn, Michigan. This picture shows the manufacturing of the fender for a Ford Motor Company product. It also shows the facilities of the Rouge plant ... car. From the engine to the tires the same principles that were used at Highland Park were used at the Rouge plant. The final piece of material that was compiled through the search of the Internet and other sources was the National Historic Landmark of Michigan web page. This page has a link to an informational page on the Rouge plant. The plant is listed as a national landmark since 1978 ... and is one of the great marvels of the early twentieth century. Henry Ford was the man who introduced the assembly line to the automobile industry and the Rouge was his crowning achievement. The major Internet sites used for this compilation was the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village home page at http://wwwhfmgv.org and, the National Historic Landmark in Michigan home page at http://www.sos.state.mi. ...
- 659: My Antonia And Landsacpe
- ... the country and I had it out together and by the end of the first autumn,that shaggy grass country had gripped me with a passion I have never been able to shake." -Willa Cather (Internet #1) Her life task became portraying how the pioneers tamed the wild land. Cather's visual, and disarmingly simple, descriptions of prairie life and events that slowly unveil truly complex characters such as the protagonist ... in My Antonia. The vast sky, the endless plains, the enormous sun evoked a pantheistic and acquiescent response in the young boy There he felt the individual ego diminished and merged with something much greater. (Internet #2) Like Jim Burden,Cather found the immigrant pioneers fascinating--their stories, their vitality, their dignity. The land which at first seemed flat and monotonous proved to furnish endless variations on the theme of fertility. No matter how far she wandered across the globe, she wasalways drawn back to the Nebraska prairies and those best days of her youth which were the first to flee. (Internet #3) The West is also a particularly difficult target for the kind of ``country life'' Cather seeks to describe. The first description we get of the landscape depicts it as alive, but with none ...
- 660: Transfers Of Technology From The Developing World
- In an era where human progress is soaring at a dizzying rate, society must adapt its technology to solve current world issues. In a world where the Internet, cell phones and notebook computers are becoming a necessity for everyday living, we often forget about those who still suffer attempting to meet their basic needs, including clean water, food and health care. It is time for the developed world to use their technology to help those who can not help themselves. By using these technologies there will be advances in medical services, a new economy based on the Internet, emerging information technologies and new methods for the farming and industrial sectors. More importantly, these technologies will provide the education and knowledge for these people to become prosperous nations that can fend for themselves and ... technological transfers will lead to an overall increase in living standard. In the corporate world of North America, it has never been easier to start a business or company. Using modern technology such and the Internet and a computer, an individual or group of individuals can become major players in today's ever increasing electronic economy. As the overall cost of doing business drops, it will make "the technology more ...
Search results 651 - 660 of 1468 matching essays