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Search results 641 - 650 of 1468 matching essays
- 641: Attention Deficit Disorder
- Growing Transitions 3 I Introduction In the United States of America, one to three percent of the school age population have the full attention deficit (hyperactivity) Disorder syndrome (Internet site 1). This numerical figure may not seem to convey a need for enlightenment on this disability. As an attention deficit disorder child (and adult), I feel that it is important for the public to ... activities quietly e. Acts as if driven by a motor f. Talks excessively g. Blurts out answers before questions have been completed h. Difficulty waiting in turn taking situations i. Interrupts or intrudes upon others (Internet site 1) Abstract definition of attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder: Imagine living in a fast-moving kaleidoscope, where sounds, images, and thoughts are constantly shifting. Feeling easily bored, yet helpless to keep your mind on tasks ... and management techniques are available for it. Brain scan images produced by positron emision tomography (PET) show differences between an adult with Attention deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (right) and an adult free of the disease (left). (Internet site 2). II History Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder is a rather new diagnosis. Like many disabilities, it took time to evolve into an issue serious enough to study. Up until the 1940’s, if ...
- 642: Time And Technology
- ... real time’. The TV is the leading mass medium but it cannot stimulate our need to be interactive with the medium, only a few years ago a new communications revolution took place: the virtual space, Internet. The Internet is the ultimate medium… so far. It is so large that it is almost unconceivable to the average person, but yet anyone and everyone can add to it. One can do most things on the internet, shop, pay bills, buy stock, do business, collect information of every kind, and it only takes a few seconds. The world is becoming smaller, one can make friends in China, and receive letters from ...
- 643: Advertising And Promotion Camp
- ... uses a multitude of promotional vehicles to attract new coke drinkers and retain current ones. One of the strongest promotional venues has been through television and sporting events (mainly soccer) but in the nineties the internet is strongly becoming a popular means to increase promotions. Sports Promotion Coke takes a global approach to its sports promotion. In 1997 they established managers for each of the different sports that Coke sponsors worldwide ... activities that are currently being done in the various countries in the European Union. Spain Telefonica Interactiva entered into a promotional arrangement with Coca-Cola Espana aimed at boosting Teleline's user base. Telefonica Interactiva, Internet subsidiary of Telefonica, has entered into a promotional arrangement with Coca-Cola Espana aimed at boosting Teleline's user base. Under the deal, people who buy 20 half-litre Coca-Cola bottles will receive a year's Internet access for only Pta4k Vs Pta13k/y on average at present. 7 Coca-Cola launched "Dress-up with Coca-Cola Light" promotion in Spain in co-operation with clothing retailer Cortefiel. A consumer who ...
- 644: Computer - Hacking
- ... computer system. All you need is a P.C a modem, a telephone-line and some knowledge. In the last 20 years, computers made a tremendous rise in technology. Now, in the time of the Internet, being a must for nearly everyone, hackers can get into the database of banks and companies with a very common P.C without moving out of their own living-room. Most hackers see a big ... Choose your password in a way that it is easy to remember and difficult for others to guess. Thirdly, it is very important to use a good virus software if you are connected to the internet. It is not adequate to purchase anti-virus software with a new computer, install the anti-virus software, and forget about that software. The virus definition file for the anti-virus software should be updated periodically, because new viruses are discovered every day. For important companies or organisations it is recommended to have two different kinds of computers. One to connect to the internet, or, to a so called intranet. The other computers should be used for important data only, which should not be accessible from any other computer outside the company. These data-storing computers should only ...
- 645: Role Of Mass Media In Politics
- ... examined, both play in some way on the function of the mass media in American politics. We can see how much and how heavily we rely on our televisions, radio shows, newspapers and now the Internet to communicate to us the latest breaking news, political campaigns, slandering, commercials for politicians running for office, debates, presidential addresses, cover-ups, conspiracies and information that can take down an entire administration. This shows that ... this though is that in this day and age, it is getting more and more impossible to hide or conceal what is the truth as we are becoming ever more connected in terms of the Internet. Someone can publish a document in Yugoslavia about anything and seconds later make it available to anyone with access to a computer and the Internet. Then it could be relayed to the media as a great top news headline, but the media as always will have that final decision. These assumptions that the media makes in such an ever ...
- 646: Review of On-line Publications
- Review of On-line Publications Because of the prevalence of the internet in today's society many thousands of papers now publish an on-line edition. It is through the use of this medium that they wish to make in roads in the communications market. It is seen as a necessary step by many because of the loss of readership due to the internet, broadcast journalism and radio. In my review I will examine an on-line edition of a newspaper from each of the continents. I will comment on some of the technical aspects each employ. I will ... papers from the small island. It has the distinction of being the only paper I could find that had a photo gallery. The gallery was a very welcomed find amongst the many papers on the internet that all but abandon photojournalism for more graphics and text. Surprisingly, it does not have a world news a section. It has some unusual fare for an on-line news paper, such as, a ...
- 647: Computer Mediated Evnvironments
- ... two most notable changes that have increased potential of linking buyers and sellers are the number of households owning personal computers (over 33% in the U.S.) and the exponential growth of applications of the Internet, most notably the World Wide Web (WWW). With increased penetration of computers, particularly multi-media computers equipped with CD-ROM drives and modems, subscription-based services such as America Online (AOL), Prodigy, and Compuserve, where ... CUC International’s Shopper’s Advantage membership-based service (www.cuc.com). “Virtual” shopping experiences (Burke 1996) enable marketing researchers to simulate a buyer’s actual experience in a supermarket with remarkable accuracy. While the Internet has been around since the 1960s, only since the development of the WWW (Berners-Lee et. al. 1993) has its potential for electronic commerce become apparent. The WWW is essentially a network of “home pages ... better or worse based on computer transactions versus conventional store transactions. Different pricing mechanisms can be easily used with CMEs. For example, occasionally, Cathay Pacific airline holds auctions of available business class seats on the Internet. Lands End sells closeouts in a special “room” at its Web site where the prices steadily decrease until the merchandise is cleared. Another possibility is that multiple types of prices can be offered including ...
- 648: Law Essay
- ... in my eyes I can’t see a country lasting long or having any sort of unity with that situation. The case that I chose to analyze is Reno v. ACLU. It is the first Internet related U.S. Supreme Court case ever to be decided. Seven of the justices found the argued provisions of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) were unconstitutional under the First Amendment. The court found that the Internet is similar to a shopping mall or library not a broadcast medium as the government refered to it. The majority opinion for this case was that the Internet is a unique marketplace for ideas. The ruling states that while there is a large amount of pornographic material out there, it normally isn’t come across on accident. They stated that the CDA ...
- 649: Polymorphic & Cloning Computer Viruses
- ... also their ability to adapt themselves to their surroundings and react in ways that allow them to proceed undetected to wreck more havoc on personal computer users across the globe. Bibliography Rizzello, Michael. Computer Viruses. Internet. http://business.yorku.ca /mgts4710/rizello/viruses.htm Solomon, Dr. Alan. A Guide to Viruses. Internet. http://dbweb.agora.stm.it/ webforum/virus/viruinfo.htm Tippett, Peter S. Alive! Internet. http://www.bocklabs.wisc.edu/~ janda/alive10.html. 1995. "Virus (computer)," Microsoft (R) Encarta. Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation. Copyright (c) 1993 Funk & Wagnall's Corporation Yetiser, Tarkan. Polymorphic Viruses. VDS Advanced Research Group. ...
- 650: Communications Decency Act: Regulation In Cyberspace
- Communications Decency Act: Regulation In Cyberspace Being one of millions of surfers throughout the Internet, I see that fundamental civil liberties are as important in cyberspace as they are in traditional contexts. Cyberspace defined in Webster's Tenth Edition dictionary is the on-line worlds of networks. The right to ... a virtual pen has its roots in a long tradition dating back to the very founding of democracy in this country. With the passage of the 1996 Telecommunications Act, Congress has prepared to turn the Internet from one of the greatest resources of cultural, social, and scientific information into the online equivalent of a children's reading room. By invoking the overboard and vague term “indecent” as the standard by which ... ideology is bogus. If more government officials were more knowledgeable about online information they would realize the huge flaw the Communication Decency Act contains. We don't need the government to patrol fruitlessly on the Internet when parents can simply install software like Net Nanny or Surf Watch. These programs block all “sensitive” material from entering one's modem line. What's more, legislators have already passed effective laws against ...
Search results 641 - 650 of 1468 matching essays