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Search results 621 - 630 of 1468 matching essays
- 621: Brief History of Library Automation: 1930-1996
- ... a national level. ARPANET, would become the prototype for other networks such as CSNET, BITNET, and EDUCOM. These networks have almost disappeared with the evolution of ARPANET to NSFNET which has become the present day Internet. During the 1970's the inventions of the integrated computer chip and storage devices caused the use of minicomputers and microcomputers to grow substantially. The use of commercial systems for searching reference databases (such as ... or in their entirety. Libraries could then gain information through a variety of options. The nineties are giving rise to yet another era in library automation. The use of networks for e-mail, ftp, telnet, Internet, and connections to on- line commercial systems has grown. It is now possible for users to connect to the libraries from their home or office. The world wide web which had it's official start date as April of 1993 is becoming the fastest growing new provider of information. It is also possible, to connect to international library systems and information through the Internet and with ever improving telecommunications. Expert systems and knowledge systems have become available in the 90ํs as both software and hardware capabilities have improved. The technology used for the processing of information has grown ...
- 622: Mexico
- ... reflected in the overall strengthening of the Mexican peso against the U.S. dollar in the long run. REFERENCES Banda, M., (1995, September 5). Economic, Political Crisis Shadows Zedillo's First National Address. Associated Press, Internet (WWW), http://www1.trib.com/NEWS/APwire.html. Briones, J., (1995, September 4). NAFTA's Broken Promises. Public Citizen Publication, p.10. Dean, D., (1995, September 20). Mexico Doing Right Things to Turn Itself Around. Houston Chronicle, Sec. A, p.29. Gabriel, S., Mount Holyoke College. Internet (WWW), Newsgroup: soc.culture.mexican. Marcos, Subcomandante Insurgente, (1995, August 30). Sub. Marcos Communique to the National Conference for Peace. La Jornada, Internet (WWW), Newsgroup: soc.culture.mexican. Microsoft ฎ Encarta, "Mexico", Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation. Whalen, Christopher (1995, September 13). Assassins In Mexico, The Mexico Report. A newsletter on Mexico that provides litigation management, cross- border ...
- 623: Intro To Computer Virus
- ... do you keep your computer free of viral infection? Well, buying an Anti-Virus program is always a good step and most new computers now come with one. Most new Anti-Viral programs now have Internet links so they can keep tabs on newer viruses coming onto the net. Anti Virus programs work in a set number of ways using memory checking and complex algorithms. Signature Scanning compares a file and ... from, or transferred from, disk, especially if you share disks or use them on more than one machine, it would cut off one major source of infection. Similar precautions should be used when using the Internet, especially if you use the Internet regularly. In conclusion, viruses are preventable, and can be erased if your system becomes infected, but no matter how bad your system is hit remember that viruses don't damage hardware. Even if you ...
- 624: Electronics
- ... organize vast amounts of essential data. Electronics are improving at a blindingly fast rate. The newest technology from five years ago is literally obsolete today. Electronics are also being used for new purposes continuously. The Internet, or World Wide Web, is a relatively new concept of being on-line. This new project has opened a limitless number of doors for our society. Now anyone can use the Internet to communicate with anybody else in the world a lot faster and cheaper. Cellular phones have also appeared recently in the electronic world. These devices allow a person to be reached from practically anywhere. With ... communication with the world no matter where they go. For the next generation, electronics will certainly offer new yet simpler technology available to the general public. Home addresses and phone numbers will be replaced with Internet addresses. Business people will be able to have access to tools such as video conferencing and such in their homes. The workplace will ultimately become obsolete. Transportation vehicles will be dominated by electric cars ...
- 625: Should the U.S. Government be Scared of Cyber Terrorism?
- ... while the government is trying to prevent the hackers with computer simulations and computer programs. The Colombian Rebel Group ELN is one of the many terrorist groups known to have a web page on the Internet. The ELN is known mainly for blowing up oilrigs in South America, and for kidnapping foreign executives. Two years ago, a Swedish hacker managed to go to London, to Atlanta, and then to Florida where ... they are. This war game was called Eligible Receiver. This game was run in a two-week period and the results are very frightening. The attack was run by a set of people using standard Internet techniques, and they could have shut down the command-and-control capability in the Pentagon for a considerable period of time. Also, the government is trying to ward off terrorist attacks and better prepare the ... is create a bug that would mess up the computer systems of the United States banks, and that would sequentially destroy the U.S. Economy. The computer experts simply used programs widely available on the Internet. These programs include network-scanning software, intrusion tools and password breaking "log-in scripts." Without any trouble the team broke into unclassified military computer networks and also gained access to systems that control the ...
- 626: Plagarism
- ... as your own work this is plagiarizing. Using others direct quotation or paraphrasing, the author and the source must be clearly identified through the use of proper referencing. (i.e..,footnotes, endnotes) (Meltzer 2) The Internet has provided new avenues to plagiarism: Cut-and-paste plagiarism. This is when you highlight a portion of a paper, then paste it to your own. This procedure is very common and very easy to anyone who has access to the internet. (Johnston 98) You can also find websites offering you free term papers, essays, book reports, and research paper written by others an posted on websites. Hiring someone over the internet is another example. (Johnston 106) You can join the club for a certain price yearly or monthly, or you can pay per page for your written paper. Students in high school and universities are ...
- 627: The Road Ahead By Bill Gates
- ... and its influence on society. Bill Gates begins by explaining how computers will be interconnected globally in what will be called the information superhighway. Of course the precursor to this network is the currently used Internet. The development and use of this interactive network is the main focus of the book. Gates uses the metaphor of the ultimate market to describe how all manner of human activity will take place in ... used like an agent. When these agents take on a personality, they become social user interfaces. In order to be useful these agents will have to know information. With this information being stored on the Internet, it brings up the issue of privacy and security. Bill Gates suggests the use prime numbers as one-way functions. This method is not certain, so networks would have to be designed to allow encryption ... most issues and results in a dull, repetitive book for most experienced computer users. He succeeds in explaining his vision of the future and why he has chosen to switch Microsoft s focus to the Internet. Bill Gates optimistically looks ahead at the emerging tools of technology that will forever transform the way we buy, work, learn, socialize, and communicate and encourages us to help shape the future.
- 628: An Overview Of Hacking
- ... the express purpose of making money, either directly, or through the sale of the information obtained, or by blackmail. In today's fast-paced computerized world, knowledge is indeed power. Through the miracle of the Internet, information can be shared and accessed around the globe, instantaneously. At any given time, millions of people's credit card numbers, social security numbers, and other private data are flying through phone lines near your ... house. The downside to this technological marvel that we all use, whether we know it or not, is that thieves, disgruntled network administrators, and other unsavory characters can make an easy living off of the Internet, maybe even stealing from you. How? It's all in a day's work for them. One Russian hacker spent a few years bleeding money from the Citibank corporation here in the states from his ... new virus protection tools and utilities. Viruses aren't the only threat, though. When a company or organization starts a web page, they must have a wall of some type to keep people on the Internet from accessing parts of their computer system they want to keep private. Such programs are called firewalls, and allow only specified access. A firewall is the main obstacle for a hacker to get through ...
- 629: Adolescent Depression - The Under Acknowledged Disease
- ... accurately evaluated, but plans can be made to improve his or her well-being and ability to fully engage life. References Blackman, M. (1995, May). You asked about... adolescent depression. The Canadian Journal of CME [Internet]. Available HTTP: http://www.mentalhealth.com/mag1/p51-dp01.html. Brown, A. (1996, Winter). Mood disorders in children and adolescents. NARSAD Research Newsletter [Internet]. Available HTTP: http://www.mhsource.com/advocacy/narsad/childmood.html. Lasko, D.S., et al. (1996). Adolescent depressed mood and parental unhappiness. Adolescence, 31 (121), 49-57. Oster, G. D., & Montgomery, S. S. (1996). Moody or depressed: The masks of teenage depression. Self Help & Psychology [Internet]. Available HTTP: http://www.cybertowers.com/selfhelp/articles/cf/moodepre.html.
- 630: Network Security And Firewalls
- ... that are used in a corporation setting. But computer security can affect any computer user. We can be affected by security even in our own homes. "Any computer running Microsoft Windows that has a persistent Internet connection is vulnerable" (Gov. Computer, 1). Computer users that have programs like "Back Orifice" are capable of finding computers with a permanent Internet connection and trace the line backwards and get into your computer. From that point on they can get your account information if you have a checkbook balancer, for example. I myself am guilty, if that ... to some people, there will be those that will try to access it illegally. Employees are just one group of people companies must be aware of; their customers are another. Companies with web pages and Internet stores are popping up all over the web. Often times these pages allow for "third-party access [into the network]..."(PC Week, 1) which requires that you have a strong authentication or network security ...
Search results 621 - 630 of 1468 matching essays