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601: The Path I Have Chosen
... Stations, Texas: Texas A&M University, 1998. Texas A&M University: General Information. College Source. N.d. [cited 28 October 1998]. Available from //cbweb1.collegeboard.org:448/csearch_97/displaygen.html?NETSCAPE_LIVEWIRE_ID=176B4BEDD04FEF768CEB9748457B60; INTERNET. Texas A&M University: Contact Information, Important Dates & Requirements. College Search. N.d. [cited 28 October 1998]. Available from //cbweb1.colleggeboard.org:448/csearch_97/displayopen.html?NETSCAPE_LIVEWIREID=176B4BEDD0470FEF768CEB9748457B6; INTERNET. Texas A&M University: Costs & Fees. College Board. N.d. [cited 28 October 1998]. Available from //cbweb1.collegeboard.org:448/csearch_97/displaycost.html?NETSCAPE_LIVEWIRE_ID=176B4BEDD0470FEF768CEB9748457B60; INTERNET. United States. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. Dictionary of Occupational Titles, 1991. 4th ed. Indianapolis: JIST Works, Inc., 1991. Vaughan, Daniel J.M. MD. Personal interview. 5 Oct. 1998 Outline I. Career ...
602: Bloomingdales International Cu
... this international market when the population base within they country becomes stagnant. However the technology advances are easing the growth of the international marketing, with automatic teller machines, international transfers, computerisation of retailing registers and Internet connect of most stores, communication, and productivity. This means the International market is becoming the norm, instead of the next course after population stagnation. The International customer is an attractive Market to pursue. As we reach the millennium and technology is increasing triple fold daily the world is becoming smaller, and the markets are becoming larger. With the Internet and other resources the ability to reach a larger market pool is becoming more obtainable and cost efficient. All countries will have differences in their consumer needs, this is due to the varied customs, languages ... not only in the fashion and but in the cultural changes occurring within communities. The use of technology to keep them up to date with the events of the store. For example:- Usage of the Internet, and E-mail services to supply up to date information, issuing of invitations to special events, holiday discounts, and ordering of merchandise via their web site. As the end of the millennium approaches, and ...
603: Computer Piracy
... that you are a softwrare developer creating a new piece of software that you plan to sell to the public so they can use it for individual purposes only. Then you log on to the internet and see that your new creation is being downloaded by hundreds, even thousands of web surfers. Welcome to the illegal world of computer/software piracy. Computer/Software piracy hurts all businesses, consumers, innovation and those ... more popular as many more people are getting connected to the information superhighway. This is the downloading or sending copyrighted/illegal software via a modem to a public or private bulletin board system or the internet. This type of piracy is usually at no charge to the end user and is usually open to many people. The fourth type of software piracy is known as counterfeiting. This is the illegal duplication ... fined up to $250,000 plus five years in jail. An organization known as The Software Publisher's Association (S.P.A.) has devoted their time to cracking down software piracy commercially and on the internet. The S.P.A. is the leader in software piracy prosecution. The following is an example of how the SPA works. The organization campaigns for individuals to report piracy to them and then on ...
604: Communication Through Pictures
... leading portrait photographer of New York and Washington. At the beginning of the war, Brady sent photographers into the field to record the progress of the conflict in various regions (Photographs in the Civil War Internet). Although taking a few photographs himself, he employed twenty independent field photographers (Ibid). These images of camp life, artillery, fortification, railroads, ships, bridges, towns, battlefields, officers, and men in ranks were published in a series ... included at one time or another, Alexander and James Gardener, who left Brady to work for the army in 1863, James F. Gibson, Timothy O Sullivan, and Thomas C. Rote (Photographs in the Civil War Internet). The photos that they compiled went into the collection of Civil War photographs included in American Memory which represents the Anthony-Taylor-Rand-Ordway-Easton Collation of Civil War Views. Its housed at the Photographs Division of the Library of Congress (Photographs in the Civil War Internet). The nucleus of that collection is the negatives taken during the war under the supervision of Mathew Brady(Ibid). After the war, these negatives were transferred to the supply firm of H.T. Anthony ...
605: Impact Of The Renaissance
... with the secular control of thought and culture. It was in Italy from around the time 1375 to the sack of Rome (1527) that the distinctive features and impacts of the renaissance era are revealed. (Internet 1) Italy having a geographic advantage, laying in the centre of the commerce between the east and west. Due to this fact rich and urban cities were formed in Italy. There started to be more ... the Sistine chapel painted for Pope Julius II. His dedication to art was so intense that his work in the chapel left him almost crippled (since he was lying upside down for about four years). (Internet 1) Now from the physical aspect of the renaissance we move to the mental and idealist influences of the era. During this period scholars and philosophers searched the works of the ancients such as Homer ... Niccolo Machiavellis The prince. Its vivid prose being- Men must either be pampered or crushed has not stopped readers through the centuries devouring its every aspect. With Machiavelli begins the science of politics. (Internet 1) Another development was the perfection of the art of diplomacy. Constant warfare between city-states was aimless, and by the end of the fourteenth century city-states began the practice of keeping resident ...
606: The Roman Military
... part of a legion, were part of a legion and could raise the number of men from around 5000 to 6000. The number of legions active in the empire was consistently between 25 and 33. (internet, http://museum.simplenet.com/rome/military/military.htm) The average year for auxiliaries to serve was 25 years or less. After about 20 years in the legions they graduated to a veteran cohort, and continued ... called missiles and they were bolts and stone shot objects. Although all these weapons seem so troublesome and ancient, they did help to expand and keep together the Roman Empire for a couple hundred years. (internet, http://museum.simplenet.com/rome/military/military/weapons.htm and www.ncl.ac.uk/~nantiq/arma/contents/contsl.htm) Bibliography Text 1. Adkins, Lesley and Roy. Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome. Oxford University Press, New York: 1994. 2. The Book. Internet 1. http://www.ncl.ac.uk/~nantiq/arma/contents/contsl.htm, March 10, 1999. 2. http://museum.simplenet.com/rome/military/military.htm, March 13, 1999 3. http://museum.simplenet.com/rome/military/weapons. ...
607: Talcott Parsons
... his accomplishments in sociology. Many people considered him the most intelligent sociologist of his era. Methods for Securing Information To gather material on this subject, I used a few research tools. First, I utilized the internet as a source of information. Starting off, I figured I would use search engines, or special programs that find websites concerning your topic, to begin. I listed as many keywords as I could, including Talcott ... then used these keywords in my searches on the yahoo!, excite, starting point, and webcrawler search engines. I passed trough websites, selecting valuable information and printing out what was needed. I looked over the various internet articles, and I highlighted and took notes on some important details. I kept the web pages nearby for quick reference. Next, I visited the Boca Raton Public Library to collect more substantial data. I began ... I researched the historical events happening while Parsons grew up. Initially, I found these events on the Society in History: Time Lines in my sociology text book. I noted the events and relied on the internet. I used the same method as before, search engines and websites. I listed the keywords on the subjects and found many different articles. I printed the useful documents and reviewed them for significant points. ...
608: The Political And Religious Wi
... of England, 4th ed. New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1956. Marshall, Alan. To Make a Martyr: the Popish Plot and Protestant Propaganda. (Restoration England). History Today v47 n3 p.39 (Mar. 1997): 7pp. Online. Internet. 1 Feb. 2000. Roots, Ivan., ed. Cromwell: A Profile edited by Ivan Roots. New York: Hill and Wang, 1973. Sutherland, Martin P. Protestant divergence in the Restoration Crisis. Journal of Religious History. V21 n3 p.285 (oct 1997): 17pp. Online. Internet. 1 Feb. 2000. Tomlinson, Howard. Commemorating Charles I King and Martyr? History Today V45 n2 p11 (Feb. 1995). 8pp. Online. Internet. 1 Feb. 2000 Wright, Esmond., Kenneth M. Stampp. Illustrated World History. New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1964. THE POLITICAL AND RELIGIOUS WINDS OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY FROM CHARLES I TO OLIVER CROMWELL The ...
609: Childhood Enemies
... community, and social environments and the dispositional characteristics an adolescent brings to these environments, can be consequential to the emerging adult personality (Doherty, 1997). However, it should be noted that developing technologies, such as the Internet and video games are growing in their influence on emerging adult personalities too. g Over a very short period of time, there has been a dramatic truncation of childhood,h says Mary Pipher, gThroughout history ... homes. In a recent newspaper article of the Tribune Star called, gAmericafs Latest Addiction,h reported, gWhether it is chatting on-line, surfing for information or playing interactive computer games against on-line opponents, Internet addiction exists.h gInternet time can lead some to disregard social and family activities.h ISU professor of psychology Jean Kristeller says, there are similar compulsive habits attributed to Internet addiction that is more commonly associated with overeating and excessive gambling. In a major historical study, one of the worldfs greatest historians, Edward Gibbon, identified five main causes of the decline and fall ...
610: Computer Viruses
... is that programs or files dont need to be run in order to activate the spreading of a worm. Because of this worms can be very dangerous when released on to computer networks. The Internet Worm was released on to the Internet on the 2nd November 1988 spread to over 6,000 computers in less than a day. And the total monetary costs of this infection are estimated at about $98,000,000. Which proves how much ... precautions that can be taken to protect and maintain data security. You can generally avoid a computer virus if you are just careful not to use files from high-risk areas such as off the Internet. If you do need to use a file from a high-risk source then you can use a virus detection program before you run it. A virus detection program will check for viruses and ...

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