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Search results 571 - 580 of 1468 matching essays
- 571: Bloomingdales International Customer Service
- ... this international market when the population base within they country becomes stagnant. However the technology advances are easing the growth of the international marketing, with automatic teller machines, international transfers, computerisation of retailing registers and Internet connect of most stores, communication, and productivity. This means the International market is becoming the norm, instead of the next course after population stagnation. The International customer is an attractive Market to pursue. As we reach the millennium and technology is increasing triple fold daily the world is becoming smaller, and the markets are becoming larger. With the Internet and other resources the ability to reach a larger market pool is becoming more obtainable and cost efficient. All countries will have differences in their consumer needs, this is due to the varied customs, languages ... not only in the fashion and but in the cultural changes occurring within communities. The use of technology to keep them up to date with the events of the store. For example:- Usage of the Internet, and E-mail services to supply up to date information, issuing of invitations to special events, holiday discounts, and ordering of merchandise via their web site. As the end of the millennium approaches, and ...
- 572: 3rd World Essay
- ... women are abused, mistreated and demoralized, just as Firdaus was (Bachman and Saltzman 1-2). Works Cited Amireh, Amal. "Problems and Prospects for Publishing in the West: Arab Woman Writers Today". Al-Jadid. 2:10. Internet. Aug 1996: 1-8. Bachman, Ronet Ph.D. and Linda E. Saltzman Ph.D. "Woman Usually Victimized by Offenders they Know". A BJS Press Release: Violence Against Women: Estimates from the Redesigned Survey. Internet. @ http://www.famvi.com./deptjust.htm. 11 Dec 1998. "El-Saadawi, Nawal". World Hafez, Sabry. "SA'DÄWI, Nawal al-". Contemporary World Writers. Detroit: Gale Research International Ltd., 1993: 450-451. Kjeilen, Tore. "Nawal El Saadawi". Encyclopedia of the Orient. Internet. @ http://I-cias.com/e.o/saadawi.htm. Saadawi, Nawal el. Woman at Point Zero. Trans. Sherif Hetata. New York: Zed Books Ltd., 1983. Speace, Geri J. "El Saadawi, Nawal". Contemporary
- 573: Definition of an IP Address
- Definition of an IP Address A numeric code that identifies a particular computer on the Internet . Just as a street address identifies the location of your home or office , every computer or network on the Internet has a unique address, too. You register your address with InterNIC as both a name , which is referred to as the domain name , and a number ( ) , which is generally referred to ... 000 unique IP addresses. Class A addresses are for very large companies. Both Class A and Class B addresses are very hard, if not impossible, to get. Usually, companies will get multiple Class C addresses. Internet address The address can be split into a network number (or network address) and a host number unique to each host on the network and sometimes also a subnet address. The way the address ...
- 574: Dell Computer Corporation
- ... direct customer contact – has made Dell one of the most successful companies of the 1990s. Through its pioneering direct business model, Dell Computer Corporation offers in-person relationships with corporate and institutional customers; telephone and Internet purchasing (the latter now averaging $14 million per day); customized computer systems; phone and on-line technical support; and next-day, on-site product service. Dell arranges for system installation and management, guides customers through ... 2 manufacturer in the U.S., where it is a leading supplier of PCs to institutions and consumers. Through its pioneering direct business model, Dell offers inperson relationships with corporate and institutional customers; telephone and Internet purchasing (the latter now averaging $14 million per day); customized computer systems; phone and online technical support; and next-day, on-site product service. Nearly two-thirds of Dell’s sales are to large corporations ... latest relevant technology is introduced in its product line much more quickly that through slow-moving indirect distribution channels. Dell turns over inventory every six days on average, keeping related costs low. Knowing that the Internet market is increasingly growing, Dell currently receives two million visits each week at www.dell.com, where the company maintains 44 country-specific sites. The on-line “Dell store,” which opened in July 1996, ...
- 575: How The New Economics Effects Modern America
- ... in applicants to be lawyers since 1990. ( )This show the need to have education make a move to today. Many skills learned are learned from kids playing on there home PC. A lot of the Internet starts up companies have non-college grads as the CEO. The rate of new technology is so rapid that schools better find a way to keep up. They may find themselves left in the dust. Technology has caused a surge of workers starting their own Internet companies. Many companies are now losing their workers to .com companies. Many high position jobs are offering bonus’s if there employee’s stay on for more than three years( ) New technology is changing the ... have. Education needs to move at the same speed as technology. Students need to learn how to use and harness all the information that’s out there. We need to also keep up with the Internet and not let government put all sorts of restrictions on it. We need to harness the information. If we don’t then the one who know will use it to their benefit. We are ...
- 576: Rapid Population Growth
- ... 000 years ago, the number of humans began to increase more rapidly. By the beginning of the Christian era it had reached 250 million, and by the year 1650 CE up to half a billion(Internet Source)Reproduction resulted un having children which were perfect for doing farmwork, collecting dowry and starting family. By 2030,the population is projected to hit eight to ten billion. With this rapid growth, concern for ... scarce In Asia the population increases by 50 million, the population of Africa by 17 million and Latin America and the Caribbean by only eight million. Africa has the hightest growth rate at 2.36 %(Internet Source). These are places where people need children for work or if they don’t want kids they have no way of getting contraception or to be informed about it, thus making the population grow ... world. In Asia the population increases by 50 million, the population of Africa by 17 million and Latin America and the Caribbean by only eight million. Africa has the hightest growth rate at 2.36 %(Internet Source). These are places where people need children for work or if they don’t want kids they have no way of getting contraception or to be informed about it, thus making the population ...
- 577: Uleashing The Killer App Book
- ... would become much more important. The more people use something, the more valuable it becomes, which will attract more people to use it. A prime example of the validity of Metcalfe's law is the Internet. As more people use it, it will become much more attractive to others. Economic Theories of Ronald Coase The economic theories of Ronald Coase have produced many opportunities for smaller companies to compete easier with ... the new forces and the Law of Diminishing Firms. Firms get smaller when size is not necessary or competitive. Firms today have now offices, fixed employees, and no physical existence. These firms are using the Internet and related technologies to compete with traditional firms. Large organizations as well as small ones are increasing their portfolio of relationships. To design any killer app, you must direct your ability to identify potential partners ... the links are working and to add new features and update it as needed to maintain customer interest. It is not necessary to be a high tech company in California to take advantage of the internet, intranets, and other high tech media. BP saw a presentation from HP on standardizing desktops around a common operating environment (COE), which are unified systems that provide increased speed and reliability. They were impressed ...
- 578: Emerging Trends - Body Wearable Computers
- ... technologies, like desktop computers, can help us protect our privacy with programs like Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), the unprotected void of these systems is the space between us and them or today known as the Internet. It is generally far easier for an attacker to compromise the link between the Internet and us with means such as so-called trojan horses or other planted virus, than it is to compromise the link between our computer and us. With wearable computing, it can be used to create ... have experienced personally. Much in the same way the Science Fiction series of Star-Trek and the Borg Collective. Connected collective humanistic intelligence, again a Borg Collective idea (Try looking this highlight up on the internet; Why do most of the sites require a password?). In a collective sense, two or more individuals may collaborate while one or more of them are doing another primary task. In contrast to a ...
- 579: American Beauty
- ... end with us when we are all alone. Works Cited Caplan, Paula J., Ph.D.. Don t Blame Mother mending the mother-daughter relationship. New York: Harper & Row, 1989. Cunningham, Michael. Men versus Women. Online. Internet - University of Louisville, Ky. 15 Sept. 1999 Erickson, Pamela L.. Latina adolescent childbearing in East Los Angeles. Austin: university of Texas Press, 1998. Heilman, Madeline. Relations between Attractiveness and Corporate Success. Online. Internet. 15 Sept. 1999 Men and Women. , Wall Street Journal 22 Aug. 1993 Peacock, Mary. What men want. Online. Internet. 15 Sept. 1999
- 580: Privacy For Public Officials
- ... of public officials. There have been two main reasons for the personalization of politics, the first is the age-old influence of political differences, and the second factor is more novel -- the rise of the Internet. These two factors have added to the lack of privacy for public officials. Journalists now scramble for any possible skeletons they can dig up on public officials, claiming that the public has a right to ... biased or exaggerated claims about oneself or one's political opponent, and can lead to ad hominem attacks by those attempting to discredit the opposition. The second factor is more novel -- the rise of the Internet. While the Internet itself does not lead to any particular form of online content, the presence of online news services competing with television, radio and print journalists for stories has led to increased pressure on reporters to ...
Search results 571 - 580 of 1468 matching essays