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Search results 561 - 570 of 1468 matching essays
- 561: Phoolan Devi: Perceptions of Power
- ... what about physical manifestations of power? The first example that comes to mind is the fact that over two hundred items containing references to Phoolan Devi come up on my screen when I do an Internet search on her name. Photographs, newspaper reviews, magazine articles, newsgroup posts, all proving her power to reach out across the planet and touch people or infuriate them, depending on an individual's personal philosophies. Through her story many have become more conscious of the plight of her caste and gender in modern India. She has the power to inspire and inform. I have read on the Internet that she has been invited to the White House by the Clintons and that veteran British Opposition Labour Party MP, Mildred Gordon, has nominated her for the next Nobel Peace Prize. Activities of this type ... as an icon of the rights of the oppressed, she will retain the power to inspire. SOURCES Nelson, Cynthia 1974 Public and Private Politics: Women in the Middle Eastern World. American Ethnologist 1:551-563 Internet Newsgroup: Soc.Feminism 1/6/97 Posted by: vhelmle@earthlink.net Bandit Queen Directed by Shekhar Kapoor 1996
- 562: Hillary Clinton
- ... everyday. Like her predecessors, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton brings to the role of First Lady of the United States her own special talents, experience, and interests. Works Cited Hillary Clinton. 1999. n. pag. Online. Internet. 30 Mar. 99. Available: www.whitehouse.gov. Hillary Rodham Clinton. 1999. n. pag. Online. Internet. 30 Mar. 99. Available: www.usis.uz. Hillary R. Clinton Biography. 1999. n.pag. Online. Internet. 30 Mar.99. Available: www.3stu.ch/missions/US/bios/hillary.html
- 563: Windows 95 the O/S of the Future
- ... built into a chip that communicates with Windows 95 to find out where it needs to put itself in the address map. This allows users to have fancy big screen monitors and connect to the Internet with high speed modems. They can also put in faster video cards that use all the nice Windows 95 features, thus making their computing less complicated Windows 95 is set up with novice users in ... your programs are running simultaneously. This makes it easier to share information between programs. For example (I run Windows 95) while I am writing this paper using a word processor, I am logged onto the Internet and have five different programs running. I can move information from the Internet, or any other open program, into this paper without stopping anything else, something entirely impossible in DOS. Some people think the because they never see DOS anymore, it is not there. This could not ...
- 564: Advertising And Promotion Campaigns Of Coca-cola In The Euro
- ... uses a multitude of promotional vehicles to attract new coke drinkers and retain current ones. One of the strongest promotional venues has been through television and sporting events (mainly soccer) but in the nineties the internet is strongly becoming a popular means to increase promotions. Sports Promotion Coke takes a global approach to its sports promotion. In 1997 they established managers for each of the different sports that Coke sponsors worldwide ... activities that are currently being done in the various countries in the European Union. Spain Telefonica Interactiva entered into a promotional arrangement with Coca-Cola Espana aimed at boosting Teleline's user base. Telefonica Interactiva, Internet subsidiary of Telefonica, has entered into a promotional arrangement with Coca-Cola Espana aimed at boosting Teleline's user base. Under the deal, people who buy 20 half-litre Coca-Cola bottles will receive a year's Internet access for only Pta4k Vs Pta13k/y on average at present. 7 Coca-Cola launched "Dress-up with Coca-Cola Light" promotion in Spain in co-operation with clothing retailer Cortefiel. A consumer who ...
- 565: Allegory Of American Pie By Do
- ... Louis. American Chronicle: 1920-1989. Crown Publishers: New York, 1995. Haskins, James and Kathleen Benson. The Sixties Reader. Viking Kestrel: New York, 1995. Kulawiec, Rich. American Pie by Don McLean. (1996) N. pag. On-line. Internet. March 3, 1999. circ.upenn.edu. Jordan, M. American Pie: The Mystery Uncovered. (1998) n. pag. On-line. Internet. March 3, 1999. www.entrypoints.com Lyman, Richard. American Decades: 1960-1969. Gale Research Inc.: New York, 1995. McLean, Don. "American Pie". Don McLean On-line. (1995) n. Pag. On-line. Internet. March 25, 1999.
- 566: Computer Viruses
- ... is that programs or files don t need to be run in order to activate the spreading of a worm. Because of this worms can be very dangerous when released on to computer networks. The Internet Worm was released on to the Internet on the 2nd November 1988 spread to over 6,000 computers in less than a day. And the total monetary costs of this infection are estimated at about $98,000,000. Which proves how much ... precautions that can be taken to protect and maintain data security. You can generally avoid a computer virus if you are just careful not to use files from high-risk areas such as off the Internet. If you do need to use a file from a high-risk source then you can use a virus detection program before you run it. A virus detection program will check for viruses and ...
- 567: William Henry Gates III
- ... was on the NYT list for a total of 18 weeks. Published in more than 20 countries, the book sold more than 400,000 copies in China alone. In 1996, while redeploying Microsoft around the Internet, Gates thoroughly revised The Road Ahead to reflect his view that interactive networks are a major milestone in human history. The paperback second edition has also become a bestseller. Gates is donating his proceeds from ... unless it is first able to connect with and operating system. Because of this judgment that it is best to keep separate that which ought to be consolidated, it is difficult to see how the Internet, or any other information network, can in future be integrated into a single, unified whole. The specter of an antitrust law born in the age of Standard Oil has risen once again to haunt us ... you" (as Newsweek's cover put it). And, surprise!, things look bright indeed to America's richest guy. The "information highway" -- Gates generally clips it to a plain "the highway" -- isn't here yet; the Internet is only a genetic precursor, according to Gates. But when "the highway" itself arrives at our doors, with its ubiquitous high-bandwidth digital video feeds, our lives will undergo a seismic change for the ...
- 568: Website Review
- ... sixty percent are between the ages of eighteen and forty-four. Forty-four percent of the Web site users have children and fifty-seven percent make online purchases. (Gallup/Plaw Release: Survey of 40,000 Internet Users. Fall 1998.) The design of the Web site is very bright and appealing to the eye. Its layout is inviting and easy to navigate. Its design is consistent through all pages. There are many ... Barney, and Thomas the Tank. Its design is extremely colorful, playful, and intriguing. Another main section in the PBS Web site is called "TeacherSource." Its articles offer teachers advice on incorporating cable, video, and the Internet into their classrooms and lessons. The "Indie Scene" section concerns independent films and videos. It includes film reviews, a schedule of movies, and interviews with filmmakers. The site has two different news sections, " Online Newshour ... of PBS and find out about possible employment with the company. There is also an extensive section where people interested in becoming sponsors can get information about the company and statistics of PBS television and Internet viewers. PBS.org is an exciting and extensive Web site that has much to offer both adults and children. The Web site is appealing to the eye and put together in a fun yet ...
- 569: Stock Market
- ... middle class. AMD, Yahoo, and AOL are the high tech companies I bought. I think they went up quite much than others. It seems like most of the companies that are related to computer or Internet went up. For example, American Online could be very well known Internet Company in the United States. Before I bought it, I look up the Internet and research for it. For the three months ended September 30 1998, total revenues rose 64% to 858 million, Net income rose from 32 million to 108 million. Result reflects increase member of subscribers. ...
- 570: Communication Technology
- ... type of communication involving a message, sender, channel, and a receiver. 2. Communication systems have evolved since past systems. Changes include computerization, miniaturization, digestion, and integration. Many people are using home computers as well. The Internet has given people the ability to communicate across the globe with the click of a button. Many things involving communication have changed the world. Like the invention of morse code, the telephone, radio, TV, and more advanced things like the fax, cell-phone, pager, and Internet. 3. Communication technology affects the world in several different ways; Political, Environmental, Cultural, and Ethical. Every thing we do involves some form of communication technology. The effects the mass media has on us is huge ... sell crops to foreign countries. Government communicate using global technology. Mass meetings are held using video conferencing and speaker phones. Massive oversea trade deals are made overseas with the aids of phones, fax, and the Internet. Without these forms of communication we would have to take a plane across the ocean just to talk to someone on the other side of the pond. Types Of Communication Systems 1. A data ...
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