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551: Shakespeare 3 --
... was published including 154 sonnets, 36 plays, and his two long poems. The folio was put together by his friends so that nobody could take his work as theirs. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Torstenson,Casey. "William Shakespeare". Internet 2. Shah, Ravi P."Life of Shakespeare". Internet,1997 3. Booth,Beth."Shakespeare s Life". Internet 4. Editors of the Grolier Universal Encyclopedia. "Shakespeare", Stratford Press,Inc: New York,1966
552: Netiquette
... netiquette, is the list of rules that are generally followed. None of these have officially been written down in a book, but they are commonly suggested by business professionals dealing with e-mail and the Internet. No matter how simple you might think something is to understand, someone else might not see the same thing as you(AWatch Your Netiquette). You should be concise and to the point. E-mail is ... date can often be misunderstood so it is important to use the standard form MM DD YY. Netiquette, even though it is not official it is followed. It has already become an important part of Internet communications. It is the unwritten rules of e-mail that are followed by nearly everyone communicating via the Internet. With nearly 200 million messages sent daily it might be in the not so distant future that a definitive source on netiquette will arise. But until then remember not to SHOUT, be friendly :-)~, be ...
553: Silicon Snake Oil Second Thoughts on the Information Highway
Silicon Snake Oil Second Thoughts on the Information Highway The book Silicon Snake Oil : Second Thoughts On The Information Highway affected me by making me look at the internet and the information explosion of the 1990's from a different perspective. The author states his ideas on the subject and uses personal experiences to state and supports his ideas. He also gives examples of ironic situations where computers are supposed to be quicker and easier to perform a specific task and in reality they are not. The author supported his point of view that the internet and the information highway were not necessarily good by using some true and hypothetical situations that illustrate his views. An example of this was of e-mail* and is it really better than regular mail ... use a computer proficiently can still have a hard time using new software because every program is different and requires the user to learn the commands for it. This book presented a perspective on the internet and the information highway that differed from most people's ideas. I enjoyed reading this book because it provided e with a point of view that I had never really thought of before. I ...
554: Telecommunications Act Of 1996
... makers, and regulators had anticipated. The Act addressed five major areas of telecommunications: 1) Local telephone service, 2) Long distance telephone service, 3) Cable television service, 4) Radio and television broadcasting, 5) Censorship of the internet. The primary goal of the Act was to promote competition for local telephone services, long distance telephone services, and cable TV services. Inter-exchange carriers (IXC) (such as AT&T, Sprint, and MCI) and cable ... a broader audience. The terms for the licenses to broadcast were lengthened from 5 to 8 years, and were given 6MHz of digital bandwidth, which equals to an additional channel. The Telecommunications Act that sought Internet censorship was struck down by the Supreme Court in June 1996. It was ruled that Internet censorship was unconstitutional. The ACLU and many civil rights activists were firmly against this policy. As Thomas Jefferson put it “ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; ...
555: Whistleblowing
... Its relationship with whistle-blowing and need-for-cognition. Journal of Business Ethics, 17 (5), 527-541. 6. Over 2 Million Dollars in Damages Awarded to Nuclear Power Industry Whistleblower. (1998, October ). National Whistleblower Center, Internet: www.whistleblowers.org 7. Government Accountability Project Calls for A Permanent Anti-Gag Statute Increase Whistleblower Protection. (1998, October). National Whistleblower Center, internet: www.whistleblowers.org 8. The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989, (1989) Local 1613 San Diego, CA National Border Patrol Council,. internet: www.borderpatrol11613.org 9. Federal and State Statues for Whistleblowers, (1988) WHISTLEBLOWING DEFINED Congress enacted the Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 to strengthen protections for Federal employees, former employees and applicants for employment who ...
556: Mark Twain’s Greatest Downfall
... Ljunquist, a professor of American literature at the Worcester college, and one of the advisers of the Paige project. ‘The reasons for its failure were not mechanical. The Linotype just took over the market” (Condon INTERNET). Twain, however, would not grasp that the other typesetter would be more successful. He put a great deal of hard work into this new project. He devoted about fifteen years and two hundred thousand dollars ... caused Twain to lose the most money. Twain wasted at least $200,000 on the typesetting machine, which is often blamed for bringing him to the brink of bankruptcy in the mid 1890’s (Condon INTERNET). He believed that the typesetter would bring him millions and he wouldn’t have to write any more. Financial troubles hit the Clemenses in the 1880’s, particularly after Twain invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in a mechanical typesetting device being developed by Jaimes Paige. The typesetter was a failure, and Twain’s investment was lost (Johansen INTERNET). Mark Twain, whose real name was Samuel Clemens, was an excellent writer. He was also very money hungry but didn’t have the knowledge or sense to help get the money he desired. Twain ...
557: Utopia, 1984 Comparison
... or whether itˇ¦s forbidden, like in Brave New World and 1984. ˇ§Love is like light, it shines through the dark nightˇK it easily melts away all the evil. Love can surpass everything.ˇ¨ (Utopian Internet Site). Whether love is allowed or forbidden, it will ˇ§shine through the nightˇ¨, and continue to survive, like in 1984 and Brave New World through certain individuals. Works Cited Astrachan, Anthony. Brave New World Editor. USA: Baron Publishing, 1993. Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. London: Flamingo Publishing, 1932. Internet Source. ˇ§Utopian Loveˇ¨. Http://www2.gol.com/users/utopia. Internet Source. ˇ§Utopia and Marriageˇ¨. Http://www.d-holiday.com/tmore/utopia.htm Microsoft. Bookshelf 1998: The Tragic Sense of Life. Windows 95. More, Thomas. Utopia. London: Penguin Classics, 1961. Orwell, George. 1984. London: Penguin ...
558: What Really is a Hacker?
... want to destroy, rather they want to have access to new technology, software, or information. These creations are considered an art form, and are looked upon much like an artist views a painting. References Consulted Internet. http://www.ling.umu.se/~phred/hackfaq.txt Internet. http://www.jargon.com/~backdoor Internet. http://www.cyberfractal.com/~~andes.html
559: Changes From Technology
... and express delivery service will take on a whole new meaning. The future is here. Now, a mouse is better known as a computer device rather than a rodent. Surfing is being done over the Internet instead of at the beach. Games are no longer bought at toy stores, but are downloaded into our computers. All of this new technology sounds fascinating, but will it benefit more than it will hurt ... to be a positive one. The answer lies in our hands. We need to utilize the technology given to us, and make sure it is used in a positive sense. We need to take the Internet and the World Wide Web and rid it of its evils. We need to make sure terrorist secrets and bomb recipes are not being exchanged, and make sure educational tools are. We need to make the Internet a source to help find jobs, rather than a catalyst to replace them. These are the hardships we must get rid of. So what are we going to do about it? We need to ...
560: Establishing Information Polic
... move to electronic commerce has resulted in extraordinary advantages in terms of speed and cost-effectiveness of business, it also presents new challenges in the workplace. The information that is available to everyone on the internet, and more particularly to individuals within an organization is far greater now than it was just a few years ago. Despite the obvious advantages of this forward movement of technology, it creates a severe problem ... control of information. Whereas organizational information in the past would typically follow a formal chain of command or an informal office communication network, it can now be passed around the world in milliseconds over the internet. Implementing and maintaining a set of checks and balances to ensure that e-mail and other means of electronic communication are used only in an acceptable manner can prove to be a difficult, time-consuming ... a received file in which only that employee can access with their personal password. It is very difficult to ensure all employees follow e-mail polices and procedures, particularly if the company's computers have internet access and can sent e-mail to outside organizations from within the company. Periodically reminding staff about the sensitive nature of company information and frequent changing of passwords can help to prevent distribution of ...

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