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531: Hackers
... they have a program that can be copied onto a disc then they will lose a certain amount of their profit. People will copy it and give to friends or pass it around on the Internet. To compensate, they will raise the price of disc programs. CD Rom programs cost more to make but are about the same price as disc games. Companies don't loose money on them because it is difficult to copy a CD Rom and impossible to transmit over the Internet (Facts on File #28599 1). Hackers have hit one company in particular, American On-line, hard. The feud started when a disgruntled ex-employee used his inside experience to help fellow hackers disrupt services offered ... judicial system sentenced them to six months in prison (PC Weekly 12). This punishment might seem harsh, but not to Bill Clinton. He has appointed a task force to try to enforce laws on the Internet. The new laws would try to strengthen copyright laws by monitoring information being transferred and if a violation occurred, a $5,000 fine would be implemented (Facts On File #28599 1). Clinton thinks this ...
532: American Beauty
... end with us when we are all alone. Works Cited Caplan, Paula J., Ph.D.. Don’t Blame Mother – mending the mother-daughter relationship. New York: Harper & Row, 1989. Cunningham, Michael. Men versus Women. Online. Internet - University of Louisville, Ky. 15 Sept. 1999 Erickson, Pamela L.. Latina adolescent childbearing in East Los Angeles. Austin: university of Texas Press, 1998. Heilman, Madeline. Relations between Attractiveness and Corporate Success. Online. Internet. 15 Sept. 1999 “Men and Women.”, Wall Street Journal 22 Aug. 1993 Peacock, Mary. What men want. Online. Internet. 15 Sept. 1999
533: Stinky Solution
... for you, but what you can do for your country. Stop smoking. Works Cited Ayer, Eleanor H. Teen Smoking. San Diego, CA: Lucent Books, 1999. Cooper, Mike. Little Progress in Reducing U.S. Smoking. Online. Internet. Available: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/19991105/sc/health_smoking_4.html. Nov. 1999, n.p. Hamilton, Gene, Daniel McFeeley. Smoke Jokes. Vista, CA: Pacific Aero Press, 1991. Lang, Susan S., Beth H. Marks. Teens and Tobacco- A Fatal Attraction. New York: Twenty-First Century Books, 1996. Tanamachi, Cara. Cutting Teen Smoking Isn t Easy. Online. Internet. Available: http.//ash.org/jan98/01-21-98-4.html. Jan. 1998, n.p. The White House at Work: Fighting for Legislation to Reduce Teen Smoking. Online. Internet. Available: http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/Work/061998.html. June 1998, n.p.
534: Computer Mediated Evnvironment
... two most notable changes that have increased potential of linking buyers and sellers are the number of households owning personal computers (over 33% in the U.S.) and the exponential growth of applications of the Internet, most notably the World Wide Web (WWW). With increased penetration of computers, particularly multi-media computers equipped with CD-ROM drives and modems, subscription-based services such as America Online (AOL), Prodigy, and Compuserve, where ... CUC International’s Shopper’s Advantage membership-based service (www.cuc.com). “Virtual” shopping experiences (Burke 1996) enable marketing researchers to simulate a buyer’s actual experience in a supermarket with remarkable accuracy. While the Internet has been around since the 1960s, only since the development of the WWW (Berners-Lee et. al. 1993) has its potential for electronic commerce become apparent. The WWW is essentially a network of “home pages ... better or worse based on computer transactions versus conventional store transactions. Different pricing mechanisms can be easily used with CMEs. For example, occasionally, Cathay Pacific airline holds auctions of available business class seats on the Internet. Lands End sells closeouts in a special “room” at its Web site where the prices steadily decrease until the merchandise is cleared. Another possibility is that multiple types of prices can be offered including ...
535: Freedom of Speech
... of our country, the protection of basic freedoms has been of the utmost importance to Americans. Many people think that the freedom of speech Amendment is a freedom that is taken for garnet on the Internet. There are many people out in the world that are wanting to censer the Internet because it is to revealing. The thing that these people does not understand is that if the Internet is centered the government will be doing the censoring. If the government is the ones that are censoring then they will have control over the largest sores or information in the world. If that ...
536: New Millenium
... there is also much to be concerned about; neither our problems nor our cures have anything to do with changing millenniums. It is a well-known axiom that knowledge is power. New technologies like the Internet, cell phones, and satellite TV have succeeded in making the world smaller. Everyone immediately knows events that occur anywhere on the globe. This information can make you money in the stock market, be the lifeblood ... over the course of this new millennium. By the year 2100 all transactions should have an EZ-Pass lane for quicker and easier transactions. Companies like eWallet are already providing the EZ-Pass of the Internet to provide one-click shopping for everything. Ecommerce will only become more important in the next millennium as companies like Amazon and CDNow compete with giant retailers like Wal-Mart and Macys. Aside from technological advancements, we will hopefully see changes in our environment. As all forms and catalogs become available over the Internet there will be less of a need to destroy trees to create paper. As online shopping becomes mainstream there will be less reasons to drive around town wasting gas and polluting the air. However, ...
537: Community
... will try their best to make their community to be the best of the best. For example, a community such as cyberspace should give security and happiness to people who are using cyberspace. Since the internet business is more advanced and complex year after year, it is getting harmful to internet users. Because some people put a crashed or virus programs and sites on the web to make other users crash their computers. They are not only harmful to certain people, but to other users. That's why the cyberspace should create some source of program, which guard the internet against those troublemakers. Plus, on the other hand, cyberspace should give entertainment and varies of modern technologies to its users to be sure to have satisfactory and happiness. It should give new, updated information ...
538: Solving Problem Creatively Over the Net
Solving Problem Creatively Over the Net Since I got my internet privileges last 3 month, I had learn and encounter many weird and wonderful things. I have met the ugly side of internet and learnt something called "if you overspend your time limit, the phone bill gonna be very ugly."Perhaps the most interesting moment I encounter in the internet is when I discover homepage making. I made a homepage from learning HTML language from a web site. I want my homepage to be bold and simple but most of all animation- free. As ...
539: The Pc Industry
... is supposed to satisfy business workers needs for a useful computer at low cost,(Wildstrom 1-2). Another problem in CCC s not-to-distant future is their distribution costs. With the use of the Internet, competitors have been able to reduce and even eliminate distribution costs. To follow suit Compaq plans to increase direct sales in the future, according to Micheal Capellas, CEO (Hamblen 4). The future for CCC is ... realistic goals and that the company will still post growth, (Burrows 1-2). Recently Dell has made some key moves that should boost revenues including beefing-up its web site and a joint venture with Internet giant AOL, (Money 1-2). Dell Computer Corporation is still a major player in the PC industry and will continue to be in the future. Unlike Dell and Compaq, IBM has not had extreme success ... plans some new strategies after its low ranking in the PC market. This new strategy is to end all retail selling and go completely direct, IBM plans to sell its Aptiva system exclusively over the Internet in the near future, (Industry Survey, Apr. 2000). This will lower costs and possibly increase the bottom line for the computer giant. Like IBM, Hewlett-Packard made one mistake and cost itself billions of ...
540: Modern Computer
... powerful tool. It brings a lot of the functions to do any certain the things. It makes the people to enjoy its functions own. Computer is useful for finding the information. As long as the Internet is installed in the computer, the people can be able to what they want to find. Of course, they have to waste the time for doing. Acquiring the information, they feel that it is valuable. Renctly years, the number of people is increased by using computer. They can seek the information directly in Internet. That is a very convenient for the people. When the students do the projects, they will find the information in Internet, except library. Finding the things, they compose of the information and construct it in the computer its function such as Microsoft Work, Excel, etc. They have ability to achieve the people’s aim they ...

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