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Search results 521 - 530 of 1468 matching essays
- 521: Are Liberty and Order at Odds?
- ... abortion would it be considered a right of the person performing the act or should that act be illegal?(Abortion, 1996) That decision should be easily made. 4. Schools censorship of both books and the internet are blatant examples of too much order limiting our liberties as citizens. Any censorship is simply unconstitutional therefore it limits the liberties of the people. Anything that does not initiate force toward another is at our liberty to view. But the government is trying to slowly take this liberty away by censoring books and internet access. This not only inhibits the learning process but also is an extreme waste of money, much needed money that could be going to fund other suitable school activities.(Heisel, 1998) Some school systems are simply putting filters that are intended to clean the internet of all offensive but constitutionally sound material, these filters are like a communist newspaper, whatever the government doesn't like is filtered out. The power that they are given with these filters is scary. ...
- 522: American Transcendentalism
- ... in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." - Thoreau Works Cited "American Literary Movement: Transcendentalism." On-line, Internet. 22 April 1999 Baker, Carlos. Emerson Among the Eccentrics. New York. Viking Penguin, 1996. Bousman, Kelly. "American Transcendentalism." On-line, Internet. 22 April 1999 Derleth, August. Concord Rebel: A Life of Henry David Thoreau. Philadelphia. Chilton Books, 1962. Lifton, Frederick. "Henry Thoreau's Cultivation of Nature: American Landscape and American Self in 'Ktaadn' and 'Walking'." The American Transcendental Quarterly March 1998: 68. Miller, Perry. "The American Transcendentalists." On-line, Internet. 22 April 1999 Mott, Wesley, ed. Encyclopedia of Transcendentalism. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1971. Mullen, Janet and Wilson, Robert Thomas, ed. Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism. New York: Gale Research Company, 1989. Myerson, Joel. "Supplement ...
- 523: UFO Crash Near Roswell, NM
- ... Call For Accountability By the U.S. Government" Omni Oct. 1994: 10-11. Sagan, Carl, Thornton Page. UFO's - A Scientific Debate. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1972. Schmidt, Christopher. Roswell Testimony. Boston: Northeastern University, 1994. Online. Internet UFO Group - Government. Internet. 10 Nov. 1996. Stacy, Dennis. "Cosmic Conspiracy: Six Decades of Government UFO Cover- Ups." Omni April 1994: 35+. Thompson, Richard L. Alien Identities: Ancient Insights into Modern UFO Phenomena. Alachua: Govardhan Hill, 1995. Wyly. Flying Disc, Information Concerning Ed. George M. Eberhart, 1991. Online. Internet UFO Group - Government. Internet. 10 Nov. 1996.
- 524: Capitalism In Mass Media
- ... in the media. The film "You've Got Mail" uses themes such as technology and competition in conjunction with romance, naturalising some of capitalism's values into the character's lifestyle. The use of the Internet and competing businesses combine to create the story between the main characters. They have two relationships: their anonymous romantic Internet relationship and as rival business owners. As the outcome is reached, we understand that competition and technology are not important to the relationship, when the two meet. It is the emotions (such as love) that ... genre "romantic comedy", would more likely appeal to women, as romantic love is usually marketed to young women early in the mass media. (Through other mediums such as magazines and television.) The use of the Internet and e-mail as a form of correspondence, are fairly recent developments (in comparison to the love story), therefore the film would also appeal to those with an interest in technology. This film could ...
- 525: Heaven's Gate Cult
- ... of this tragic experience and the world needs to hear each one. Editorial Rancho Santa Fe is one of many cities to experience the disastrous cults. It is all over the world because of the Internet. The Internet may be useful at times, but it is full of trash. There should be a security system that contacts each site and evaluates each one. If the site is not of value, then it should be terminated. We need to keep this disastrous information away from the children and family members in our society. The Internet is not the only problem in our society. Religion is also another issue we as a whole need to discuss. People need to learn more of the religions known in the world and not ...
- 526: Ecommerce
- Business and the Internet The past several years have marked a time which is comparable to the coming of television and the radio. The Internet has grown from a simple way to send messages to and from two different computers with different operating systems, known as the beginning of E-Mail, to a way to sell and buy products just like in the tangible world. This article explains that the Internet or Web must be reckoned in dog years, because the pace of change is so fast that one year on the Internet is like seven years in any other medium. Fifteen million households connected ...
- 527: Cryptography
- ... an important secret to keep. However if it came all set up with most operating systems then it would be convenient enough to use on a regular basis. Remember that because of the way the Internet is built, anyone connected to the Ethernet cable can read every single transmission made on the net. That's not exactly private. But there are people out there that need to keep important secrets and aren't terrorists or criminals or the army. Most businesses will not be able to use the Internet as a means of communication as long as all their online communications are vulnerable to industrial spying. For businesses, the only safe way to communicate through a medium where each single bit they send can ... laws in most other countries in the world as well. Illegal immigrants in France tattooed cryptographic data on their forearms so that it would be illegal to send them back to their country. Since the Internet is worldwide, posting any strong encryption information on the web is the same as exporting it, and is therefore illegal. Which means that right now encrypted Internet communications are more or less illegal as ...
- 528: Technology Affects Educations
- How Technology Effects Education The best method for improving educational standards is to utilize every tool available, including state-of-the-art technology. Computers and the Internet have expanded the way in which information can be delivered to the students of today. Today's networking technologies provide a valuable opportunity to practice new learning techniques. Educators are discovering that computers are facilitating ... they only show a small part of what technology can do for a school. Technology must go further than simply keeping attendance; it must focus on keeping students interested and productive. Since computers and the Internet have expanded in such a way in which education can be delivered to students, it is currently possible to engage in "distance education through the Internet. Distance education involves audio and video links between teachers and students in remote areas. Video conferencing allows groups to communicate with each other. Desktop video conferencing promises to bring students together from geographic and ...
- 529: The Computer Revolution
- ... is exploited heavily by IT in turn is optical communications which has developed rapidly over the last ten years. It forms the backbone of global communications between fixed points and is the foundation of the Internet. The Internet has been one of the most surprising but highly popular developments in IT ever. From its humble beginnings as a small collection of remote, linked computers call ARPAnet (----------------) for the sharing of defence scientists discoveries. By 1984 advances in the protocols used to connect the computers to each other enable local area networks to join ARPAnet and a small version of the modern internet we know was born. Since then the Internet has grown exponentially and has become a global research, entertainment and business tool. Major companies such as IBM are now diversifying rapidly into this quickly expanding ...
- 530: The Design Of A Website
- ... problems and opportunities; a respect for the historical roots of and formal conventions of design; planning and diligent study are required to create interesting global web-site designs. What? subject: Web site design on the Internet Focus: Web site design in the future. Objectives: To identify web-site designs that work, and to identify the reasons to why they work. Why? With the increasing number of web-sites that are coming ... beneath the first page, but also offer you options and alternate means of approach. The answer may lie in better selling of the land in urban planning, to use a metaphor. The solutions to timeless internet problems navigation, access to information will be provided by design. Good design means; pertinent information, content, good surfing , exploring, and gathering. The designer is the Web s real pathfinder. How does the designer achieve this ... Make sure your buttons and navigational directions are simple and clear. Be consistent in these from page to page. 3. Don t make oversize pages. Research shows that 50% of all computers used for the internet use 13" monitors, designers often use 17" 21" monitors, size matters", keep to 480x640 pixels. 4. Don t design pages that require scrolling. This makes it painful and impossible to read in a hurry. ...
Search results 521 - 530 of 1468 matching essays