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Search results 501 - 510 of 1468 matching essays
- 501: Computer Security
- ... related to computer security. Shortly after, I will show you the statistics of computer crimes given by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). They show that in most of the crimes that happen on the Internet, almost 50 percent of the companies are breached. We also find the companies lose their money if they neglect the computer security, and the increasing trend of unauthorized access is from 1996 to 1997 from ... the tables below. Table 1 Companies reporting financial losses attributable to specific types of high-tech criminal activity and other factor in 1996-1997. Factor Percentage Virus Infection 65% Laptop Theft 57% Abusive Use Of Internet 31% Unauthorized Computer Use 16% Telecommunications Fraud 16% Information Theft 14% Financial Fraud 12% Sabotage 11% Network break-in 8% source: computer security institute survey for the FBI (McCollum 9). Table 2 SECURITY BREACHES Companies ... KNOW 21% 19% source: computer security institute survey for the FBI (McCollum 10). Chen 3 In fact, these data are lower than reality, since we can¡¦t be aware of all the activities of the Internet. So these facts prove that a computer system is very weak if it hasn¡¦t the complete computer security. To avoid becoming a victim, improving the security is necessary for every computer system. Next, ...
- 502: The Masters Of Puppets
- ... Random House, 1992, 46-47. Farley, Christopher John. “Where the moshers are.” Time 22 July 1996:88-90. Wilson Select. Online. First Search. 27 October 1999. “Gig Reviews.” 25 pp. 24 July 1999. Metallica Live. Internet. Royell. 22 October 1999. Masuo, Sandy. “Pop Music Review; Metallica, Symphony Do Fiery Rearranging.” Los Angeles Times 23 April 1999: 25. Electric Library. CD-ROM. Infonautics Corporation, 1998. Metallica. …And Justice For All. CD. Elektra ... 1996. -- -- -- . ReLoad. CD. Elektra, 1997. -- -- -- . Ride the Lightning. CD. Elektra, 1984. “Metallica”. Narr. Jim Forbes. Prod. Jeff Gaspin. Dir. Nicholas Caprio. Behind the Music. VH1. Primestar. 2 July 1999. “Metallica Biography.” 3 pp. 1997. VH1. Internet. Royell. 28 October 1999. “Metallica Mania.” 5 pp. October 1999. Elektra Records. Internet. Royell. 28 October 1999. “Metallica, The Best Metal Band Ever?.” 4 pp. 6 June 1997. Metallica. Internet. Royell. 28 October 1999. Metallica S&M. Narr. James Griter. Prod. Kay Hertferd. VH1. DirecTV. 17 November ...
- 503: The Power of Persuasion
- ... of persuasion and other carefully calculated marketing techniques the media is able to dictate the products consumers purchase. The media airs commercials throughout television shows, radio shows, and even has made its way into the internet by creating banners which advertise products through links. With the increase of availability to televisions, radios and even the internet the media can reach just about everyone. Not only can advertisements be seen from numerous places, companies conduct studies to obtain statistics of various facts about the people that purchase their products to pin point ... form the commercial will be seen in. Product advertisements aired on television are designed to stimulate two primary senses, site and sound, as opposed to a radio ad that focuses on just sound. With the internet and billboards just to the eyes. In television commercials numerous marketing techniques are utilized to create visual and sound appeal to consumers. The benefit of television advertising is the combination of site and sound, ...
- 504: What Is Witchcraft
- ... environment. This research paper is to redefine, in more accurate words, the truth of one of the oldest religion in the world. 2.0 Methods In this research paper, I have used information from the Internet such as some homepages built by some Coven and believers. I also used books that are mainly about the general structure of the Craft and its religion "Wicca". I have also had an interview with ... 6 Definition of Wicca It is said to be "the religion of Witches". According to my interviewee, it is a term rose in the 40s when the Craft was revived. Asking some Witches through the Internet, some found that there are no differences between "Witchcraft" and "Wicca" at all (like my interviewee) while some Witches react strongly claiming that they are "Witches" but not "Wiccan". According to Alaya, "Wicca" is a ... witches are Wiccan. There are many tradition witches can follow. Wicca is only one of them . . . there . . . are Wiccan that do not consider themselves as witches. But usually all Wiccans are witches." Generally, through the Internet sources I have researched through, "Wicca" is interpreted, as the religion of Witches and "Wiccan" is its believer. Few people can really tell the differences between the two. Some sources simply mix up the ...
- 505: Technology in Improving Education Standards
- Technology in Improving Education Standards The best method for improving educational standards is to utilize every tool available, including state-of-the-art technology. Computers and the Internet have expanded the way in which information can be delivered to the students of today. Today's networking technologies provide a valuable opportunity to practice new learning techniques. Educators are discovering that computers are facilitating ... they only show a small part of what technology can do for a school. Technology must go further than simply keeping attendance; it must focus on keeping students interested and productive. Since computers and the Internet have expanded in such a way in which education can be delivered to students, it is currently possible to engage in "distance education through the Internet. Distance education involves audio and video links between teachers and students in remote areas. Video conferencing allows groups to communicate with each other. Desktop video conferencing promises to bring students together from geographic and ...
- 506: Martin Luther King Jr And Malcolm X
- ... poor social conditions that blacks lived in on the whites. "His past ghetto life prepared him to reject non-violence and integration and to accept a strong separatist philosophy as the basis for black survival," (Internet, Malcolm X anniversary). He even believed at one time that whites were agents of the devil. As a result, "Malcolm X recommended a separatist and nationalist strategy for black survival," (pg. 57, Malcolm X: The ... his listeners to hatred of white America. Malcolm X used direct and to the point language which could be understood by all levels of society. "He had mastery in language and could project his ideas," (Internet, Remember Malcolm X) This creativity in language helped build the Black Muslim Movement in the United States. In his "Definition of a Revolution" speech, delivered in November 1963, Malcolm X openly justifies violence as a ... mountain shall be made low, the rough places shall be made plain, and the crooked places shall be made straight, and the glory of the lord shall be revealed, and all shall see it together," (Internet, Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream speech) Unlike Malcolm X, King does not incite his followers to riot and hate, but encourages his followers to remember that all people are God's ...
- 507: Teen Pregnancy
- ... for everyone. It's an adult environment home with a lot of freedom. Teens have to be self motivated and have to want to succeed. This house will provide the tools to accomplish teens goals (internet 1). Missions Statement "To provide a safe, affordable living situation for young mothers who are on their own and want to complete their education, be great parents, and learn essential living skills"(internet 1). There is also a program called New Chance. It was developed in 1989 and it is a nonprofit research corporation. It is in sixteen locations and studies teen pregnancies with drop out rates(pregnant ... it is born. Adoption, have the baby then give it to people who can better take care of the baby's life or keep the baby and try to make a good life for it(internet 1). You can have sex but protection is a wise option even though it's not guaranteed to prevent pregnancy. There is a fifty percent chance of conception. Condoms, birth control, or any other ...
- 508: Viruses
- ... viruses that may have been mutated beyond their original forms." (Yegulalp, 1997) TouchStone’s PC-cillin 3.0 follows closely behind Norton AntiVirus 4.0; it provides sufficient protection, and updates are available over the internet. (Miastkowski, 1998) "Each program scans or boot-sector and memory-resident viruses automatically when [the user] turns on the computer." They also include a Windows 95 antivirus shield that blocks contamination from infected floppy disks and warns the user when a tainted file is being run. "In addition, they let users perform manual scans of any drive from within Windows 95, and also check...files downloaded from the Internet." (Cope, 1998) "Norton AntiVirus 4.0 generously incorporates its Windows NT, DOS, Windows 3.x and Windows 95 editions into one package. PC-cillin also runs under NT, although TouchStone ships the NT edition as ... infection." (Yegulalp, 1997) This program also offers a backup system and scan of the system before Windows 95 loads. (Yang, 1998) The latest version of PC-cillin informs the user as it is scanning an internet connection. It "offers much tighter functionality than before. Earlier PC-cillin users will definitely want to upgrade." (Yegulalp, 1997) On the surface, it looks as if the odds are against personal computer users. Despite ...
- 509: Religion And The World Wide We
- The Internet began as the ARPANET during the cold war in 1969. It was developed by the US Department of Defense's (DOD) research people in conjunction with a number of military contractors and universities to explore ... communication network that could survive a nuclear attack. It continued simply because the DOD, it's contractors, and the universities found that it provided a very convenient way to communicate. In 1990, HTML, a hypertext Internet protocol which could communicate the graphic information on the Internet, was introduced. Each individual could create graphic pages (a Web site), which then became part of a huge, virtual hypertext network called the World Wide Web (WWW). The enhanced Internet was informally renamed the ...
- 510: Homelessness
- ... WORKS CITED Bassuk et al. "the Characteristics and needs of Sheltered Homeless and low income housed mothers, " Journal of the American Medical Association 276 (August 28, 1996) "Homeless Familles with Children "NCH Fact Sheet #7, Internet, May 1998, Available http://nch.ari.net/families.html "How Many People Experience Homelessness?" NCH Fact Sheet #2, Internet, May 1998, Available http://nch.ari.net/numbers.html Michuad, Margaret., Dead End, Vancouver: Detseling Enterprises Ltd, 1988 Monsebraaten, Laurie. "Assisted housing 31 000 kids wait" the Toronto Star 30 Nov. 1998. "Not a Homeless Problem." the National Post 29 Oct. 1998. Ross, Val. "On Patrol in Toronto's Cold Desert of Homelessness." the Globe and Mail 11 Nov. 1998. "who is Homeless?" NCH Fact Sheet #3, Internet, May 1998, Available http://nch.ari.net/who.html "Why Are People Homeless?" NCH Fact Sheet #1, Internet, May 1998. Available http://nch.arl.net/causes.html.
Search results 501 - 510 of 1468 matching essays