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Search results 451 - 460 of 1468 matching essays
- 451: A Couple Of Yahoos
- ... Officious Oracle, but Yang and Filo insist that they selected the name because they consider themselves to be Yahoos. Soon Yahoo! became so busy that Stanford’s computers began to crash with all of the Internet traffic. Stanford demanded that they move their program elsewhere. At this point, Yang and Filo were receiving numerous offers to by the program Internet Giants including, America Online and Netscape Navigator. But Filo and Yang refused to sell out, they believed that they could become more successful running the system by themselves. Today Yahoo! has grown to become the world’s favorite guide to the Internet. With more 800,000 users, Yahoo is contacted over 7 million times a day. All the Internet user needs to do is click on Yahoo! and a list of topics ranging from arts to ...
- 452: Technology and the Future of Work
- ... Nickolas Negroponte (1996) of the MIT Media Lab, points out that in percentage per capita it is those people under seventeen years of age and over fifty five who are the greatest users of the Internet, and that the Internet and other information technologies encourage democracy and global egalitarianism. Furthermore he envisions a new generation of computers so human and intelligent that they are thought of more as companions and colleagues rather than mechanical aids ... true, the new products and services require less workers to produce and operate, and certainly will not counteract those made redundant through obsolete trades and professions. Direct global marketing by way of the ‘Superhighway' the ‘Internet' and other forms of instant telecommunications is making thousands of middle marketing employees obsolete. For example the SA bank introduced phone banking some while ago, they now are the first bank in South Australia ...
- 453: Witchcraft
- ... environment. This research paper is to redefine, in more accurate words, the truth of one of the oldest religion in the world. 2.0 Methods In this research paper, I have used information from the Internet such as some homepages built by some Coven and believers. I also used books that are mainly about the general structure of the Craft and its religion "Wicca". I have also had an interview with ... 6 Definition of Wicca It is said to be "the religion of Witches". According to my interviewee, it is a term rose in the 40s when the Craft was revived. Asking some Witches through the Internet, some found that there are no differences between "Witchcraft" and "Wicca" at all (like my interviewee) while some Witches react strongly claiming that they are "Witches" but not "Wiccan". According to Alaya, "Wicca" is a ... witches are Wiccan. There are many tradition witches can follow. Wicca is only one of them . . . there . . . are Wiccan that do not consider themselves as witches. But usually all Wiccans are witches." Generally, through the Internet sources I have researched through, "Wicca" is interpreted, as the religion of Witches and "Wiccan" is its believer. Few people can really tell the differences between the two. Some sources simply mix up the ...
- 454: How To Buy A Computer
- ... buying it primarily for gaming and personal use, or using it as a home-based business system? The fact is, the average home user who needs a general purpose PC (personal computer) to surf the ¡¥Internet¡¦ and run gaming software differs little from the average worker¡¦s system in an office. The novice buyer will need to determine which applications and software they will need. They must also consider the overall ... make an informed decision, you may represent future sales. Even if you don¡¦t purchase your system from them, you will always need supplies and upgrades in the future. Another source for information is the Internet. Most community libraries have access to the Internet with knowledgeable people that are willing to help. The library also has resource books and computer focused magazines with helpful information regarding computer systems and terminology definitions. Most of the well-known computer manufacturers ...
- 455: Beginners Guide To Hack
- ... what hacking is all about. D. Getting started The very first thing you need to do is get a copy of PKZIP or some other file unzipping utility. Nearly everything that you download from the Internet or from a BBS will be zipped. A zipped file is a file that has been compressed. Zipped files end with the extension \\".zip\\". Then you need to get yourself a good prefix scanner.(also ... Box add line extension F. Box Plans The Red Box is the main tool that you will use so I have included the Red Box plans. The other box plans can be downloaded from the Internet. Red Box: There are two ways that you can make a Red Box: One is to go to Radio Shack and buy a tone dialer and a 6.5536Mhz crystal.(If Radio Shack doesn\\'t ... paranoia.com/astrostar/fringe.html http://www.umcc.umich.edu/~doug/virus-faq.html http://www.wired.com B. Good hacking and phreaking text files All of these files are available by download from the Internet. File Name: A Novice\\'s Guide To Hacking Alt.2600 Hack Faq The Hacker\\'s Handbook The Official Phreaker\\'s Manual Rainbow Books (Listed in Section D.) The Hacker Crackdown Computer Hackers: Rebels With ...
- 456: Hackers 2
- ... they have a program that can be copied onto a disc then they will lose a certain amount of their profit. People will copy it and give to friends or pass it around on the Internet. To compensate, they will raise the price of disc programs. CD Rom programs cost more to make but are about the same price as disc games. Companies don't loose money on them because it is difficult to copy a CD Rom and impossible to transmit over the Internet (Facts on File #28599 1). Hackers have hit one company in particular, American On-line, hard. The feud started when a disgruntled ex-employee used his inside experience to help fellow hackers disrupt services offered ... judicial system sentenced them to six months in prison (PC Weekly 12). This punishment might seem harsh, but not to Bill Clinton. He has appointed a task force to try to enforce laws on the Internet. The new laws would try to strengthen copyright laws by monitoring information being transferred and if a violation occurred, a $5,000 fine would be implemented (Facts On File #28599 1). Clinton thinks this ...
- 457: The American Dream, And All It
- ... actual social conditions that exist. For whereas American democracy is based on the idea of equality among people, the truth is that social discrimination still exists and the divisions among the classes cannot be overcome” (Internet 1). It is impossible for all people to become rich, since wealth is based largely on social position, and classes prevent the poor from becoming successful. “One thing’s sure and nothing’s surer / The ... morally corrupt fantasy. Works Cited Fahey, William A. F. Scott Fitzgerald and The American Dream. Toronto: Fitzhenry & Whiteside Limited, 1973. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. Ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli. Toronto: Simon & Schuster Inc, 1995. Internet 1. “ http://www.uni-ulm.de/schulen/gym/sgu/gatsb/klaus2.htm”. F. Scott Fitzgerald Centenary Home Page. “The Great Gatsby’s Theme”. Board of Trustees of the University of South Carolina, 1997. Internet 2. “http://www.clunet.edu/engdept/ad/gatsby2.html”. Works of F. Scott Fitzgerald. “Great Gatsby: Chapters 5 - 9”. Infonautics Corporation, 1998. Internet 3. “http://www.clunet.edu/engdept/ad/gatsby3.html”. Works of ...
- 458: The Modem
- ... like to start with an introduction I chose this topic because I thought it would be interesting to learn about how a modem works in a computer. With modem we are able to access the Internet BBS' or Bulletin Board Systems. The MODEM is one of the smartest computer hardware tools ever created. modem is an abbreviation of Modulator De Modulator it is fairly simple to explain; through the telephone lines ... to send messages between one single computer or a group of computers. The Originating computer sends a coded message to the Host computer which decodes it and there we have the power to access the Internet, talk to other people through terminal programs and retrieve files from other computers. The first patented computer modem was made by Hayes in the early eighties and from there they rapidly developed the first modem ... 500(software upgradable 56k). Facsimile machines also have a form of modem in them, usually a 2400baud modem to decode the message. So imagine a world without the modem for a second; NO fax NO Internet NO direct computer communications whatsoever. The three major modem manufactures are Hayes (original modem) US Robotics and Microsoft. In conclusion life today it would be very hard to live without modems some businesses would ...
- 459: Edgar Allen Poe
- Edgar Allen Poe Who is Edgar Allen Poe? He was a 19th century American writer born to Elizabeth (“betty”) Arnold Hopkins and David Poe. (Internet source) Poe was an well-educated individual. He would attend a private school in London and then an academy in Richmond. Later being accepted to the University of Virginia, this however would not work out ... His story “MS. Found in a Bottle” “was considered to be the one of the world’s first science fiction stories, he won both the $50 prize and acclaim for its 24-year-old author.” (Internet source) He would then work at several different editorials, none of which really worked out for him. His dream though would be to own a magazine or paper of his own. He would come close ... Edgar Allen Poe? Through his lifetime many different misfortunes and disasters would strike him. All of these would shape him and his writing to what we now associate as the father of modern diabolic fiction. (Internet source) The first of the tragedies to plague him would be the abandonment by his father. He would grow never knowing who his real father was. His father had left his family when Edgar ...
- 460: Princess Diana
- ... working as a part time kindergarten teacher at the Young England School in Pimlico. On top of that, she also was a part time nanny who spent her time looking after a small child (“Diana” Internet). On February 24, 1981 the engagement of Prince Charles and Lady Diana was announced (Delano 36). The couple later was married at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London on July 29, 1981. The wedding ceremony ... Diana was the first English woman in three hundred years to marry an heir to the British throne. Diana wore a silk dress designed by the Emanuels, which trailed a twenty-five foot train (“Diana” Internet). A year later June 21, 1982 Prince William Arthur Phillip Louis was born at St. Mary’s Hospital. Two years later Charles and Diana’s second child, Harry Charles Albert David was born on Sept ... the nation on Sunday August 31 1997. Princess Diana and her new found companion Mr. Dodi Fayed were both killed in a horrible car accident at the Place del Alma underpass in Central Paris (“Diana” Internet). This was a shock and tragedy to everyone. This beautiful fairy tale princess was now dead. On Saturday September 6, 1997, Diana’s funeral service was held at her family estate at Althorp. She ...
Search results 451 - 460 of 1468 matching essays