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Search results 441 - 450 of 1468 matching essays
- 441: Computers 2
- ... had a major effect upon business. One area deals with the advertising industry. It has completely re-arranged the advertising business. Before computers companies used to advertise only on magazines, billboards, and T.V. The internet has spawned a new world for advertising. If anyone has ever been on the Internet; they know that it is a major contributor to this. Instead of companies paying around 1 million dollars to advertise for a 30 second commercial during the Super Bowl; they could just pay a certain ... Computers have actually hurt the majority of stock brokerage firms. The reason is because computers allow it s users to have access to the same information the actual brokers have. They can log onto the internet and go to their online firm to download information on stocks. This way they have the knowledge to trade and buy stocks for themselves without paying a certain percent to the broker. People can ...
- 442: The Media As An Institution
- ... major changes of note have been: a. the growth of the media industry, b. the advancement of satellite communications, c. women s increased role as consumers of mass media, and d. the growth of the internet. The media has seen spectacular growth since the first daily newspaper for the common man was produced on 4 May 1896. The Daily Mail was a halfpenny paper of eight pages with advertisements on the ... them targets for the mass media. Magazines such as Dolly and more recently B accommodate to the reading and lifestyle wishes of younger girls and also create a younger target audience for the media. The internet is a more recent phenomenon which, whilst it has not had a major effect on the media institution, shows the potential to become a large sector of the media. The mass availability of the internet is leading it to becoming an alternate source of information. Most national newspapers and all of the commercial television stations have internet sites. The users of these information sites pay by the presence of ...
- 443: Sex In Society
- Sex in Society Sex plays a major role in today's society. From television, radio, music, and advertisements, to video games, the Internet, and even art and pictures, all forms of media use sex to help sell their products. With the public being exposed to so many different types, the overuse and exploitation of sex is common. Is ... on a problem, or exploiting it for it's shock value." (Los and Chamond, 1997, p.293) Although this is a horrible exploitation, there is yet another form of media that rivals this problem. The Internet is the worst for having excessive sex in the media, as it is not regulated. All of the other forms of broadcasting have some sort of committee or association that analyzes and approves all ads and shows before they are released to the public. With the Internet, there currently are no real ways of suppressing the content. There are programs such as Net Nanny that will not open sites containing certain material, but what's stopping a kid from going over ...
- 444: Speech Recognition Technology
- ... dyslexic, and paralyzed individuals use speech recognition technology to become more independent and to communicate more effectively. Dyslexics can use computers to read to them so they do not have to ask someone else. The Internet is one of the most active uses for voice technology. IBM released a home-page reader in Japan that uses a computer-synthesized male voice to read text off the Internet. It then uses a female voice when it encounters highlighted hyperlinks to other Web sites. Blind users can program a numeric keypad to move from line to line on a Web page. They can also ... company that recently introduced its continuous-speech software and promises it will be available on store shelves this year. Speech recognition technology is going to be the next wave of connecting to computers, like the Internet, where a whole new generation of people want to do transactions themselves or get information without having to deal with layers of people. The biggest problem with speech recognition technology is that applications are ...
- 445: There Is No Escape
- ... logos, much like the Jewish people wear their yamulkas. People follow their teams on television, radio, and any other type of media available to them. Most recently, the Dodgers have found a home on the internet. Fans can now watch clips of Dodger games or even hear a game live on the internet. This relates to McLuhan's concept of the "Global Village." Having live broadcasts available on the internet is a great way for Dodger fans, who might happen to be in college in the east coast, to listen and keep up with the latest news about their team. It is good knowing ...
- 446: Firewalls
- ... permit traffic. Some firewalls place a greater emphasis on blocking traffic, while others emphasize permitting traffic. Probably the most important thing to recognize about a firewall is that it implements an access control policy. The Internet, like any other society, is plagued with the kind of jerks who enjoy the electronic equivalent of writing on other people's walls with spray paint, tearing their mailboxes off, or just sitting in the street blowing their car horns. Some people try to get real work done over the Internet, and others have sensitive or proprietary data they must protect. Usually, a firewall's purpose is to keep the jerks out of ones network while still letting one get his or her job done ... a case where a company's policies dictate how data must be protected, a firewall is very important, since it is the embodiment of the corporate policy. Frequently, the hardest part of hooking to the Internet, if you're a large company, is not justifying the expense or effort, but convincing management that it's safe to do so. A firewall provides not only real security - it often plays an ...
- 447: Technology To Improve Education
- Technology To Improve Education The best method for improving educational standards is to utilize every tool available, including state-of-the-art technology. Computers and the Internet have expanded the way in which information can be delivered to the students of today. Today's networking technologies provide a valuable opportunity to practice new learning techniques. Educators are discovering that computers are facilitating ... they only show a small part of what technology can do for a school. Technology must go further than simply keeping attendance; it must focus on keeping students interested and productive. Since computers and the Internet have expanded in such a way in which education can be delivered to students, it is currently possible to engage in "distance education through the Internet. Distance education involves audio and video links between teachers and students in remote areas. Video conferencing allows groups to communicate with each other. Desktop video conferencing promises to bring students together from geographic and ...
- 448: What Is Postmodernism
- ... s commercial and social life. In my view there are few people who can dispute this fact. One only has to consider new media technologies and look at the rise in the use of the Internet to conclude that this is indeed the case. Bill Gates has become the richest business on the planet, and, to a certain degree, one could say that he does control knowledge , or at least people ... power that they once hold, and the owners are able to carry out their exploitation with the minimum of opposition. Capitalism has had to change and one only has to consider the world of the Internet to realise what important part capitalism plays in our own leisure time. Already the capitalists are taking over the virtual world. Consumers are able to order virtually anything over the Internet. At present an experiment is taking place where five people have been locked in a hotel room with merely Internet access to provide food and clothing. Capitalism is evolving again replacing the workforce with ...
- 449: Who Can Stop Credit Card Abuse
- ... the credit cards in their business (Lewis, 1990). The evolution and the expansion of the card went lide the speed of light. The most important step was the introduction of the credit card to the Internet in the 90 s. Today, Web servers enable payments by credit card. A credit card transaction over the Internet is one of the most common types of payment. If a merchant has an account with a merchant bank that offers Internet credit card processing, he would be able to accept credit card payment over the Internet (http://search.netscape.com). "There was an increase of $78 billion over 1994, in just one short year. We ...
- 450: Modems
- ... like to start with an introduction I chose this topic because I thought it would be interesting to learn about how a modem works in a computer. With modem we are able to access the Internet BBS or Bulletin Board Systems.The MODEM is one of the smartest computer hardware tools ever created. modem is an abbreviation of Modulator De Modulator it is fairly simple to explain; through the telephone lines ... to send messages between one single computer or a group of computers. The Originating computer sends a coded message to the Host computer which decodes it and there we have the power to access the Internet, talk to other people through terminal programs and retrieve files from other computers. The first patented computer modem was made by Hayes in the early eighties and from there they rapidly developed the first modem ... 500(software upgradable 56k). Facsimile machines also have a form of modem in them, usually a 2400baud modem to decode the message. So imagine a world without the modem for a second; NO fax NO Internet NO direct computer communications whatsoever. The three major modem manufactures are Hayes (original modem) US Robotics and Microsoft.In conclusion life today it would be very hard to live without modems some businesses would ...
Search results 441 - 450 of 1468 matching essays