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Search results 431 - 440 of 1468 matching essays
- 431: Computer Crime: The Crime of the Future
- ... they have a program that can be copied onto a disc then they will lose a certain amount of their profit. People will copy it and give to friends or pass it around on the Internet. To compensate, they will raise the price of disc programs. CD Rom programs cost more to make but are about the same price as disc games. Companies don't loose money on them because it is difficult to copy a CD Rom and impossible to transmit over the Internet (Facts on File #28599 1). One company in particular, American On-line, has been hit hard by hackers. The feud started when a disgruntled ex-employee used his inside experience to help fellow hackers disrupt ... The accused were sentenced to six months in prison (PC Weekly 12). This punishment might seem harsh, but not to Bill Clinton. He has appointed a task force to try to enforce laws on the Internet. The new laws would try to strengthen copyright laws by monitoring information being transferred and if a violation occurred, a $5,000 fine would be implemented (Facts On File #28599 1). Clinton thinks this ...
- 432: Marrying Homosexuals
- ... the significance of setting a precedent that denies that freedom. The Supreme Court has long recognized that the institution of marriage is one of the rights guaranteed to all Americans by our Constitution. On the Internet, you can find the full text of the following Supreme Court cases. In the case of Loving v. Virginia, the Supreme Court said, “The freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the ... repercussions of granting the constitutional right of marriage to homosexuals, but not with the constitutional rights of homosexuals. The arguments offered are remarkably similar to the arguments offered 30 years ago against interracial marriages. An internet article, Homosexual Marriages: Religious Aspects, says, “...all (arguments) seem to echo the debates heard in the late 1960’s when the morality of racially mixed marriages was being debated. One only needs to change a ... the Church to continue denying homosexual marriages once they are allowed by the state. Third, homosexuals will be allowed in many churches to be married. Part of the Homosexual Marriages: Religious Aspects page on the Internet says that the following churches support marriage for all adults, including homosexual couples: the Central Conference of American Rabbi’s, the California Council of Churches, the Church of Religious Science, the Pacific Congress of ...
- 433: Computer Communications
- ... began to notice the little things. Electronic mail addresses started popping up on business cards. Those otherwise-incomprehensible computer magazines that my dad brought home from work ran monthly stories on communications-program this, and Internet-system that. Cleveland Freenet's Freeport software began appearing on systems all over the world, in places as far away as Finland and Germany - with free telnet access! I didn't live life as a ... exciting opportunities, but it helped me take a step further into maturity. Communicating with others on this alternate plane of reality was so different, yet so similar, to the world I had already experienced. The Internet is a place where the only way you can view people is by how they choose to display themselves. Because you can't see other users, you can't make any prejudgments based upon race, sex, or physical handicap. As stated by John R. Levine and Carol Baroudi in The Internet for Dummies, 'Who you are on the Internet depends solely on how you present yourself through your keyboard." The reason for this is simple. The people who created this form of communication weren't ...
- 434: Computers In Society
- ... information, books etc. to reach its final destination. Its’ cost would be calculated in how much it weighed. However, with our drastic change in technological advances more mediums are transferred through the computer, and the Internet than ever before. The world is getting smaller by the minute. The change of exchange from atoms to bits is irrevocable, and unstoppable. Why now? Because the change is also exponential – small differences of yesterday ... and digital telecommunications. In the same fashion 35% of American and Canadian families, and 50%of American and Canadian teenagers have a personal computer at home; 30 million people are estimated to be on the Internet; 65 percent of new computers sold worldwide in 1994 were for the home; and 90 percent of those to be sold in 1995 are expected to have modems or CD-ROM drives. These numbers do ... machine, CD player, and greeting cards . And if I am wrong about any of the numbers above, wait a minute. And the rate at which these numbers are growing is astonishing. The population of the Internet itself is increasing at a rate of 10 percent per month. If this rate of growth were to continue (quite possibly), the total number of Internet users would exceed the population of the world ...
- 435: Interracial Relationships
- ... hopefully soon done away with, the only way to make changes involving opinions on segregation is to teach and reinforce it in our children. Works Cited Afgen. "1901 Ban on Interracial Marriages". Online. America Online. Internet. 28 September, 1999. Greenwood. "Crossing the Line". Online. America Online. Internet. 28 September, 1999. Newsline. "Interracial Marriage". America Online. Internet. 28 September, 1999. Sistahspace. "Interracial Ties That Bind". America Online. Internet. 28 September, 1999. Staples, Robert. Interracial Relationships: A Convergence of Desire and Opportunity. p 133. Canada, 1999. Websters New World Dictionary. Pretence Hall: ...
- 436: Computer Software Ownership
- ... perform heavier tasks. Some of those software programs are being published on the net, and this is how they are downloaded for free everyday. Microsoft is well known for this way of selling products like Internet explorer, Net Meeting, Real Audio etc. The Internet is probably one of the most important informational center in the world. Indeed, with a simple server connection, we can access the world from our own PC. The article from Deborah Johnson on property rights in computer software demonstrates how the Internet somehow provides privileges and disadvantages on publishing free software. In this article, an individual published a virus tester program on the Internet. An interested programmer improved the version on his own and published it. ...
- 437: Euthanasia
- ... upsetting the balance of nature when they try to keep people alive who are supposed to die. The planet has survived for a long time without the laws of humanity, so what makes them right? (Internet). Opponents also believe that euthanasia is against God, therefore it is unethical. Since four centuries before Christ neither Christians nor Jews have significantly changed this basic idea. Essentially, they are opposed to the killing. However, this attitude has not been universal. In 1958 Pope Pius XII emphasized that we may “allow the patient who is virtually already dead to pass away in peace”(Internet). Mercy is not against God. It would seem that God would want people to die in peace and without pain. Suffering is a “good” and “right” thing to do- another strike against euthanasia given by ... the case Bouvia v. Superior Court, “If there is a time when we ought to be able to get the government “off our backs”, it is when we face death- either by choice or otherwise”(Internet). So where is the place of religion, when it comes to euthanasia? The answer is, in the hearts, minds and lives of believers-where it should be. The purpose of this is not to ...
- 438: Mao Zedong
- ... s price V. The road to "Chinese Socialism." VI. Class struggle VII. Conclusion References Aird, John S. Monster Mao –The Private Life of Chairman Mao by Dr. Li Zhisui. American Enterprise. May. 1995. Online. Galileo. Internet. 15. Jan. 1997. Lawrence, Susan V. The legacy of the Red Guards. US News & World Report. 20. May. 1996. Online. Galileo. Internet. 15. Jan. 1997. Teiwes, Fredrick C. Seeking the historical Mao. China Quarterly. Mar. 1996. Online. Galileo. Internet. 15. Jan. 1997. McHenry, Robert. "Mao Zedong." The New Encyclopedia Brittanica. The University of Chicago. 1992. Vol. 23. 468-72. Pool, Teresa. Mao’s frenzy of mass violence. World Press Review. Aug. 1996. Online. ...
- 439: Model Train Building And Compu
- ... interest and imagination. But with the latest generation of building comes the influx of technology and the computer. The computer brings along a new breed of builders who plan track layout, buy parts on the Internet, receive updated news, and chat with other enthusiast. The most notable difference that computers have brought to the world of Model Train building is in software programming. Now on the market there are numerous different ... CyberTrack, The Right Track Software, and Design Your Own Railroad, who could not want to become involved in there use. This software ties into many other aspects of building that encourage the use of the Internet in this hobby. Many of these programs allow the hobbyist a “realistic railyard” action complete with sights, sounds and even planned crashes. With the event of a crash you are always going to need replacement parts for repair or maybe you just want to upgrade or expand you track system. This brings in the convenience of the use of the Internet in product ordering. With few stores in scattered areas it may be difficult or expensive for some hobbyist to get to these locations for the parts that they need. The Internet brings this store ...
- 440: Virtual Communities
- Virtual Communities What does this mean? Rheingold (1993) defines virtual communities as "social aggregations that emerge from the [Internet] when enough people carry on those public discussions long enough, with sufficient human feeling, to form webs of personal relationships in cyberspace" (p. 5). According to Rheingold and others, the notion of virtual community is ... have been drawn into it, the richness and vitality of computer- linked cultures is attractive, even addictive. (p. 3) Example of Virtual environment: IRC One of these rich and vital computer-linked cultures is the Internet Relay Chat (IRC), a multi-user synchronous "chat" line that was designed for social rather than business use. The IRC is comprised of various channels that indicate the subject matter being discussed within (such as ... are, according to Reid, "not in any way thought to be shallow or ephemeral" (p. 13). Ethical issues/ rules and codes The CMC community also contains sanctions against those who violate its norms by ignoring Internet etiquette, sometimes called "netiquette," essentially the ethics code of cyberspace. The two primary ethical principles governing the use of CMC are 1) individualism is honored and fostered, and 2) the network is good and ...
Search results 431 - 440 of 1468 matching essays