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391: Absolutism In The 17th Century
... right of Kings") and dissolving France's only general assembly. Why absolutism failed in England but flourished in France is due mainly to the political situation in each country when the idea was first introduced (internet 1). In England, during the first half of the 17th century, two monarches came to power that attempted to develop royal absolutism in that country. Both James I (James VI of Scotland) and Charles I ... Charles I and Parliament sparked England's civil war, which was caused partly by royal stubbornness to share control of the country, and partly by Parliament's refusal to give up their power in government (internet 2). This was the major turning point for absolutism in England. Monarches, beginning with Charles II, realized how much power Parliament had and knew that they had to work with, not against, each other. It is because Parliament was so strongly ingrained into the English process of government, and was so centralized (only one parliament-type assembly in all of England) that Parliament survived while absolute government died miserably (internet 1). Parliament continued to gain power over the King through the end of the 1600's, and would eventually become the leading governmental body of England. In France, around the middle of the 17th ...
392: A Look At Poes Evil
... violence and horror lies within each of us, no matter how docile and humane our dispositions might appear." Works Cited Basuray, Ashish. "An archetypal approach to his writings." The Poe Analysis(1996): n. pag. Online. Internet. 11 Mar. 1999. Available; geocities.com/siliconvalley/pines/1167/ Canada, Mark. Ed. "Edgar Allan Poe." Canada's America. (1997): n. pag. Online. Internet. 5 Mar. 1999. Available: uncp.edu/home/canada/work/canam/poe.htm Campos, Denny. "Interpetive Essay (Edgar Allan Poe)" Science Academy. (1997): n. pag. Online. Internet. 4 Apr. 1999. Available: chico.rice.edu/armadillo/sciacademy/camposd/essay/htm Grantz, David "Edgar Allan Poe's Eureka: I have found it!" Poe Decoder. (1995): n. pag. Online. Internet. 1 Mar. 1999. Available: ...
393: Deceptive Advertising
... for the use of personal property by a natural person for a period of time exceeding four months, and for a total contractual obligation not exceeding $25,000, primarily for personal, family, or household purposes (Internet) The problem started when the ad stated an amount down at the initiation of the lease agreement was not the total amount the consumers were to pay. Consumers have to pay other costs in addition ... Regulation M. The Consumer leasing Act is a 1976 amendment to the Truth in Lending Act that requires disclosure of the cost and terms of consumer leases and also places substantive restrictions on consumer leases. (Internet) The FTC claimed that the ads presented the information about additional costs in an unreadable print that appeared 1) in type too small; 2) for too short a duration; 3) in quick scrolling text; 4) against moving or distracting backgrounds; and/or 5) in a location far removed from the more prominent representations. (Internet) In count 1, misrepresentation in lease advertising, the FTC said that Grey and Mitsubishi advertised the down payment as the total amount that the consumer would have to pay. But, there were additional costs ...
394: Email What Is It Good For
... echoed in our society for the past several years. Some of us are very depended on this so-called "E-mail" but most of us are as lost as the lost city of Atlantis. The Internet is a mystery that has boggled the minds of many but to some it's a simple tool used to enhance their lives. The "Net" is the nickname for the Internet, to some the word "Net" brings simple pleasure and to others it bring horror and deception. E-mail is the main component of the net; some call it EMS, which stands for electronic message system ... or her web pages. Research has indicated that about 85% of SPAM mail contained pornographic web pages. Therefore making it easy for the kids to have access to Porn sites. But like anything on the Internet there is way to go around everything. "Free web-based e-mail accounts are perfect for setting up throwaway e-mail addresses to use in public postings, on Web site forms, or in any ...
395: Overview of Video On Demand Systems
... allowances at the client in order to ensure and maintain a constand display of data. When many people think of information distribution over a WAN, sourced by many different servers, to many isolated users; the Internet naturally comes to mind. The Internet was used by the National Information Infrastructure (NII) workshop as a model for the delivery of video services. This commercial organization conference in addition to supporting HDTV and DSS , is interested in providing VOD services to "all Americans". The Internet was seen as a good first attempt for distributing information. The Internet is inexpensive, requires no gatekeepers, provides search utilities and has several proven Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs). Unfortunately the Internet is also bandwidth ...
396: File Storage And Document-To-Html Conversion
... file, which includes a name and an extension. A file extension is a dot (.) with two or three letter code that tells you what kind of format was used to create the file. For example, Internet. txt is a file name with extension.txt, and internet.zip is another file with extension .zip. They are different files, internet. txt is a text file because it has an extension .txt, and internet.zip is a binary file since it has an extension .zip. You have to use different transmission methods to download them, ...
397: MP3 Audio
What is the hottest buzzword around the Internet today? What topic has replaced ‘sex’ as the most searched for term on the web? The answer to both of these questions is MP3 audio. MP3 stands for MPEG 1 Layer 3 Audio, which is ... are only a quarter of the size of the original file. With a typical 3-minute song, the MP3 is only around 3 megabytes. With such a small size, MP3s are easily downloaded from the Internet and shared between people. Everything that can be done with MP3s can be done freely. The audio players that play the format, the rippers that compress the audio files with the MP3 format, and MP3s themselves can all be downloaded freely from the Internet. While this may sound like a great format, some may question its legality. Any music CD can be used to create MP3s, even commercial ones. While some users download these copyrighted songs from the ...
398: What is Virtual Reality
... low cost LC shutter glasses for use with TVs (Sega, Nintendo, Toshiba, etc.). There are circuits and code for hooking these up to a computer available on many of the On-line systems, BBSs and Internet FTP sites mentioned later. However, locating the glasses themselves is getting difficult as none are still being made or sold for their original use. Stereographics sells a very nice commercial LC shutter system called CrystalEyes ... tanks and 'battle mechs'. The latter are fictional walking robotic devices (i.e. the Star Wars films). The BattleTech location based entertainment (LBE) centers use this type of system. I.3.6. SIMNET, Defense Simulation Internet One of the biggest VR projects is the Defense Simulation Internet. This project is a standardization being pushed by the USA Defense Department to enable diverse simulators to be interconnected into a vast network. It is an outgrowth of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration ( ...
399: Brave New World 2
... can not survive its own mood swings in that situation. Evidence that Huxley s claim is true is also apparent in today s society. The general use, misuse, and abuse of tools such as the internet is one such piece of evidence. The vast amount of knowledge and information to be found there is rendered all but useless as the majority of people use the internet as those in Brave New World would have, for simple present pleasure. Pornography, violence and other such things pollute the good that the internet can bring us. The overuse of the internet as a communicative tool can be somewhat harmful to us. Yes, it is a wonderful thing that anyone from anyplace can meet someone for some other ...
400: Drugs and Steroids in Sports
... abused steroids are no longer anabolic, they stop building the bodies tissue and start tearing it down as anything will when used in excess. Cites Microsoft CD-ROM Encarta 98 edition Microsoft Bookshelf 98 edition Internet Research http://www.bigsport.com/steroids/AnabolicSteroids.html Internet Research http://www.cesar.umd.edu/metnet/docs/steroids.htm Internet Research http://www2.msstate.edu/~jfw1/Steroids4.htm Internet Research http://www.musclenow.com/steroids.html Internet Research http://www.nevdgp.org.au/geninf/adf/anabolic.htm Internet Research http://www.bigsport.com/steroids/ ...

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