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Search results 381 - 390 of 1468 matching essays
- 381: Philosophy - Plato
- ... through questions, answers, and additional questions. After witnessing the death of Socrates at the hands of the Athenian democracy in 399 B.C., Plato left Athens and continued to travel to Italy, Sicily, and Egypt. (Internet) In 387 B.C. Plato founded the Academy in Athens otherwise known as the first European university. The Academy provided a wide range of curriculum including subjects such as astronomy, biology, philosophy, political theory, and mathematics. Aristotle was the Academy's most outstanding student. (Internet) The internal affairs of the academy ruled the next 20 years of Plato's life and he wrote nothing. Many Greek youths were attracted to the new school. Plato then went to Syracuse to supervise ... to teaching and lecturing at the Academy. He died at age 80 in Athens in 348 B.C. Before his death Plato completed the Sophist, the Politicus, the Philebus, the Timaeus and finally the Laws. (Internet) DIALOGUES The Symposium is the most widely read of Plato's dialogues with the exception of the Republic and it is with good reason. It's literary merit is outstanding with philosophical and psychological ...
- 382: Plato
- ... through questions, answers, and additional questions. After witnessing the death of Socrates at the hands of the Athenian democracy in 399 B.C., Plato left Athens and continued to travel to Italy, Sicily, and Egypt. (Internet) In 387 B.C. Plato founded the Academy in Athens otherwise known as the first European university. The Academy provided a wide range of curriculum including subjects such as astronomy, biology, philosophy, political theory, and mathematics. Aristotle was the Academy's most outstanding student. (Internet) The internal affairs of the academy ruled the next 20 years of Plato's life and he wrote nothing. Many Greek youths were attracted to the new school. Plato then went to Syracuse to supervise ... to teaching and lecturing at the Academy. He died at age 80 in Athens in 348 B.C. Before his death Plato completed the Sophist, the Politicus, the Philebus, the Timaeus and finally the Laws. (Internet) DIALOGUES The Symposium is the most widely read of Plato's dialogues with the exception of the Republic and it is with good reason. It's literary merit is outstanding with philosophical and psychological ...
- 383: Teens and Suicide
- ... you are. Things seem very bad sometimes. But those times don’t last forever. Ask for help. You can be helped. Because you deserve it. Works Cited “Teen Suicide” Teen Suicide 2.1 (1998) Online Internet. 16 Nov. 1998 Available wyslwyg://25/http://local Citysearch.com/portland/story/981020 Suicidestats.html. “Teen Suicide” Looking for Danger Signs 1.1 (1998) Online Internet 13 Nov. 1998 Available http://www.spyc. sanpedro.com Danger.htm. “Teen Suicide” Medical Topics 2.1 (1998) Online Internet 13 Nov. 1998 Available. http://www.mediconsult.com/ Associations/nmha/suicide/teen.html “Teen Suicide” Responsible Opposing.com 8.1 (1998) Online Internet 13 Nov. 1998 Available. http://www.responsibleopposing.Com/comment/suicide.html. ‘ ...
- 384: Underage Drinking: A Big Problem
- ... lot of effort, but if it is followed, then underage drinking will continue to decline until it is no longer a problem. References "What are the Facts of Underage Drinking?" Untitled: 5 pars. On-line. Internet. Available http://www.ovchin.uc.ed.../hopeline/underage.html Associated Press. "Assembly Passes Bill to Fight Underage Drinking." Untitled: 7 pars. On-line. Internet. Available http://www.smartline.com/ap/ap621101.html Collegian Editorial Board. "Current Drinking Laws Need to be Re-evaluated." Collegian Opinion: 12 pars. On-line. Internet. Available http://collegian.ksu.ed...nion/ed-board-9.13.html Klaidman, Daniel. "Here's the Straight Dope." Newsweek 21 October 1996:37. Fisher, Renee. "New Bill Tightens Limit on underage Drinking." Untitled: 12 ...
- 385: Greek Mythology
- ... journal can also be used to assess student mastery of each activity or the lesson as a whole. A grade can also be given in Social Studies, Reading, or Writing. D. Lesson Set-up 1. Internet Literature Circles: These are small groups, usually 3-4 students who meet to read and discuss literature that is presented to them over the Internet. This should last approx. 20-30 minutes, depending on the length of the text being read. The students can read aloud or silently. At this time, the teacher can monitor and assist students with their ... reading. This can be used as a tool to guide students in their comprehension of the reading and to teach reading strategies. E. Lesson Outline 1. Activity One: What is a Myth? 2. Activity Two: Internet Literature Circle and Teacher Guided Discussion 3. Activity Three: Sequencing Activity 4. Activity Four: Making Pandora’s Box 5. Activity Five: Journaling 6. Activity Six: Quiz III. BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE Greek Mythology 1. The myths ...
- 386: Evil - By Edgar Alan Poe
- ... violence and horror lies within each of us, no matter how docile and humane our dispositions might appear." Works Cited Basuray, Ashish. "An archetypal approach to his writings." The Poe Analysis(1996): n. pag. Online. Internet. 11 Mar. 1999. Available; geocities.com/siliconvalley/pines/1167/ Canada, Mark. Ed. "Edgar Allan Poe." Canada's America. (1997): n. pag. Online. Internet. 5 Mar. 1999. Available: uncp.edu/home/canada/work/canam/poe.htm Campos, Denny. "Interpetive Essay (Edgar Allan Poe)" Science Academy. (1997): n. pag. Online. Internet. 4 Apr. 1999. Available: chico.rice.edu/armadillo/sciacademy/camposd/essay/htm Grantz, David "Edgar Allan Poe's Eureka: I have found it!" Poe Decoder. (1995): n. pag. Online. Internet. 1 Mar. 1999. Available: ...
- 387: Why Aol Sux
- Why aol sux America Online is the largest Internet provider in the world, but it didn't become one without a fight. Originally a closed-in, proprietary online service, it was pried open by the public's fascination with the global network. For all ... past glory, it is now little more than a big communications company. America Online wants to be more than a communications company, though -- it wants to be an entertainment network, like "the MTV of the Internet." And that is where its problems set in. AOL, in a desperate bid to get subscribers in order to make itself more attractive to advertisers, went to a flat-rate plan this year, making AOL ... in service. Today, the company offers feature-poor, heavily commercialized, and frustratingly unreliable services to its customers. AOL's Poor Service AOL's signup kits tell you that they are the fastest, easiest, most reliable Internet service out there. Is that true? Not by a million years. AOL offers its users horrendous service. The company is so ov erloaded with customers -- and is so far behind at installing equipment -- that ...
- 388: The Year 2000 Bug
- ... fail on Jan. 1. However, Microsoft does not distribute software by e-mail and Windows 95 and 98 are compliant. If you receive such an e-mail, delete it or report to the sender's Internet Service Provider If you are uncertain about your specific situation, you probably need more information! To help you get that information, we've designed an easy-to-follow tour for you to help you understand ... games. Most PC computer programs are off-the-shelf products that have been manufactured commercially. They may have been preinstalled on your computer when you bought it, purchased in a box, or downloaded from the Internet. In terms of year 2000 readiness, you will want to consider the software programs that are critical to you, particularly if those programs use dates. You may also have software programs that were (custom) developed ... games. Most PC computer programs are off-the-shelf products that have been manufactured commercially. They may have been preinstalled on your computer when you bought it, purchased in a box, or downloaded from the Internet. In terms of year 2000 readiness, you will want to consider the software programs that are critical to you, particularly if those programs use dates. You may also have software programs that were (custom) ...
- 389: Censorship In Mass Media
- ... an immoral and unjust practice, but also an insult to all people who consider them selves able to think and act intelligently on their own. Every day censors everywhere try to bowlderize radio, print, the Internet and all other forms of media, especially televisiomn. People who stand for this are allowing their rights to be denied, laying supine, letting governments control them and limit their thoughts. 2The denotative meaning of censorship ... they can change it. People who don't approve of the content of television are fine. It is just when these peoplee ristrict the rights of others, by censoring books or television or event the internet, that disagreeable to many. The internet for excample is the information super highway of the world. It is the fastest growing form of mainstream media today. It is literally littered with pomrnography and illegal software along with instructions on varios ...
- 390: Leprechaunism
- ... cases reported in the literature. Ann. Genet. 30: 221-227, 1987. PubMed ID : 3322162 Donohue, W. L. : Dysendocrinism. Journal of Pediatrics 32: 739-748, 1948. Drugge R, Huntley A: The Electronic Textbook of Dermatology. Online. Internet: http://www.telemedicine.org/dm/dmupdate.htm Emory Genetics Laboratory. Insulin Receptor Assay. Online. Internet: http://www.emory.edu/WHSC/GENETICSLAB/biochem/insulin.htm HGMD: The Human Gene Mutation Database. Gene Wide Statistics for INSR. Online. Internet: www.uwcm.ac.uk/uwcm/mg/summary/119352.html McKusick, V. OMIM: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man. Disease Entry: #246200 Leprechaunism. Online. Internet: www3.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/htbin-post/Omim/dispmim?246200 Nakae ...
Search results 381 - 390 of 1468 matching essays