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Search results 371 - 380 of 1468 matching essays
- 371: Creative Writing: Revenge of the Hacker
- ... to the every day "lamer." Rich was not alone on his journey's though. He had four friends from school that accompanied him. These friends where just about the only people that knew about his Internet secrets and every day these four met on a chat service called IRC that stood for Internet Relay Chat. Always the same nicknames, always the same chat channel. The stage was set for the most fun anyone in the world could have, or so though Rich and his buddies. In the channel of friends course there was Richard the master of hacking access to a place. When on the Internet Rich used the nickname Hax0r. Also included in the gang was also the man with the fastest computer Chris, who used the nickname |-Rage-| Chris's specialty was in the art of Warez, or ...
- 372: The Life And Death Of Julius C
- ... of the world symbolizes military and political strength as much as Julius Caesar does. Caesar was born on July 12, 100 BC in Rome, Italy (Encarta 2000). His father belonged to the prestigious Julian clan (Internet Explorer) His uncle by marriage was Gaius Marius, leader of the Populares which supported agrarian reform and opposed the Optimates (Comptons Encyclopedia). Marius saw to it that Julius Caesar was appointed flamen dialis which is ... in 78 BC, Julius decided to return to Rome. There he served as an officer in Crassus's army against Spartacus, Caesar climbed steadily in the government by serving as an official in many provinces (Internet Explorer). After the death of his wife Cornelia, Julius remarried a wealthy wife and allied with Crassus, who was the richest man in Rome at the time (Internet Explorer). Their opponent was Pompeius Magnus (the Great). Caesar wanted to become part of the consulate. The consulate was a governmental position where two consuls, nominated each year, held the power of the state. ...
- 373: The Flu
- ... in not getting the flu shot. The research for this report was conducted from October 19, 1998 to December 7, 1998. We completed our research proposal on November 9. We conducted research using questionnaires, the Internet, and the Matanuska- Susitna College Library. We completed our questionnaire research and the graphic that correlates with our questionnaire data on the 16 of November. We completed our Internet and library research on December 7. We completed this report on December 14, 1998. We used our questionnaires, the Internet, and the Matanuska-Susitna College Library to gather data on the public's knowledge of the flu and the flu shot. We then tabulated that information to show the publics' knowledge of the flu ...
- 374: Censorship
- ... place in a society that emphases freedom of speech and the freedom to express oneself, but censorship is an essential and needed part of our growing society, its needed in the television industry, the Internet, and the music industry. Censorship helps to make our world a better place because it creates a better environment for us to live in. Censorship is an important and essential part of television. Without the ... educates our children. They educate our children inboth a positive and negative way. In order to minimizes the negative effects the censorship laws and regulations most be stricter then the currently are. Censorship on the Internet is a very important issue but it currently does not really exist because it cost to much money, time and effort to censor the billions of pages on the net. So anybody could go on the Internet and look up information on anything ranging from cooking recipes to instructions on how to make pipe bombs. The worst part is, all these sites are accessible through any major search engine so anybody ...
- 375: Mp3 Audio
- What is the hottest buzzword around the Internet today? What topic has replaced sex as the most searched for term on the web? The answer to both of these questions is MP3 audio. MP3 stands for MPEG 1 Layer 3 Audio, which is ... are only a quarter of the size of the original file. With a typical 3-minute song, the MP3 is only around 3 megabytes. With such a small size, MP3s are easily downloaded from the Internet and shared between people. Everything that can be done with MP3s can be done freely. The audio players that play the format, the rippers that compress the audio files with the MP3 format, and MP3s themselves can all be downloaded freely from the Internet. While this may sound like a great format, some may question its legality. Any music CD can be used to create MP3s, even commercial ones. While some users download these copyrighted songs from the ...
- 376: Success In Times Of Paradox
- ... Zhu Lin unexpectedly: hair lost, muscles on the face paralyzed, limbs weakened, and words slurred. No one can tell what is the cause. Life is in danger! One of her classmates emailed for help on Internet. Fortunately, the first reply arrived in less than three hours. Afterwards, over 1,500 emails reached her. Most of the replies analysed that Zhu Lin had been thallium poisoned. It is the Internet that has saved her young life! In 1994, there were merely a few universities and institutions on Internet. Now there are over 620 thousand end users in China. The number increased four-fold in 1997 compared with the year before, still booming on an exponential curve, and is sure to go through ...
- 377: Infanticide
- ... their parents have in fact suffocated the children. A study which was conducted in three Quebec City hospitals between 1985 and 1994 showed that cases of infanticide were twice as high as coroner reports indicated. (Internet, CFRA News Talk Radio) Our compassion hinges on the child, not just on the mother. Killers of older children, no matter how desperate, evoke little mercy. Susan Smith, the South Carolina woman who sent her ... The leniency shown to fanticidal mothers forces us to think the unthinkable and ask if we, like many societies and like the mothers themselves, are not completely sure whether a neonate is a full person. (Internet, "Child Deaths Blamed on Infanticide".) Most observers sense the desperation that drives a parent to infanticide. Prosecutors sometimes don't prosecute; juries rarely convict; and those found guilty almost never go to jail. Barbara Kerwin ... adult violence also occurs. Psychologists can play a key role in combating the problem because they are at the forefront of building preventive programs and treatment interventions for abuse victims and their families, Levine said. (Internet, "The Infanticide/Abortion Link.") Is abortion a form of infanticide? Infanticide is even more horrifying than abortion because everyone recognizes the children who are being murdered as being alive. Most civilized people are shocked ...
- 378: Deceptive Advertising
- ... for the use of personal property by a natural person for a period of time exceeding four months, and for a total contractual obligation not exceeding $25,000, primarily for personal, family, or household purposes
(Internet) The problem started when the ad stated an amount down at the initiation of the lease agreement was not the total amount the consumers were to pay. Consumers have to pay other costs in addition ... Regulation M. The Consumer leasing Act is a 1976 amendment to the Truth in Lending Act that requires disclosure of the cost and terms of consumer leases and also places substantive restrictions on consumer leases. (Internet) The FTC claimed that the ads presented the information about additional costs in an unreadable print that appeared 1) in type too small; 2) for too short a duration; 3) in quick scrolling text; 4) against moving or distracting backgrounds; and/or 5) in a location far removed from the more prominent representations. (Internet) In count 1, misrepresentation in lease advertising, the FTC said that Grey and Mitsubishi advertised the down payment as the total amount that the consumer would have to pay. But, there were additional costs ...
- 379: Julius Caesar
- ... of the world symbolizes military and political strength as much as Julius Caesar does. Caesar was born on July 12, 100 BC in Rome, Italy (Encarta 2000). His father belonged to the prestigious Julian clan (Internet Explorer) His uncle by marriage was Gaius Marius, leader of the Populares which supported agrarian reform and opposed the Optimates (Comptons Encyclopedia). Marius saw to it that Julius Caesar was appointed flamen dialis which is ... in 78 BC, Julius decided to return to Rome. There he served as an officer in Crassus's army against Spartacus, Caesar climbed steadily in the government by serving as an official in many provinces (Internet Explorer). After the death of his wife Cornelia, Julius remarried a wealthy wife and allied with Crassus, who was the richest man in Rome at the time (Internet Explorer). Their opponent was Pompeius Magnus (the Great). Caesar wanted to become part of the consulate. The consulate was a governmental position where two consuls, nominated each year, held the power of the state. ...
- 380: An Explanation of Terrorism
- ... out of proportion by the media. It wasn't a terrorist attack, there was no one taking credit, and no reason for doing it. Any juvenile delinquent could have easily found this information off the Internet. According to the infamous Jolly Rogers, homemade weapons are easy to make. He doesn't gloss over the fact that attempting to make these weapons is usually illegal, and dangerous. There are approximately 50 different ... explosive light bulb. (http://space.acm.ndsu.nodak.edu/~ rykramer/cookbook.html) It is also true that two high school students built a small nuclear weapon in a chemistry lab from instructions found on the Internet. Resources like Jolly Roger's Cookbook and the Phreak filez are easily available on the Internet, but contrary to what most mass-media mediums would like people to believe, the bomb making instructions do not suddenly jump up on the user's screen. The Internet user must go out and ...
Search results 371 - 380 of 1468 matching essays