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361: Mp3 Argument
... that. But we have recently been presented with something new that some may give thanks for - Moving Picture Experts Group Technology, Layer-III, better known as MP3. To those “outside” the complicated world of the Internet and technology, MP3 probably will not ring any bells. But anyone who has accessed the Internet or skimmed through any popular magazines lately will likely recognize MP3 and the propaganda surrounding it. I do not want to bombard you with numerous technological terms, but a brief explanation is necessary in order ... on the computer (which benefits the computer user). Because MP3 files are typically less than five megabytes in size, they can be transferred very quickly and easily to and from anyone’s computer via the Internet. MP3 allows computer users to copy their favorite songs from CDs or other sources, onto their computer’s hard drive - ideal for playback when working at the computer. MP3 also makes it possible to ...
362: Mp3 Argument
... that. But we have recently been presented with something new that some may give thanks for - Moving Picture Experts Group Technology, Layer-III, better known as MP3. To those “outside” the complicated world of the Internet and technology, MP3 probably will not ring any bells. But anyone who has accessed the Internet or skimmed through any popular magazines lately will likely recognize MP3 and the propaganda surrounding it. I do not want to bombard you with numerous technological terms, but a brief explanation is necessary in order ... on the computer (which benefits the computer user). Because MP3 files are typically less than five megabytes in size, they can be transferred very quickly and easily to and from anyone’s computer via the Internet. MP3 allows computer users to copy their favorite songs from CDs or other sources, onto their computer’s hard drive - ideal for playback when working at the computer. MP3 also makes it possible to ...
363: Online And Research Journalism
... the user's attention and the limited advertising money available. New services, such as interactive features, guides to information sources and community building are new to newspapers, as is the continuous production cycle that the Internet requires. The information that seems to be given away so abundantly on the Internet is largely free. Throughout the interactive process, we are also able to influence the information on offer, or create our individualised version. However, is the information on offer as free as it seems? Users 'buy ... and does not account for the fact that readers skim through and skip large portions: no matter how superficially they are going through the paper they might, after all, see the ads nonetheless. On the Internet, however, ads are sold by the actual number of readers that get to see them. Also, because of the different information access models online, this means that only those stories that actually get read ...
364: Hackers
... because I am a very technically oriented person who does not get lost in the "computer jargon" used by both the "hackers" and the political forces. I have worked as a security engineer for three Internet Service Providers. I am presently a security programmer at the second-largest private Internet Service Provider in Tampa. To do my job, I must to understand the thoughts and methods of the cyber-delinquents often misnamed as "hackers." This experience has given me a strong perspective of both the ... of the American people. This includes people who do and do not have computers at home, and do not understand their core functions. This group also makes up the majority of the users on the Internet. Most of them are home users with no intentions of understanding the machine they own. They see "hackers" as being electronic vandals and information thieves, breaking computer networks and destroying data. They fear anyone ...
365: Interview to Dow Jones
... reader is more likely to live in California than New York, has a median age of 46 and a median household income of $117,900. Interestingly, most of the customers registering for the Journal's Internet service are not current Journal readers. Thus, while the Journal's brand name and reputation clearly help to attract customers, the Internet offers untapped markets for us. Q. What is the Journal's editorial philosophy? A. The Journal's news pages, like those of all our other publications, simply seek to report the news and explain its ... new markets throughout the world from Latin America to India. These moves add up to increased revenue and profits for Dow Jones Telerate. Q. How do you plan to produce revenue and profit from your Internet products? A. Even though Internet information generally has been thought of as free, Dow Jones business news and information, because it is exclusive and essential, has value for customers regardless of the medium. Therefore, ...
... Some may argue that both newspapers and radio are dead, and that the only true mass medium left is television. But that too is dying. What will be the next medium? Will it be the Internet? Or digital radio? Or is it something that has yet to be created? The beginnings of mass media saw heavy regulations with the Communications Act and the Creation of the Federal Communications Commission. Media was ... opportunities, thereby creating a large cyclical effect. ¡§Chancellor Media is also subject to competition from new media technologies such as, the delivery of audio programming by cable television systems, direct broadcast satellite (DBS) systems, the Internet, personal communications services and other digital audio broadcasting formats.¡¨ CONNECTIONS Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst is a leveraged buyout firm building a media empire. ¡§Hicks, Muse assembles limited partnership investment pools and targets companies in specific ... Inc. subject to shareholder approval. Chancellor ¡§has formed three new business untis: AMFM Interactive, Inc. (AMFMi), AMFM.com and AMFM Equities, which are intended to position AMFM¡¦s E-commerce web sites as highly trafficked Internet destinations, stream online broadcasts of AMFM¡¦s on-air programming and other media, and promote emerging Internet and new media concerns.¡¨ Chancellor intends on benefiting from the perceived loyalty of their 66 million listeners. ...
367: Technology 2
... In fact, it is so popular, it outsells the Encyclopedia Britannica. These powerful business, productivity, and entertainment applications are just the beginning of what you can do with a PC. Knowing how to use the Internet will allow you access to a vast resource of facts, knowledge, information, and entertainment that can help you do work and have fun. According to Netscape Navigator 2 running under Windows 3.1, "the Internet is a collection of networks, each of which is composed of a collection of smaller networks" (Shelly, Cashman, & Jordan, N2). Information can be sent over the Internet through communication lines in the form of graphics, sound, video, animation, and text. These forms of computer media are known as hypermedia. Hypermedia is accessed through hypertext links, which are pointers to the computer ...
368: Slangs in The English Language
... their dialect, which will die out anyway, and prove their intolerance of change. Language will be thought of differently in the future because new mediums of communication will be used, the largest one being the Internet. Today, many people are using the Internet to "talk" to people all over the world. The Internet has its own language, which Conservatives view as computer slang. No matter what diction or dialect you speak, you still have to type out an Internet message in standard Internet. There are words used ...
369: Mad Cow Disease
... production of other foods. Beef offal includes the stomachs, tripe, or large stomach, brain, heart, liver, tongue, and kidneys [Britannica vol.8 p.881]. Works Cited Greger, Michael. "Mad Cow Disease" March 1996): 9 pp. Internet. 5 April 1996. Available: http://envirolink.org/arrs/AnimaLife/spring94/madcow.html Dealler, Steve. "Biology of BSE"(April 1996): 10 pp. Internet. 5 April 1996. Available: http://www.airtime.co.uk/bse/tse.htm Dealler, Steve. "BSE statistics"(April 1996):12pp. Internet. 10 May 1996. Available: http://www.airtime.co.uk/bse/statb.htm Dealler, Steve. "History of BSE" (April 1996):4 pp. Internet. 5 April 1996. Available: http://www.airtime.co.uk/bse/hist.htm ...
370: Privacy And Anonymity And Information Network Technologies
... technologies. The primary reason for such concerns is that information has become a commodity in what we have come to know as the 'information age'. With the advent of new technologies; particularly that of the Internet this information can be sold and exchanged quite easily. Before the use of widespread computer technologies, our personal information had no real value beyond its immediate transaction. When data and information was provided by a ... been stored on record. Another implicator in the invasion of privacy has been what is described as a 'network phase', in which many individuals and organizations are relying heavily on digital networks such as the Internet to help conduct their personal business. The Internet specifically has facilitated the integration of different databases and allowed data to become completely mobile, and easily retreived by anyone. The use of such networks has expanded the capability of elctronically pinpointing an individual ...

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