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Search results 351 - 360 of 1468 matching essays
- 351: Talcott Parsons
- ... his accomplishments in sociology. Many people considered him the most intelligent sociologist of his era. Methods for Securing Information To gather material on this subject, I used a few research tools. First, I utilized the internet as a source of information. Starting off, I figured I would use search engines, or special programs that find websites concerning your topic, to begin. I listed as many keywords as I could, including Talcott ... then used these keywords in my searches on the yahoo!, excite, starting point, and webcrawler search engines. I passed trough websites, selecting valuable information and printing out what was needed. I looked over the various internet articles, and I highlighted and took notes on some important details. I kept the web pages nearby for quick reference. Next, I visited the Boca Raton Public Library to collect more substantial data. I began ... I researched the historical events happening while Parsons grew up. Initially, I found these events on the Society in History: Time Lines in my sociology text book. I noted the events and relied on the internet. I used the same method as before, search engines and websites. I listed the keywords on the subjects and found many different articles. I printed the useful documents and reviewed them for significant points. ...
- 352: Why You Should Purchase A PC
- ... In fact, it is so popular, it outsells the Encyclopedia Britannica. These powerful business, productivity, and entertainment applications are just the beginning of what you can do with a PC. Knowing how to use the Internet will allow you access to a vast resource of facts, knowledge, information, and entertainment that can help you do work and have fun. According to Netscape Navigator 2 running under Windows 3.1, "the Internet is a collection of networks, each of which is composed of a collection of smaller networks" (Shelly, Cashman, & Jordan, N2). Information can be sent over the Internet through communication lines in the form of graphics, sound, video, animation, and text. These forms of computer media are known as hypermedia. Hypermedia is accessed through hypertext links, which are pointers to the computer ...
- 353: Computer Hardware
- ... Alone/Network: Network · Platform: Tang computers platform · System Units: 128mb memory, Intel Celeron 850mhz, · Input: Keyboard and mouse · Output: Printer, monitor 15 · Storage: 10gb hard drive, ram, flash memory, floppy, cd rom · Communications: Network card (internet, Intranet) Software: · Windows 2000 Professional · MS Office 2000, other programs Social Ethical Concerns: · Inoculate IT Virus Scanner · Server Backup, Fire wall · Power Protection for Server Code Of Conduct: No Disks unless virus scanned No Explicit ... the future as computers could be moved anywhere in school grounds without the hassle of network cables. Also students could bring in laptops and be able to log in to access their H: drive and Internet. Detailing the proposed system: Hardware: Network vs. Stand Alone Network: · Advantages · People can access their files from any computer in the network · People can share their files easily · Internet Sharing Disadvantages: · Viruss can spread through network · Costly to set up · Timely to set up Stand Alones System: Advantages: · Cheap to setup · Viruses cannot spread · Fewer problems. Disadvantages: · Have to use same computers ...
- 354: Building A Radio Empire-chancellor Media
- ... Some may argue that both newspapers and radio are dead, and that the only true mass medium left is television. But that too is dying. What will be the next medium? Will it be the Internet? Or digital radio? Or is it something that has yet to be created? The beginnings of mass media saw heavy regulations with the Communications Act and the Creation of the Federal Communications Commission. Media was ... opportunities, thereby creating a large cyclical effect. Chancellor Media is also subject to competition from new media technologies such as, the delivery of audio programming by cable television systems, direct broadcast satellite (DBS) systems, the Internet, personal communications services and other digital audio broadcasting formats. CONNECTIONS Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst is a leveraged buyout firm building a media empire. Hicks, Muse assembles limited partnership investment pools and targets companies in specific ... Inc. subject to shareholder approval. Chancellor has formed three new business untis: AMFM Interactive, Inc. (AMFMi), AMFM.com and AMFM Equities, which are intended to position AMFM s E-commerce web sites as highly trafficked Internet destinations, stream online broadcasts of AMFM s on-air programming and other media, and promote emerging Internet and new media concerns. Chancellor intends on benefiting from the perceived loyalty of their 66 million listeners. ...
- 355: The Next Revolution in Music Technology: Make or Break?
- ... that. But we have recently been presented with something new that some may give thanks for - Moving Picture Experts Group Technology, Layer-III, better known as MP3. To those outside the complicated world of the Internet and technology, MP3 probably will not ring any bells. But anyone who has accessed the Internet or skimmed through any popular magazines lately will likely recognize MP3 and the propaganda surrounding it. I do not want to bombard you with numerous technological terms, but a brief explanation is necessary in order ... on the computer (which benefits the computer user). Because MP3 files are typically less than five megabytes in size, they can be transferred very quickly and easily to and from anyones computer via the Internet. MP3 allows computer users to copy their favorite songs from CDs or other sources, onto their computers hard drive - ideal for playback when working at the computer. MP3 also makes it possible to ...
- 356: The Communication Of Cyberspac
- Micheal Mariott states in an Article in the New York Times, "Of the 107 million people using the Internet worldwide, it is estimated that 40 to 50 million of them are using chat in some form" (40). Today millions of people use the internet chat services, but few people realize the structure of the language and how it is similar to the patterns of other forms of communication. First, I will discuss how and why the sentence structure of ... will illustrate how emotions are expressed while we are engaged in online communication, with all of the barriers that face us. Next, I will explain the differences of how men and women talk over the internet. Lastly, I will discuss gender roles and how they are seen in chat rooms. The first and most notable difference in online communication and face to face communication is the vast difference in sentence ...
- 357: Slang In America
- ... their dialect, which will die out anyway, and prove their intolerance of change. Language will be thought of differently in the future because new mediums of communication will be used, the largest one being the Internet. Today, many people are using the Internet to "talk" to people all over the world. The Internet has its own language, which Conservatives view as computer slang. No matter what diction or dialect you speak, you still have to type out an Internet message in standard Internet. There are words used ...
- 358: Technological Developments
- ... we figure it as gaseous or liquid--an atmosphere or an ocean, smog or muck, a cloud of charged plasma or an electromagnetic wave--we seem, almost invariably, to represent information as fluid. Colonizing the Internet It is perhaps in reaction to this sense of being overwhelmed, lost in the vast data of the Internet, that many Web-related corporations have relied on metaphors of navigation and mapping as the figures par excellence of interaction. Thus, interaction becomes precisely a matter of charting a course through the abundant fluidity of ... us of the European mariners of the fifteenth century and their voyages of so-called discovery. Like their predecessors, today\\'s Web-explorers must also navigate the unknown and at times tempestuous seas of the Internet. Like these earlier explorers, too, they often seek to chart and to claim this \\"new world,\\" to make themselves the \\"masters\\" of various sites within it, exploiting its resources and enriching themselves in the ...
- 359: "The World Today Seems To Be Going Crazy": The Unabomber's Manifesto
- ... 96, 6). They hand delivered hundreds of copies of his writings to university professor and leaders in the field of technology in the hope that someone would recognize his work. The FBI also used the Internet to aid in their efforts to capture the Unabomber. The FBI's Unabomber web page included links to the manifesto, warnings of what to look for in suspicious packages, and an email address (unabomb@fbi.gov) to contact with information. The following is taken from a letter by Dr. William L. Tafoya, of the Unabomb Task Force, explaining the appeal to the Internet community: The purpose for submitting the information on the Internet is two-fold. First, the Internet is another medium that enables us to reach as wide an audience as possible; to "spread the word". Second, Internet users are precisely the type of individuals that ...
- 360: The Linux Operating System
- ... and with the first syllable stressed, as in LIH-nucks. Advantages: Linux is cheap, fast, flexible, efficient, stable, secure, reliable, legal, easy to install, low maintenance, thoroughly tested, and currently running somewhere around half the internet. Linux can run on much more modest hardware than most other modern operating systems require. An old 486 with 16 megabytes of ram and 500 megs of hard drive space has plenty of capacity to host an internet, including duties as firewall and print/SMTP/POP server for dozens of other computers. Linux will boot and run (with full graphical user interface) in less than 4 megabytes of ram, and 8 megs of ... a single person, it's recommended (but not required) to have one account for modifying the operating system, a second account for running applications, and a third account for running unknown code downloaded from the internet. This allows Linux to explicitly control what programs can do, so that untrusted code can't spread viruses to files it doesn't own, and buggy application code can't crash the operating system ...
Search results 351 - 360 of 1468 matching essays