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331: A New Day On Wall Street. The
A new day on Wall Street. The Internet is changing the way the brokerage industry does business. Today more and more investors are electing to trade via the Internet and avoid contact with a broker all together. Are the days of the large full service broker over or will there be a compromise between full service and self-direction? Has the rapid advancement in ... services. These discount firms utilized new computer technologies to process trades and opened up investment opportunities for many that would not have previously considered purchasing securities. With improved IT capabilities and the introduction of the Internet the discount brokers were able to open the door even further by reducing trading costs and developing user friendly platforms for investors. The Brokerage industry is one driven by quality customer service and high ...
332: Electronic Commerce
Electronic Commerce Initially, the Internet was designed to be used by government and academic users, but now it is rapidly becoming commercialized. It has on-line "shops", even electronic "shopping malls". Customers, browsing at their computers, can view products, read ... and sometimes even try samples. What they lack is the means to buy from their keyboard, on impulse. They could pay by credit card, transmitting the necessary data by modem; but intercepting messages on the Internet is trivially easy for a smart hacker, so sending a credit-card number in an unscrambled message is inviting trouble. It would be relatively safe to send a credit card number encrypted with a hard-to-break code. That would require either a general adoption across the internet of standard encoding protocols, or the making of prior arrangements between buyers and sellers. Both consumers and merchants could see a windfall if these problems are solved. For merchants, a secure and easily divisible ...
333: How Technology Effects Modern America
... S. The advance of mass communication is natural in a technologically advanced society. In our country's short history, we have seen the development of the printing press, the radio, the television, and now the Internet; all of these, able to reach millions of people. Equally natural, is the poisoning and corruption of these medias, to benefit a few. From the 1950's until today, television has been the preferred media ... experienced this same history, but are now somewhat obsolete in the science of changing public opinion. Though I do not suspect television to become completely obsolete within the next 20 years, I do see the Internet being used by the same political figures, multinational corporations, and upper 2% elite, for the same purposes. At this time, in the Internet's young history, it is largely unregulated, and can be accessed and changed by any person with a computer and a modem; no license required, and no need for millions of dollars of equipment. ...
334: How Technology Effects Modern America
... S. The advance of mass communication is natural in a technologically advanced society. In our country's short history, we have seen the development of the printing press, the radio, the television, and now the Internet; all of these, able to reach millions of people. Equally natural, is the poisoning and corruption of these medias, to benefit a few. From the 1950's until today, television has been the preferred media ... experienced this same history, but are now somewhat obsolete in the science of changing public opinion. Though I do not suspect television to become completely obsolete within the next 20 years, I do see the Internet being used by the same political figures, multinational corporations, and upper 2% elite, for the same purposes. At this time, in the Internet's young history, it is largely unregulated, and can be accessed and changed by any person with a computer and a modem; no license required, and no need for millions of dollars of equipment. ...
335: The Advancement of Technology
... S. The advance of mass communication is natural in a technologically advanced society. In our country's short history, we have seen the development of the printing press, the radio, the television, and now the Internet; all of these, able to reach millions of people. Equally natural, is the poisoning and corruption of these medias, to benefit a few. From the 1950's until today, television has been the preferred media ... experienced this same history, but are now somewhat obsolete in the science of changing public opinion. Though I do not suspect television to become completely obsolete within the next 20 years, I do see the Internet being used by the same political figures, multinational corporations, and upper 2% elite, for the same purposes. At this time, in the Internet's young history, it is largely unregulated, and can be accessed and changed by any person with a computer and a modem; no license required, and no need for millions of dollars of equipment. ...
336: Security, Commerce And The Int
Security, Commerce and the Internet As the internet/world wide web (www), gradually became more available to ordinary computer users, it was obvious that it would become a target market for commercial retailers, financial services, etc. The benefits to seller and buyer are ... goods and services. This all seems a perfect system immediacy, accuracy, convenience the commercial transaction between seller and buyer simplified and streamlined. However, how can the security of the customer be protected? How can an internet user be sure that their details ~ personal information, address, credit card no. s , etc. ~ will not be snatched by persons unknown? How can the person be sure that their absence from home is not ...
337: Plants in TKM
... make life better in the South, the people that lived there planted big flowers and shade trees. Southern big plants make life much better. Plants in the south are big and showy. WORKS CITED "Azaleas" Internet 1-7-99 Available: http://www.ask.com/FinalAnswer.asp?qCategory=HOBB&Link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Evg%2Ecom%2F%2Fvg%2Ftimelife%2FHouseplants%2FFlowering%2FHtml%2FE07013X%2Ehtml&Title=Time+Life+Virtual+Garden%3A++vg%2Ecom&Answers=1&ajparam_list1=10&ajparam_fillers=%7C10%5B1369%5D%7C&aj"äc "Canna" Internet 1-7-99 Available: http://www.ask.com/FinalAnswer.asp?qCategory=HOBB&Link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Evg%2Ecom%2F%2Fvg%2Ftimelife%2FHouseplants%2FFlowering%2FHtml%2FE07013X%2Ehtml&Title=Time+Life+Virtual+Garden%3A++vg%2Ecom&Answers=CANNA1&ajparam_list1=10&ajparam_fillers=%7C10%5B1369%5D%7C&aj"äc "cammellia" Internet 1-7-99 Available: http://www.ask.com/FinalAnswer.asp?qCategory=HOBB&Link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Evg%2Ecom%2F%2Fvg%2Ftimelife%2FHouseplants%2FFlowering%2FHtml%2FE07013X%2Ehtml&Title=Time+Life+Virtual+Garden%3A++vg% ...
338: Slang in America
... their dialect, which will die out anyway, and prove their intolerance of change. Language will be thought of differently in the future because new mediums of communication will be used, the largest one being the Internet. Today, many people are using the Internet to "talk" to people all over the world. The Internet has its own language, which Conservatives view as computer slang. No matter what diction or dialect you speak, you still have to type out an Internet message in standard Internet. There are words used ...
339: Biography of Edgar Allen Poe
... is still important to us today. Bibliography Moran, Dr. John. A Defense of Poe--Life, Character, and Dying Declarations of the Poet. New York: William F. Bogher,1885. Poe Society. A Look at The Raven, Internet, WISE, 3rd of April 1997. Bronx Historical Society, Internet, WISE, 3rd of April, 1997. Woodberry, George E. Edgar Allen Poe. New York: AMS Press, Inc.,1968. Poe Society. Edgar's Teens and the Parting with John Allen, Internet, WISE, 3rd of April 1997. "Poe, Edgar Allen". Encarta 96. Washington: Microsoft Corporation,1993-1995. Black, Midn A . How Did Poe Survive for Forty Years?, Internet, WISE, 3rd of April, 1997. Scarlett, Charles Jr. " ...
340: Biography of Edgar Allen Poe
... is still important to us today. Bibliography Moran, Dr. John. A Defense of Poe--Life, Character, and Dying Declarations of the Poet. New York: William F. Bogher,1885. Poe Society. A Look at The Raven, Internet, WISE, 3rd of April 1997. Bronx Historical Society, Internet, WISE, 3rd of April, 1997. Woodberry, George E. Edgar Allen Poe. New York: AMS Press, Inc.,1968. Poe Society. Edgar's Teens and the Parting with John Allen, Internet, WISE, 3rd of April 1997. "Poe, Edgar Allen". Encarta 96. Washington: Microsoft Corporation,1993-1995. Black, Midn A . How Did Poe Survive for Forty Years?, Internet, WISE, 3rd of April, 1997. Scarlett, Charles Jr. " ...

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