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Search results 271 - 280 of 1468 matching essays
- 271: Internet Orientation Project
- Internet Orientation Project In the article, “Are distributors going the extra mile?”, the author relays her findings of a survey she initiated. The questions were posed to 2,000 people in the purchasing profession and sought ... results relating to the electronic commerce issue. Although it is on the forefront of purchasing technology, it is “not yet an issue” (Avery 55). The future of buying practices will be geared toward using the Internet, but as of yet, these methods are cumbersome and difficult to coordinate with one’s own inventory management software. In conclusion, the article was extremely informative, and solidified my beliefs and my concerns relating to ...
- 272: Tele-education
- ... system that have been applied in another country and try to implement it in our country. 1.5 Acronyms ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode CCITT Committee Consultatif International Telegraphique et Telephonique CPE Customer Premises Equipment IP Internet Protocol ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network ISO International Standard Organization JAMES Joint ATM Experiment on European Services LAN Local Area Network MAC Medium Access Control Mbone Multicast Backbone PC Personal Computer POP Point-of-Presence PVC Permanent Virtual Channel QoS Quality of Service RAT Robust Audio Tool SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol TCP-IP Transmission Control Protocol - Internet Protocol TES Tele-Educational Service UI User Interface VIC Video Conferencing Tool VP Virtual Path VPN Virtual Private Network VSD Virtual Student Desktop WAN Wide Area Network WWW World Wide Web XC Cross Connect ...
- 273: MEDLINE
- ... TOXLINE, and HEALTHSTAR. There is overlap among many of the MEDLARS databases, but some unique coverage in each as well. The Journey from Fee to Free How did we get to free MEDLINE on the Internet? Until the mid-70's the National Library of Medicine provided access to both the MEDLINE database and its modes of access. There were two: the printed INDEX MEDICUS, and a complex computer search interface ... that until PreMEDLINE was introduced, some journals were added to the MEDLINE database up to a year after they were published, according to a priority indexing schedule in use at the National Library of Medicine. Internet Grateful Med became free in June 1997, and at the same time PUBMED was introduced, with great fanfare. The databases are different: PUBMED includes PreMEDLINE and MEDLINE, while Internet Grateful Med includes MEDLINE, plus AIDSLINE, TOXLINE, HEALTHSTAR and others. PUBMED uses a very simplified interface which permits complex Boolean search strategies IF you know how to construct them. Internet Grateful Med offers the ...
- 274: Telnet
- ... history and usage of this still popular and widely used protocol and explain where and how it still manages to fit in today. HISTORY AND FUTURE OF TELNET "Telnet" is the accepted name of the Internet protocol and the command name on UNIX systems for a type of terminal emulation program which allows users to log into remote computer networks, whether the network being targeted for login is physically in the ... around the globe. A common program feature is the ability to emulate several diverse types of terminals-- ANSI, TTY, vt52, and more. In the early days of networking some ten to fifteen years ago, the "internet" more or less consisted of telnet, FTP (file transfer protocol), crude email programs, and news reading. Telnet made library catalogs, online services, bulletin boards, databases and other network services available to casual computer users, although not with the friendly graphic user interfaces one sees today. Each of the early internet functions could be invoked from the UNIX prompt, however, each of them used a different client program with its own unique problems. Internet software has since greatly matured, with modern web browsers (i.e. ...
- 275: Etrade
- ... 000 active brokerage accounts, up 185% for the year, with assets held in customer brokerage accounts in excess of $28.4 billion, up 154% from last year. We began offering online investing services through the Internet in February 1996, and it has been our most rapidly growing channel, with transactions over the Internet and through online service providers representing more than 90% of our fourth quarter 1999 transaction volume. (10K report) Strategies used to gain new accounts The extremely strong gains in new brokerage accounts, transactions and assets ... acquisition of Telebanc. TIR is active in equity, fixed income, currency and derivatives markets in over 35 countries, and holds seats on multiple stock exchanges around the world. Telebanc is the parent of Telebank, an Internet-based, federally chartered savings bank, offering a wide range of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ("FDIC")-insured and other banking products and services. Strategic Relationships We pursue strategic relationships to increase our access to online ...
- 276: Multiple Personality Disorder
- ... personality disorder? Describing the Search Process I figured that I would have to do a lot of research on this topic to fully understand it. I decided that my most convenient source would be the Internet. The Internet has websites, encyclopedias, and magazine articles. I know that the Internet isn’t always accurate, so I knew that I had to look into books. I started out by looking into the Internet. I have the Internet at home, so it was easiest for me ...
- 277: Community 2000
- ... comes up every year, and each new way makes the last one seem obsolete. People can communicate by mail, telephone, facsimile, electronic mail, chat rooms, and conference programs such as AOL„µ instant messenger and internet relay chat. Some ways are quick; some are not. Some ways are cheap; some are not. One way of communicating quickly and cheaply is via the internet. Through the internet ˇ§Virtual communitiesˇ¨ are created. The question is which are better, ˇ§Virtual communitiesˇ¨ or real communities. Virtual communities are built upon common interests. When you go online you can find a chat room based upon ...
- 278: Cable Modems Are The Wave Of The Future
- There are several different methods to achieve communication between computers. In the case of the Internet, most people use a telephone modem to establish a connection between their computer and the computer that gives them access to the Internet. Normally, the computer that gives them access to the Internet, referred to as an ISP (Internet Service Provider) can only have a limited number of users on it at any given time. In this case, users may find that they cannot make a connection ...
- 279: Microsoft Corporation
- ... OF WINDOWS 7 MISSION STATEMENT AND ANALYSIS 8 INDUSTRY AND COMPETITVE ANALYSIS 9 DOMINANT ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS 9 Market Differentiation 9 Pace of technological change 10 Advances to the Printed Word 11 DRIVING FORCES 12 The Internet 13 The Information Highway 14 KEY SUCESS FACTORS 14 Microsoft History Historians categorize blocks of time with the discovery of certain raw materials that humans utilized. The Bronze Age and the Iron Age were two ... Electronic massages are sent via phone lines from one computer to another and stored in the electronic Amailbox@ of the another computer until the message is Adown-loaded@ by the user. Another advantage to the Internet is AWeb browsing@ on the World Wide Web (.www) or simply AWeb.@ Server companies offer graphical pages of information to be accessed by subscribers of their service. From the Ahome@ page of a topic, one can activate subsequent hyperlinks for further information on given topics by clicking the mouse device of most PCs. Although Gates admits that Microsoft was surprised at the commercial success of the Internet, he has begun work on software applications to make the Internet easier to access for PC owners with limited computer knowledge. Some people may confuse the subscriptions to companies on the Internet, such as ...
- 280: Pornography Censorship
- ... follows quite closely. Pornography is another hotly debated issue. Parents have long wanted stricter laws to help prohibit young children getting a hold of magazines, videos and other pornographic materials. With the development of the Internet and the World Wide Web it has become even more of a challenge to prevent children from being exposed to such material. These are some questions that people need to ask them selves and legislators ... What can and is being done and what are the political ramifications? Anyone with access to a computer that is equipped with on-line services can view such magazines with relative ease. Although, studies show Internet pornography only represents a small portion of Internet traffic it still is quite effortless. Basically the only thing one needs to do is select any of the search engines and simply type: sex. This will pull up a host of different sites ...
Search results 271 - 280 of 1468 matching essays