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Search results 241 - 250 of 1468 matching essays
- 241: Isdn For Small Business
- ... telephone company. There are many considerations and alternatives to ISDN. This can range form regular phone connections to a digital satellite dish. The article is offers a worthy discussion for anyone contemplating a higher speed internet connection in the near future. ABSTRACT ii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS iv INTRODUCTION 1 ISDN DEVELOPMENT 2 INTENTION OF ISDN 2 USES OF ISDN 2 TYPES OF ISDN 3 INTERFACES 3 Usage of PRI 3 How ... ISDN) is a high speed phone connection that can be used for voice as well as data. ISDN completes a digital connection between a user and the telephone provider. Small businesses and individuals are requiring internet access to conduct day to day transactions. The connection speed to the internet could be the key to a business’s’ success and a source of unnecessary expense to an individual. This can be a confusing and complicated process. Today an individual or business has numerous options ...
- 242: Resources On Internet
- ... Diana Hacker, Research and Documentation in the Electronic Age http://www.businesswire.com Business Wire electronically disseminates full-text news releases for public and investor relations professionals to news media, online services and databases, the Internet, and the investment community. http://www-sci.lib.uci.edu/HSG/Ref.html Martindale's: The Reference desk. This award-winning website contains links to thousands of reference resources; more efficient for some searches than using web search engines. http://www.americancomm.org/ American Communication Association. Communications law, including First Amendment issues; communication studies, including organizational, management, and intercultural communication; Internet resources. http://lcweb.loc.gov/ Library of Congress http://www.hbs.edu/dor Harvard Business School Search engine available to search among the documents in the Division of Research. http://search.amcity.com/baltimore Baltimore Business Journal, weekly publication on business news in Baltimore area. http://www.umuc.edu/library/evaluate.html Evaluating Internet Resources GUIDES TO ONLINE COLLOBORATION http://uclink.berkeley.edu:1607/11/NN/D.Richards_Peer_Editing Guide to Peer Editing (Richards) http://www.collaborate.com Home page of Collaborative Strategies: Strategies for Electronic Communication ...
- 243: Netscape Analysis Report
- Netscape Analysis Report I. History Netscape Communications Corporation, originally named Mosaic Communications Corporation (MCOM) was founded in April 1994 by Jim Clark and Marc Andreessen. They released their first browser products free to Internet users in September 1994. Jim Clark is chairman of Netscape Communications Corporation. Before founding the company, Clark was the chairman of Silicon Graphics, a computer hardware manufacturer he founded in 1982. Marc Andreessen is vice president of technology for Netscape Communications. He helped develop the original graphical World Wide Web browser, Mosaic, while he was at the University Of Illinois at Urbana/Champlain. The Internet is a global network connecting thousands of networks by use of high speed digital lines called ATMs, T3s and T1s. It was just being introduced to the general public at the time of Netscape's ... corporate headquarters are in Mountain View, California -- in the heart of the Silicon Valley. However, due to the nature of the global networks its software transmits over, Netscape is able to sell worldwide via the Internet. There are virtually no walls to its "retail outlets." Its software products are also distributed through computer stores worldwide. III. Product Line Netscape Navigator is a software program to browse information available on the ...
- 244: Murray Davis' Smut, Erotic Reality/Obscene Ideology
- ... purpose of this paper is to critique Davis's claim and to study what understanding of human sexuality someone might have if they used some other resource that is available today, in this case the Internet. Davis argues that , "hard core pornography is usually more abstract and less explicit than soft-core pornography". (Davis, p. xix, 1983). Davis doesn't go on to explain how hard-core pornography can be less ... anything, including human sexuality, limits the quality of knowledge gained about the particular subject. One example of a restricted or limited view would be if a person was only using a resource such as the Internet to study human sexuality. The Internet, or the net, as we all know, is a vast source of knowledge for virtually every topic imaginable. I believe that a person would have a very limited view if using the Internet for ...
- 245: On Line Addiction
- On Line Addiction Everyday the Internet is accessed by millions of people from the young to the old. The reasons range from gathering information on a topic, to checking E-mail, to chatting with people from all across the world. The Internet is used in business and in homes. It serves almost any purpose imaginable. The Internet can be used as an information source, a learning tool, even for entertainment purposes. Surfing the Internet is one of the most popular pastimes around the world exceeded, some think only by music. Getting ...
- 246: Click Vs. Brick: An Exploration Of Mp3 File Sharing And Mp3
- ... listen to music steal it if he thinks the price is too high?” The topical escalation of media coverage besieging the demise of Napster has instigated widespread debate over the implications file sharing and the Internet will have for the record industry. The Napster software allowed its millions of users to share and download music mp3 files, which are of near CD quality, from each other’s hard drives. This infringed ... the main arguments listed below: • Copying is fair use • Copying is theft • Music wants to be free • Napster users buy more CDs • Music companies make too much money • Music companies will make more money with Internet distribution • Musicians can’t make money with Internet distribution • Musicians will make more money with Internet distribution Within the context of a report, the following discussion will evaluate these key points from the perspective of the consumers, musicians, and record companies. The ...
- 247: Computer Viruses
- ... many that intended target date was Friday, 13 May 1988 – Israel’s 40th anniversary. If the virus had been triggered, the infected programs would have been deleted from the disk (J. L. Mayo 1990). The Internet virus The Internet virus used the E-mail Send.mail to overload the network and computer systems connected to it when it was activated in early November of 1988. The virus program which was allegedly written by a ... all, of the computer’s processing capability and memory space to replicate itself and send to other sites. The virus quickly spread across the country (USA), invading other computer networks that were connected to the Internet. When reports of infection began to surface, uninfected computer centers began to disconnect themselves from the Internet. The infected sites had to be restarted after the virus was purged, a process taking up to ...
- 248: Home Shopping
- ... is also stopped because of the situation. The following will contains some important issues about current electronics shopping development in Malaysia: Security Issues Security Services - These services provide secure identification and secure communication over the Internet. Many tools for these purposes are available commercially including Netscape Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Microsoft CryptoAPI. NCB’s Infrastructure for Electronic Identification (IEI) initiative provides secure communication and secure identification using digital certificates and ... different techniques to get secure transactions in the web and there are lack of a standard to follow by organisations. So, people may feel uncomfortable when they want to involved in this electronics shopping field. Internet Connection Issues There are several company in Malaysia providing the public with internet services, either as home users or business organisations. But, problem is the connection speed provided by them is not very good due to some reasons, like Poor Cabling By using the old RJ11-Unshielded ...
- 249: Pesticides and Their Harmful Affects
- ... is going to stop the escalation of pesticides, then alternative solutions must be explored and put into effect. Works Cited Adhous, Peter. "Ween Chemical: The Pieces Fall in Place." Science 6 Nov 992:893. Online. Internet. 13 Oct.1998. Available http://207.82.250/251/cigibin/getmsg? Cook, Ken. "Toxic Waste from Steel Mills…'Recycled' by Fertilizer Companies for Crop Use." Media Advisory from Fenton Communications 26 Mar. 1998. 1-2. Online. Internet. 14 Oct. 1998 Available http://www.ems.org/archive/cp_ma_835.260398.html "Do Pesticides on Fruits and Vegetables Threaten Children?" Environmental Threats on Children. EPA Sept. 1996. Online. Internet. 11 Oct. 1998. Available http://www.epa.gov/epadocs/child.htm Godoy, Hugo. "Pesticides Pose Danger to Chilean Workers." Latinamerica Press 16 Dec. 1993. Online. Internet. 11 Oct. 1998. Available http://www.cnr.org. ...
- 250: The First Amendment: Sex, Laws, and Cyberspace
- The First Amendment: Sex, Laws, and Cyberspace A Michigan college student posts sadistic fantasy about a classmate to an Internet newsgroup and is charged with the threat to injure. A postal inspector in Memphis, Tennessee downloads a pornographic image off the Internet and the California couple who posted it is arrested for violating Tennessee's obscenity laws. A programmer's encryption software is duplicated by someone else and sent overseas via the Internet; the programmer is charged with illegal export of munitions. The three defendants in these cases felt that the First Amendment protected them, but it was not the case. Sex, Laws, and Cyberspace is precise ...
Search results 241 - 250 of 1468 matching essays