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Search results 1271 - 1280 of 1468 matching essays
- 1271: Women In Management
- ... home and the land; they are the first line of defense. Women represent a huge consumer market: They control over 80% of consumer spending in the United States. Importantly, beginning in 1999, the majority of Internet users will be women. Some providers even mention 40% of all users to be women. Are we seen differently form companies - as consumers and as employees? Will we make use of this market power to ...
- 1272: Lasers and Their Uses
- ... Generation Laser-powered fusion holds hope of generating tremendous amounts of electricity through the use of lasers. Information Technology Using fiber optic bundles to carry them, modulated laser beams can transfer huge amounts of information(internet). Lasers in compact disc players read tiny reflections on CD's and laser discs to play back audio and video. Someday your house could be fitted with fiber optics to carry cable tv and phone ...
- 1273: Young Voters Showing Apathy
- ... because that is who is voting them into office. Some recent direct appeals have been made to increase the number of young voters through campus visits and appearances on MTV by candidates. In addition, the Internet, campus registration drives, and programs such as Motor Voter, Youth Vote '96, Net Vote '96, and MTV's Rock the Vote have been successful in motivating young adults to vote. Despite all that has been ...
- 1274: Atlantis: We Will Never Know
- ... of these theories are compatible with Plato's works and are within relative reason, numerous crackpot theories have been developed using the lost continent as a basis. One of these theories, posted on the computer internet where it has access to over fifteen million people, talks in twenty-one pages of pre-historical lands with names like Oz and Luxor. These world wide web pages list over two hundred separate articles ...
- 1275: Are Blacks Too Cool For The Web
- Do less blacks than their fellow white Americans use the web? According to the Pew Study on Internet Usage , the answer is yes, but this study is also quick to point out that it s not merely color, it s a mixture of things. However, according to Leonce Gaiter , author of Is the ...
- 1276: Advertising Of 1890 Compared To 1990
- ... the advertising of the 1890s and the 1990s are the sheer number of media available and what can be called the culture of Acool.@ The 1990s has radio, television, ads before motion pictures and videotapes, Internet advertising of various types (email Aspam@ banner ads), direct mail advertising, blimps and cropdusters to add to the arsenal of outdoor advertisement and concentrated target marketing. More important than the available media is the net ...
- 1277: The Computer Market and Retailers: A Saturated Market
- ... specifically their own - citing a nearly constant updating of equipment and a growing emphasis on service. They also believe revenue potential remains because computers are constanly changing and more people are becoming curious about the Internet. Still, many worry the market potential might be waning. Analysts believe the market is very close to being saturated, if not already there. there are only so many computers a person will buy, and only ...
- 1278: Virtual Reality
- ... hear thing, feel thing s, and experience things just as you would in the real world. Text-based VR In text-based VR the user participates in a MOO (multiuser domain, object-oriented) or other Internet-based, text-described environment, such as a chat room, or a bulletin board. The participants in a MOO build a simulated world with words entered via their computer's keyboards. While text-based VR can ...
- 1279: Hackers and Security. What Are the Effects of Data Encryption and Firewalls?
- ... with the newest standard 56-bit key coding, which servers as a tedious task (that's why they call them 'hackers') Since encryption is the toughest to crack, it seems to be of larger standard. Internet companies, businesses, groups, and other miscellaneous programs have turned to its protection. It serves as a safe house for critical information. Together, firewalls and encryption of files can be counted as one of the most ...
- 1280: A Case Study In Diversity India And Romania
- ... decide if this is indicative of a cultural influence, or simply gender-biased. Both sites are several years old - in fact, Virtual Romania boasts that it is "The FIRST Ever Romanian Home Page on the Internet", and was established in April of 1994, while SAWNET began in 1991, as a mailing list that eventually grew into a web site and resource center. I was a bit disappointed by the fact that ...
Search results 1271 - 1280 of 1468 matching essays