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Search results 1151 - 1160 of 1468 matching essays
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1151: BlueTooth
... node and placed in their original order. Bluetooth technology seems to be a very important step in communications field. Being able to update the files in your personal computer through your laptop, or access the Internet through your phone or digital planner can prove to be almost a necessity in big business today. This however is only the first step. The kind of technological advances that we can expect to see ...
1152: Cigarette Smoking Amond Colleg
... in all the sources that I have looked into, I have only found one that discusses reasons for smoking being linked to parental smoking habits. The only piece of information I found was in the internet source Bad Effects of Cigarette Smoking on the Body! It states: "people with parents who smoke are more likely to begin smoking than those who have non-smoking parents" (bad effects). So that is with ...
1153: Unemployment
... the proper education. One way to decrease unemployment would be to get the proper education to be successful in the job industry. For my solution to the problem, I can launch a page on the internet to let peeople know that they should try their best to achieve a well paying job. List of Works Cited Bibliography Griffin, Michael. " Vermont Unemployment Press Release." Vermont Labor Force Statistics. 26 Sept, 1996: 1 ...
1154: Codependency
... taught by a trained therapist, one with a vast knowledge of this complex disorder. If one cannot afford a therapist, there is vast supply of self-help books that deal with codependency. For those with Internet access, there are many chat rooms, newsgroups, and web pages that deal with codependency. Many Psychiatrists have web pages of their own, and answer questions on-line via e-mail. Support groups are also a ...
1155: Computer Crime 3
... can tap into databases all around the world. We are not just limited to what lies in our harddrive anymore. There are probably no secure systems that a hacker can not get into on the Internet. The term hacker is often referred to as a group of people that have been characterized as unethical, irresponsible, and a serious danger to society for actions related to breaking into computer systems. Hackers are ...
1156: Conflict Resolution Within Wor
... ramping and raging and blaming Mark for not receiving prior notification of the change in time. He had difficulties accessing his e-mail because the modem on his laptop was not connecting him onto the Internet. The solution for this problem is very simple; it is imperative that individuals within work teams communicate effectively. Open communication is a factor of conflict resolution; it prevents difficulties from occurring within work teams (DeVoe ...
1157: Computer Mouse
... mouse will allow the user to rotate objects on the screen using the mouse. The user will be able to look at what they are creating on the screen from different views. Also with the Internet becoming more frequently used the computer mouse is an important tool for the user. There is a computer mouse developed to allow for the user the ability to feel what they are looking at on ...
1158: Business Plan
... areas that we can afford to contract out without risking the core values provided to the clients. 3. 5 Technology Progressive Consulting will maintain latest Windows and Macintosh capabilities including: •1. Complete Email facilities in Internet, Compuserve, America Online, and Applelink, for working with clients directly through email delivery of drafts and information. •2. Complete presentation facilities for preparation and delivery of multimedia presentations on Macintosh or Windows machines, in formats ...
1159: Computer In The Classroom
... the room must be networked. This allows them access to each other's computers, resources, and troubleshooting aids. Suggested was a typical 100 base T network using Ethernet cable. Without a network, you have no Internet connection, no shared printers, and no shared drives. Using a network allows you to use previously mentioned "dumb" workstations. Not only do they reduce sound disruption, but they also make the computers easier to use ...
1160: Microsoft: A Monopoly
... is the extent to which Microsoft is exploiting its current monopolies, both to kill off potential threats, and to leverage these monopolies to control new technologies which will define the future of computing, of the Internet, and of how we conduct much of our daily lives, in the future and the present end quote. This statement states that the reason Microsoft is trying to become a monopoly is for leverage and ...

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