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Search results 1091 - 1100 of 1468 matching essays
- 1091: Australia
- ... ROM -- U.S. DOC, International Trade Administration March, 1996 CD ROM -- National Trade Data Bank February, 1996 Europa World Year Book 1995 London: Europa Publications Limited Volumes 1 & 2, Pages 1236-1237 and 1246-1247. Internet: HTTP://WWW.TELSTR.COM.AU/META/AUSTRALIA.HTML
- 1092: New Technologies In Television
- ... will some of this money be recouped? The new digital schemes allow for a variety of additional services to be broadcast along with the new digital signal. Options include pay-per-view movies, high-speed Internet services and additional TV channels, all within the same digital broadcast channel. Compared to standard NTSC television, HDTV is able to reproduce six times the detail and ten times the color information. Overall it appears ...
- 1093: Identity Theft
- ... Worse yet I could be you. According to the secret service approximatly one half a billion dollars is lost every year to identity theft online. What people don't seem to realize is that the internet world is just like any other community. so it's safe to assume the cyberworld would act as any natural community would with entrapranaurs, vast corperations, little guys selling warez, doctors visiting patients in their ...
- 1094: The Town of El Dorado Springs
- ... tumbled around in my head. I felt the first step in my search should be to try to find out more about the town. I had already exhausted the library's information and searching the Internet turned up no information. It was time to contact the only person's name I had that knew about the area, Susanna Swager, the teacher who worked at the Blue Springs campus and lived in ...
- 1095: Group Polarization And Competi
- ... pp.16 Kohn, A. (1986). No Contest: The Case Against Competition. Boston, Houghton Mifflin. No entering race. San Jose Mercury News Online. Address:http://www.sjmercury.com/wilson/wil324s.htm Thurm, S. (1995, August 29). [internet] Wilson's 'announcement' more of an ad: California governor kicks off drive for GOP presidential nomination. San Jose Mercury News Online. Address:http://www.sjmercury.com/wilson/wil829.htm Turgue, B., & Thomas, E. (1995, November ...
- 1096: Compare And Contrast State And Nation
- ... as a state is more tolerable of ethnic diversity. Some critics argue that the nature of the state is in decline. Technological progress has greatly limited the influence of the state as satellites and the internet have made information more available, thus taking control away from the state. The rise of global business has also meant that the state has lost power in international affairs as the companies are involved in ...
- 1097: Louisbourg Report
- ... going to Quebec City and Montreal. England had just opened the door to total power in North America, a door which remains open today. Sources: Encarta 99 cd-rom Canadian encyclopedia 99 cd-rom ICQ internet search
- 1098: Ghosts and Poltergeists
- Ghosts and Poltergeists If you were to go onto the internet and type in the word paranormal, what would come up? Lots of fake stories, without and legitimacy. But you might just find a story that is true, like the one about the spirit in the ...
- 1099: St. Isidore Of Seville, A Grea
- St. Isidore, was a great Spanish bishop, and lately in an interesting turn of events, he is now the proposed Patron saint, of the Internet. Yes, the World-Wide-Web. So, the next time you think that you will need help because your computer will crash, say a quick prayer to St. Isidore, and he will try to help you ...
- 1100: Events Of The Civil Rights Mov
- ... Black America. Volume III: Civil Rights Movement to Black Revolution. Johnson Publishing Company, Inc., Chicago, Illinios, 1974. Television Program "The Ku Klux Klan: A Secret History." Narr. ?. Writ. and Prod.?. History Channel, March 11, 2000. Internet Lythgoe, Dennis. Desert News, February 26, 1997. Address: http://members.aol.com/deverysa/index.html. Host of writers. http://cr.virtualscholar.com/cr10.htm
Search results 1091 - 1100 of 1468 matching essays