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Search results 131 - 140 of 1344 matching essays
- 131: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
- ... consumes alcohol during the course of her pregnancy" (88). This can be a very dangerous situation having symptoms that last a lifetime, sometimes leading to death. Although some researchers argue that there is a safe drinking limit while pregnant, abstinence of alcohol is best because innocent babies are being born with mental and physical handicaps due to fetal alcohol syndrome. Fetal alcohol syndrome is a severe condition with many obvious physical ... from alcohol. The sad part of this is that FAS is totally preventable and that innocent babies are being born with these mental and physical disabilities. Many individuals may be unaware of the dangers of drinking during pregnancy. During the period of treatment nutrition and fluid and electrolyte balance should be paid particular attention to, if vomiting, diarrhea, hyperpyrexia, and hyperhidrosis occur. A baby has to wait out the withdrawal to be treated (Ostrear, 59). Even though all of these affects have been proven true, other researchers argue that there is a safe drinking limit and that alcohol is not always the cause of fetal alcohol syndrome. I feel that it is a tragedy that a mother would risk FAS in an innocent unborn child with even a ...
- 132: Catcher In the Rye: Alcohol, Sex, and Violence
- ... for minors to get. Over the past couple of years, teenage consumption of alcohol has risen dramatically. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism states that more than 1.3 million teenagers have a drinking problem. The National Institute also reports that the reason for underage teenage drinking is they believe in a mixture of rebellion towards their parents and a sign of maturity. Another reason for teenage drinking is it represents a daring gesture. According to Dr. Joseph Franklin, "The way drinking starts is, one kid dares another kid to take a drink of alcohol, and the kid doesn't want his ...
- 133: Catcher in the Rye: How Holden Deals With Alcohol, Sex, and Violence
- ... for minors to get. Over the past couple of years, teenage consumption of alcohol has risen dramatically. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism states that more than 1.3 million teenagers have a drinking problem. The National Institute also reports that the reason for underage teenage drinking is they believe in a mixture of rebellion towards their parents and a sign of maturity. Another reason for teenage drinking is it represents a daring gesture. According to Dr. Joseph Franklin, ”The way drinking starts is, one kid dares another kid to take a drink of alcohol, and the kid doesn't want his ...
- 134: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
- ... Alcohol Syndrome Brings Problems For Life".Detroit Free Press. Online. Available @ http://researcher.sirs.com. According to the article, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a cluster of problems brought on by a mother's chronic drinking during pregnancy. These problems include mental retardation, learning disabilities, behavior problems, short attention spans, and physical traits such as short, skinny, and with small heads. The article adds to this list that they also have ... advisable if the mother breast feeds. The child ingests alcohol in breast milk, which can impede the infants' motor development. In conclusion, the article mentions that researchers are now trying to determine whether a fathers' drinking habits play any role in FAS. Tests have only been done on rodents so far, but the rodents have shown that alcohol exposure affects their sperm as well as the immune system and behavior of ... because their mothers drank alcohol during pregnancy increased sixfold from 1979 to 1993. Researchers stated that they did not know if the increase was from better diagnosis by doctors or that more pregnant women are drinking. Even though greater information and awareness about FAS is out and public knowledge, one-fifth of pregnant women continued to drink. Spokeswoman Ms. Munter stated, "This is completely preventable. There are so many things ...
- 135: A Tale of Two Cities: Sydney Carton
- ... gives Sydney Carton an immature appearance in the novel. At the beginning of the story and a large part of the novel, Sydney Carton is shown to be a very arrogant, frustrated man with a drinking problem. Several times in the novel he indulged in his drinking to the point of becoming drunk or close to it. Many times that he is seen, he is drinking wine or has a flask of liquor in his hand. This may keep him calm or help him to remain composed in the court, but it becomes more to the point of being a ...
- 136: Chocolate History And The Growing Of Cocoa
- ... origins of chocolate can be traced back to the ancient Maya and Aztec civilisations in Central America who first enjoyed a much prized spicy drink 'chocolatl', made from roasted cocoa beans. Chocolate was exclusively for drinking until the early Victorian times when a technique for making solid 'eating' chocolate was devised. Throughout its history, whether as a cocoa or drinking chocolate beverage or confectionery treat, chocolate has always been a much sought after food. The story of cocoa begins with cocoa trees which grew wild in the tropical rain forests of the Amazon basin and ... It was his fellow explorer, the Spanish Conquistador Don Hernan Cortes, who first realised the commercial value of the beans. He brought cocoa beans back to Spain in 1528 and very gradually the custom of drinking chocolate spread across Europe reaching England in the 1650s. The London Chocolate Houses became the fashionable meeting places for the elite of London society to savour this new luxury beverage. The heavy import duties ...
- 137: George W. Bush
- ... members say the branding was a scare tactic that never actually happened. What did happen? A close friend of Bush s at the time stated, there was a lot of watching sports, girls, and beer drinking (Duffy). This is also where Bush had his first encounter with the law. Bush stated, We had a little too much Christmas cheer and for some reason we really thought we needed that wreath (Duffy ... losing jobs and very few oil companies could survive on their own. In 1982 George W. Bush sold 10% of his oil firm to a Panamanian investor. As prices began to fall further Bush began drinking heavier and more steadily. In 1984 he merged the rest of his company with Spectrum 7. Even after Bush took 25% pay cut the oil prices continued on a downward spiral. Now Spectrum s best ... not taken on by Harken. Other changes were also taking place in his life. After a joint 40th birthday party in Colorado Bush woke up with a hangover severe enough to cause him to quite drinking cold turkey. He also had twin daughters, Jenna and Barbara, to take care of. Now that he had money and no day job he was free to think on an offer that had been ...
- 138: Peer Pressure
- ... Purdue University in Indiana says young people are more likely to be influenced by positive peer pressure than by negative peer pressure. Friends do not have strong influence on each other when it comes to drinking alcohol; Many young people simply choose new friends if they disagree with their old friends. (“Positive Peer Pressure” 2) Does positive peer pressure occur only on an individual basis? Northern Illinois University recently used peer pressure technique to reduce alcohol consumption among students. When students were asked to guess how many fellow students they think engaged in binge drinking, the result was staggering because the result was far too high. When students were presented with the truth that showed not nearly as many students favored heavy drinking, alcohol consumption on campus decline. Lavona grow, a program analyst at the Safe and Drug-Free Schools program at the department of Education say, “Once students realize, “Gee, not everyone is doing this,” it ...
- 139: The Prohibition
- ... that occured in the 1920s. What follows is my term paper which concentrates on prohibition and why it was not effective, namely because of lack of enforcement, growth of crime, and the increase in the drinking rate. I hope this may be of some help to you. “Prohibition did not achieve its goals. Instead, it added to the problems it was intended to solve” (Thorton, 15). On Midnight of January 16 ... has law been more flagrantly violated. Not only did Americans continue to manufacture, barter, and possess alcohol; they drank more of it” (Bowen, 154). The Americans that supported the law of prohibition argued that if drinking was not allowed, then Americans would drink less. Although the consumption of alcohol fell immediately after the beginning of prohibition, there was a subsequent increase after less than a year (see appendix i). After the ... they began to drink more hard liquor, which was more concentrated and easier to transport and thus less expensive. Because of prohibition, Americans began to drink more potent drinks and so became more drunk by drinking less. Another downfall of prohibition was that the illegally made products had no standards. Deaths from poisoned liquor rose from 1,064 in 1920 to 4,154 in 1925. Although one would think that ...
- 140: Things That Affect and Influence Our Health and Our Lives
- ... diagnosed with liver cancer and died because of it. After that incident I knew that I would not allow myself to get out of hand and let myself drink to the extent of possible death. Drinking alcohol excessively causes many different types of diseases, but I never knew the effect of that disease until the alcohol unit we learned in class. Many of my aunts from my mother’s side of the family enjoy drinking liquor. They say that drinking liquor makes them feel good and warm. They were right in that it makes them feel warm, but if they drink excessively they will endanger their lives. I can recall a specific incident where ...
Search results 131 - 140 of 1344 matching essays