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931: Gerard Manley Hopkins
... religion on Gerard. He attended Highgate School where his talent for poetry was first shown. Some sources say he won as many as seven contests while enrolled at Highgate. Gerard in 1864 enrolled at Balliol College, at Oxford, to Read Greats (classics, ancient history, and philosophy). At this time in his life he wanted to become a painter, like one of his siblings. His plans changed when he, and three of ... becoming a priest. But unlike his mother didn't devote his whole life to religion. Gerard unfortunately only lived to be 45 when he died of typhoid. He was the professor of classics at University College, Dublin for many years before he passed away. When Yeats said that Hopkins' style was merely "the last development of poetic diction" he spoke like a contrary old man. Hopkins' small and idiosyncratic productions, much ...
932: James Earl Jones: A Voice in the Crowd
... of high school, resurrecting the powers of speech in the young lad through public speaking, debating, orating and acting. The training he received from Crouch enabled Jones to win a public speaking championship and a college scholarship to the University of Michigan. In 1947, he enrolled intending to pursue a medical degree. He worked several jobs and enrolled in US Army Reserve Officers Training Corps to support his college career. But science took its toll on Jones, and he changed majors to the study of drama but Atechnically, because there was not an official degree in drama then at the university, (his) degree had ...
933: Sons And Lovers
... his association with Lawrence (Croom, p.2). This attitude represented the feelings of his peers and increased his feelings of social solitude. Because he excelled in high school, Lawrence earned a scholarship to Nottingham University College. This was a feat rarely achieved by someone of Lawrence’s social background. However, Lawrence was extremely disappointed by college because he felt cheated by the lack of enthusiasm of the lecturers. He said that he “might as well have been taught by gramophones as by those men.” (Letters, p.72). As mentioned, Lawrence’s ...
934: The Corruption Crisis Of The E
... the community funds for private purposes and scrunitized the Commission of the reckless spending of he resources. The European Commission can be divided to a political and an administrative arm. The political arm is the College of Commissioners. The College of Commissioners is responsible to provide political leadership for the Commission. It is a collegiate body of 20 commissioners nominated by the member states. Commissioners must act independently and represent the general interest of the ...
935: Martin Luther King, Jr.
... on society. In the early years, King came from a family in the tradition of the Southern black ministry. Both Kings father and grandfather were Baptist preachers. At the age of eighteen he entered Morehouse College, in Atlanta. Under a special program for gifted students he received his B.A. in 1948. As an undergraduate his earlier interest in medicine and law were eliminated by a decision in his senior year ... declaring that the "psychological moment has come when a concentrated drive against injustice can bring great tangible gains." His thesis was soon tested as he agreed to support the sit-in demonstrations undertaken by local college students. In late October he was arrested with 33 young people protesting segregation at the lunch counter in an Atlanta department store. Charges were dropped, but King was sentenced to Reidsville State Prison Farm on ...
936: Jonas Salk
... the verge of poverty." Although his family was poor, he did do exceptionally well in all the levels of education. He graduated from Townsend Harris High School in 1929 and then went on to the College of the City of New York where he received his B.S. in 1934. He finally earned his M.D. degree in June of 1939 from the New York University College of Medicine. Jonas Salk was "a somewhat withdrawn and indistinct figure" but was always reading whatever he could lay his hands on. Dr. Salk went on to intern for two years at Mount Sinai Hospital ...
937: Mononucleosis 3
... and women are affected, but studies suggest that the disease occurs slightly more often in men than in women. Doctors estimate that each year 50 out of every 100,000 Americans have mononucleosis symptoms. Among college students, the rate is several times higher. Mononucleosis does not occur in any particular "season," although authorities in colleges and schools, where the disease has been well studied, report that they see most patients in ... cells called B cells. Direct contact with virus-infected saliva, such as through kissing, can transmit the virus and result in mononucleosis. Someone with mononucleosis, however, does not need to be isolated. Household members or college roommates have only a slight risk of being infected unless they come into direct contact with the patient's saliva. A person is infectious several days before symptoms appear and for some time after acute ...
938: Bill Gates Roadway To His Succ
... are wrinkled, and his hair is tousled like a boy's. Yet this is an office, not a dorm room. And, while everyone calls the complex of 25 buildings a campus, it is not a college or university. It is the Microsoft headquarters in Redmond, Washington. And the person is no grad student. He is William H. Gates III chief executive and co-founder of Microsoft. Mr. Gates has changed the ... own, Traf-O-Data. They produced a small computer which was used to help measure traffic flow. From the project they grossed around $20,000. The Traf-O-Data Company lasted until Gates left for college. During Bill Gates' junior year at Lakeside, the administration offered him a job computerizing the school's scheduling system. Gates asked Allen to help with the project. He agreed and the following summer, they wrote ...
939: Student
... new choice offered by the New World. The choice was far from easy. She suffered from hunger, poverty, alienation, and humiliation of the ghetto but her dreams kept her spirit alive and kept her going. College experience was also not easy. She was different from other students because she was poor, plain looking, and probably because she was Jewish. So she struggled to fit in. She never did and suffered a ... drive, burning motivation, quick wit, and often willingness to break the law if it was profitable. As Max Goldstein said, "…It's money that makes the wheels go round. With my money I can have college graduates working for me…I can hire them and fire them. And they, with all their education, are under my feet, just because I got the money." Through the lives of different characters the author ...
940: The Goals and Failures of the First and Second Reconstructions
... failure was caused by the leadership of the Civil Rights Movement which had little connection with Blacks in the ghetto. The leaders of the movement were from the Southern middle-class Blacks; who were either college students, teachers, preachers, or lawyers.41 Like the leaders of the First Reconstruction, the leaders of the Civil Rights Movement lacked understanding of the economic needs of the Black lower-class. Instead of addressing the ... The Negro Pilgrimage in America (New York: Bantam, 1967) p.65. 12 In the Presidential election of 1876, the Democrat Samuel J. Tilden, captured a majority of the popular vote and lead in the electoral college results. But the electoral votes of three Southern States still under Republican rule were in doubt, as Ginzberg writes, "In all three states the Republicans controlled the returning boards which had to certify the election ...

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