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911: Frosts Use Of Everyday Subjets
... in the school magazine and was named class poet." (Bloom p.12) "He graduated in 1892, sharing valedictorian honors with Elinor White, to whom he became engaged." (Bloom p. 12) Frost then went onto Dartmouth College, he ended up dropping out of school after one semester. "He instead pursued a variety of jobs, including teaching at his mothers private school and working in a textile mill. In 1894 he published a ... modernist letters. Nutt published North of Boston a year later." (Bloom p. 13) As Frost was continuing to write poetry, he began to pursue what would be a life long career as a part-time college teacher. He and his family moved between teaching posts in New Hampshire, Vermont, and many other places. "In the course of his lifetime, Frost was recognized with more than 17 honorary degrees from prestigious colleges ...
912: Gerard Manley Hopkins Terrible
... death in 1889. Five years before Hopkins death he wrote six "terrible" sonnets revealing his inner torment and separation from God (Davie 86). These poems were written while Hopkins worked as a professor at University College, Dublin (Drabble 474). Hopkins' sonnets "No Worst, there is none" and " I wake and feel the fell of Dark, Not Day" show his mental anguish caused by spiritual agony. His job as a professor at University College required the grading of 500 examination papers, each one several pages of uninspired student translations, five to six times a year (Benzel 370). His job demanded long hours which took away time for his admiration ...
913: Ted Bundy
... as many as seven female students went missing from the states of Utah, Oregon, and Washington. A pattern emerged from these mysterious disappearances; all the victims were white, thin, and single. The police interviewed various college students and some had stated that they had seen a strange man in the parking lot on campus that was wearing a cast and asking for assistance with starting his Volkswagen (VW) Bug. In August ... campus in Florida. On January 14th, after 3A.M. two sorority sisters were dead and three severely injured at the hands of Ted Bundy. The police were called and Bundy was eventually arrested again, "a college student pointed to Ted Bundy as the man who fled the Chi Omega House the night two women were killed and three others clubbed senseless." Bundy faced three trials, all spaced in three years, but ...
914: Joining The Tribe: Homosexuality
... This leads to a denial of who she is to her family the ones that she loves. This really leaves them with no where to turn. One would think things would get better when entering college. For a homosexual things were still just as hard. "I was getting beat up on the bus just for having short hair and dressing like a boy. I’d see women and think, they’re ... in high school and books on homosexuality were more available. People are publicly out more and some students wore freedom rings to show support for homosexual rights. Homosexuals were still however isolated from society. One college girl said: "I didn’t want a support group. I wanted friends. pg. 120. Many teens are unclear about who they are, and whom they want to be with. Most people do not believe that ...
915: Official Netscape Guide to Internet Research, Second Edition
... dry material such as Domestic Government Information Online, and International Resources Online. Getting hotter is Chapter 14's Finding Folks Online, which was interesting to read--particularly the Special Needs section where you can find college Internet addresses and the Geneology on the Internet section. If you're a student and you're wondering where all the good stuff in this book is, you're in for a trek. Dude, you ... mega important if you're struggling with a research paper. Seize this chapter and copy those URLs! Don't stop after Chapter 16, though. Good coverage of general news sources, including newspapers (metro dailes and college papers), magazines and journals, zines, and live events online are yours for the reading in Chapter 17. But, you just can't copy stuff from the Web, y'know? The legal disclaimers are a hoot ...
916: Siddhartha
... new experience for my own good. My friends didn’t want me to leave, just like Siddhartha’s. The second crisis experience happened four years later when I chose to leave my town and attend college here at the University of Portland. Most of my good friends were staying and going to school in the town that we lived in. These two experiences bear resemblance to Siddhartha’s because they contain ... of my experiences. The anxiety associated with switching to high school was compounded with the even worse anxiety of having to meet all new people and make new friends. My second experience, going away to college, also contains the anxiety of leaving old friends and starting out somewhat on my own. These two decisions were crises because I was fearful and felt great amounts of anxiety, as I believe Siddhartha must ...
917: Giants In The Earth
... of Dönna, just south of where the Arctic Circle cuts the coast of Norway. Receiving very little education in Norway, Rölvaag traveled across to America where he moved to Sioux City, Iowa and entered Augustana College, a grammar school in South Dakota. He then moved onto St. Oalf College and graduated in 1905. In 1906, he took to teaching at the St. Oalf s. Rölvaag has written other works besides Giants in the Earth. These include: In Those Days,The Emigrants, and Founding the ...
918: Drug And Alcohol Abuse
... life. These manufacturers sell the drugs that pollute and corrupt our society without shame or remorse and should be severely punished. I believe another way to limit the manufacture of drugs is to make a college education easier to achieve, therefore making honest, lucrative careers more obtainable. The state of Missouri should lower the cost of tuition in its colleges and universities and raise the amount of state money in the ... should provide more scholarships like the Bar S scholarship. This scholarship is for students from all levels of school up until the senior year in high school who pledge to be drug free. Once in college, these students get drug-tested every semester and the scholarship is renewed every semester they are drug-free. This is by far the best solution I have seen to keep our youth off of drugs ...
919: J.D.Salinger
... much of a fear or hatred of sex in itself, as of a detestation of sexual promiscuity. (Allen, Walter p.298) Salinger had a certain style to his writing he related well to those crazy college kids. "For the college generation of the fifties, Salinger has the kind of importance that Scott Fitzgerald and Erenst Hemingway had for the young people of the twenties." (Hicks, Granille p.502) Part of the reason Salinger speaks the ...
920: Poverty vs. The Economy
... times more likely to be poor than other families. Families where the head has no more than eight years of schooling are nearly five times as likely to be poor compared to families headed by college educated person. Minority and female headed units are not only more likely to be poor but less likely to escape from poverty. The poor face multiple impediments to self-sufficiency, including joblessness, less than a ... of the most productive ways of eliminating poverty. Proper care for mother and child is also extremely important, so that the young will be healthy. The government also provides some compensatory education from preschool to college for poor children. Overall, is isolating the impact of these programs upon beneficiaries is not always easy. Birth control and maternal care, designed to give children a better start in life, also leave the mother ...

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