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Search results 811 - 820 of 2717 matching essays
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811: Ralph Waldo Emerson
... American Scholar,” which he presented before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard. In it he talked about Americans becoming more intelligently independent. In a second address, commonly referred to as the “Address at Divinity College,” given in 1838 to the graduating class of Cambridge Divinity College, brought about a problem because it attacked religion and pushed independence. Some of Emerson’s famous titles are “Essays”, which was published in 1844, Poems, which was published in 1847, “Nature: Addresses and Lectures”, 1849 ...
812: The Importance of Reading In Educational Development
... science and history. A balance program using phonics and whole-language, is the most effective and proven way to teach children to read. President Clinton introduced the America Reads challenge two years ago calling on college students, churchgoers and volunteers to assist in tutoring elementary students in reading. Since the President introduced this program over one thousand Colleges and Universities has taken up the challenge. Colleges such as Miami Dade Community College, The University of Miami and Barry University dedicated some of their Federal work-study dollars for students willing to serve as tutors in our elementary schools. Research study shows that most students should be proficient ...
813: ESL Students at GSU
... count toward a university degree. Most of the time, foreign students do not speak or write in English fluently. For those students, there are lots of special programs at Georgia State University. For example, since college and university students are now expected to know how to use word processing, email, and the WWW, English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program is available for students to enter GSU or some other U.S. college or university. EAP program’s plan is to provide students with the training they need in workshops taught by graduate students and supervised by Pat Byrd (http://www.gsu.edu/~wwwesl/eslcurr/general/staffs.htm ...
814: The Miseducation of Victorian Women
... God from such an education. Women in the Victorian era were educated not only to be "ornaments" but also to be useful to their husbands. Martineau notes that W. Cowper, the Dean of Queen's College for Women, expressed his "liberal" view that, "the grand use of a good education to a woman is that it improves her usefulness to somebody else." (Damrosch 1618). He did at least acknowledge that the ... the word, and would, therefore, work just as hard in their studies as men do. In fact, the results of one of the first secondary schools for young women of the middle class, Queen's College for Women, in London, claimed that, "the young ladies are disposed to be industrious, are highly intelligent, and cheerful and happy amidst their intellectual pursuits." (Damrosch 1619). It seems that girls can benefit from a ...
815: Leave the Students A Loan?
... potential results from allowing greater government funding for post-secondary education. Increasing funding, and therefore decreasing tuition, allows more Canadians greater access to post-secondary education. In today's job market, a university degree or college diploma is almost a requirement for obtaining a successful career. A whole being the sum of its parts; a country is the sum of its peoples. With a highly educated workforce, Canada is sure to ... successful economy, which will result in Canada being a successful country. Another positive result of post-secondary education funding is that is would reduce, if not even eliminate, the large debts accumulated by university and college students. Many graduates start out their careers heavy in debt to student loans. This is a handicap that prevents many graduates from becoming financially self-sufficient, therefore reducing their economic contribution to the country. If ...
816: Homeschooling
... parents with a teaching degree scored in the 88 percentile, which compares to the non-certified parent whose children scored 85. Public school children had a significant difference in their scoring as it pertained to college-educated parents. Children of college educated parents scored in the 63rd percentile while children of parents who did not graduate high school scored in the 28th. Homeschooled children of mothers who never finished high school scored 55 percentile points higher ...
817: John Lennon
... John found that he enjoyed drawing. Since he had talent for drawing and did not do well in his other studies the head master of Dovedale Primary School suggested that he go to an art college. (Hampton) In September of 1962, John started school at Quarry Bank Grammar School. Here he was also known as a troublemaker and a prankster. Him and his best friend at the time, Peter Shotton, were ... the pain that he still felt about his mother’s passing, even after much time had passed and his career had taken off. (Hampton) In this same time period he enrolled in The Liverpool Art College. While attending school here, he met a woman named Cynthia Powell, who eventually became his wife on August 23rd 1962. She gave birth to John’s first son, John Charles Julian Lennon on April 8th ...
818: Rude Strength
... that it was by listening that I learned to talk, that I found my own voice: I have something of a rude strength of my own. The first member of my family to go to college, let alone pursue a graduate degree, the language I brought with me to school was not quite the typical language of the academy. It was the piecemeal language of immigrants, of the tavern, of the factories and warehouses where I worked before becoming a student. When I went to college, I could hear the difference between my voice and the others I heard in classrooms and in the books I read, but it was the only voice I had ready to hand, so I used ...
819: Why I Want To Attend Northeast
... read it because what if I hadn't been accepted? How sad I'd be. I would miss out on being in the best city in the country. I'd miss out on the top college for my interests - Marketing and Communications. What other school has the amazing Co-op program I dreamed of. Open it! Open it! I guess my curiousity peaked. I opened the book and I was accepted. There I was in my dorm room with my roommate, happy and content. My dream came true and I was going to Northeastern. What attracted me to apply to this college was the Co-op program. I enjoy working and the idea of working at the job of my major is a plus. I have asked several soon to be graduates what they plan to do ...
820: The Life and Accomplishments of John F Kennedy
... In 1951, Kennedy met his future wife at a dinner party in Washington, D.C. Jacqueline Lee Bouvier was the daughter of a wealthy Wall Street broker, John V. Bouvier III. She had attended Vassar College and the Sorbonne in Paris. When she met Kennedy, she was a student at George Washington University in Washington. Later, she worked as an inquiring photographer for the Washington Times-Herald. She and Kennedy were ... the Republicans, the United States had lost ground to Russia in the Cold War. Kennedy defeated Nixon by fewer than 120,000 popular votes. But he won a clear majority of votes in the electoral college. Kennedy received 303 electoral votes to 219 for Nixon. Senator Harry F. Byrd of Virginia received 15 eletoral votes. Kennedy was inaugurated President on January 20, 1961. As he took charge of the federal government ...

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