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Search results 681 - 690 of 2717 matching essays
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681: Jonathan Edwards
... Pope of the Connecticut Valley." Jonathan's abilities as a speaker were recognized in his early teens. He entered Yale when he was thirteen. A few years later he was made senior tutor of the college. In 1726, At the age of twenty-three, he became his grandfather's co-pastor. When Stoddard died three years later, his grandson took his position. At the age of twenty-four, he married Sarah ... Freedom of the Will." When voted out, he was sent to the remote Mohican Indian community of Stockbridge, Massachusetts. He did mission work there for eight years. Edwards was "rescued" and named president of the College of New Jersey, which now is Princeton University. Three months later he died of a small pox inoculation. Jonathan Edwards influenced a great amount of history. He started and led the Great Awakening. He came ...
682: Michael Jackson
... he was putting a concert together ‘Victory’ and the whole share of what proceeds from the Victory tour will be donated to charity. Michael's tour profits was split between three charities : The United Negro College Fund, Camp Good Times, and The T.J. Martell Foundation for Leukemia and Cancer Research. What Michael had was $90 million for the charity. Michael Jackson’s home town, broke down, he paid expenses for forty disadvantages children from ‘The Thelma Marshall Children’s Home for Orphans, foster children and abandoned children, The Hoosier Boys Home and The Donzels Work Study Program for High School students working toward a college education, to attend the three date in Detroit. After he visited his home town he performed in a concert at Place Stadium in Vancouver, Canada, donating money to the needy and the underprivileged. Michael is ...
683: Botany and Botanists
... for by well-trained botanists. All this pay sounds good to those wishing to get a job in botany, but there is a lot of training required. A Ph.D. is required for becoming a college professor, or perhaps a Master's for a less demanding job. Bachelor's degrees are also required for non-research jobs. All botanists should be able to work individually, as well as in a group. Botanists should also be able to communicate clearly, both by writing and talking. Four years of college and a Bachelor's degree is the minimum education required for most jobs, because the job of botanist is almost entirely research oriented. To prepare for a job in botany, you should take the following ...
684: John D. Rockefeller
... the Euclid Avenue Baptist Church. Active in its affairs, he became a trustee of the church at the age of 21. He left high school in 1855 to take a business course at Folsom Mercantile College. He completed the six-month course in three months and, after looking for a job for six weeks, was employed as assistant bookkeeper by Hewitt & Tuttle, a small firm of commission merchants and produce shippers ... substantial financial support. It was on such a conditional basis that Rockefeller participated in the founding of the University of Chicago. The American Baptist Education Society had resolved in 1889 to establish a "well-equipped college" in Chicago. At the urging of the society’s director, the Rev. Frederick T. Gates, Rockefeller offered to give $600,000 of the first $1 million for endowment, provided the remaining $400,000 was pledged ...
685: Jimmy Carter
... Ruth Carter (Stapleton), Gloria Carter (Spann), and William Alton (Billy) Carter. Jimmy Carter’s ancestry was English, his religion is Baptist. He went to the following schools: - Plains High school, Georgia (1929-1941) - Georgia Southwestern College, Americus, Georgia (1941-1942) - Georgia Institute of Technology (1942-1943? - United States Naval Academy, Annapolis (1943-1946 *class of 1947*) - Union College, Schenectady, New York (1952-1953) Some of Jimmy Carter’s favorites are: Sports and hobbies - Played Basket ball in Plains High school - Ran cross-country & played under-140 lb. football at Annapolis. - Life-long tennis ...
686: Constitutional Convention: Day by Day Occurrences
... the judicial (a Supreme court going absolutely by the constitution), and, finally, the executive. We next agreed that when voting for the President and the Vice- President, the votes should be counted under an electoral college. The electoral college would be based on the number of people in congress representing each state. The final thing we did was we found problems with how the slave population should be counted or if slavery should be ...
687: Irene Joliot-curie
... ongoing conversations that she shared with her mother to say nothing of the math puzzles that concluded the letters she received from her mother when they were separated. Irene finished her high school education at College of Sevigne, and independent school in the center of Paris. She entered the Sorbonne in October, 1914 to prepare for a baccalaureate in mathematics and physics. Her education was interrupted by World War I. In ... task of separating naturally-occurring radioactive elements from their ores was no longer necessary to achieve radioactivity, which hastened the development of nuclear physics. After her death Frederick was appointed professor of physics at the College de France and director of the Laboratoire de Synthese Atomique at Ivry in 1937. During the German occupation of Paris in World War II he was president of the Front National, the underground resistance movement ...
688: Yeast
Yeast In 1876 a French scientist by the name of Louis Pasteur found something that would make college students eternally grateful of his scientific knowledge. He discovered that yeast played an important part in making beer. Since then yeast has been used in not only the production of beer, but also wine and ... fungi, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy such things as a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a bubbly glass of champagne, or a nice frost keg at the SAE house on Friday nights. College students everywhere should pay their respects to the man who in a sense is the creator of alcohol, Louis Pasteur, and his outrageous findings on one of the most abundant fungi known today, yeast.
689: Prop. 209
... ending affirmative action will be the right thing to do. It ends government-sponsored discrimination by rejecting quotas, preferences and set-asides. My brother had a run in with affirmative action. After attending a junior college and getting a 4.0 there he transfered to U.C. Davis for Pre- Med school. Two years later he applied to Davis1s Medical school and was rejected because there were to many white students in the college. He was then told to wait an entire year and apply again. Instead he moved back to our home town of Bakersfield and became a farmer with my Father. He had the grades and the ...
690: "Stop Seeking Certainty.." Minow's Response To Bork
... colliding realities" (Minow, pp. 172). In doing so the purposes of justice will be better served. However, one may argue that perspective taking can create problems. For example, if we lower entrance requirements for Black college freshmen in order that this historically disadvantaged group may become more represented on college campuses, we take the risk of fermenting the notion that Black's aren't as smart as whites and so would need lower requirements (Minow pp.174). Minow would reply that this is a risk ...

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