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Search results 661 - 670 of 2717 matching essays
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661: The First Amendment: Sex, Laws, and Cyberspace
The First Amendment: Sex, Laws, and Cyberspace A Michigan college student posts sadistic fantasy about a classmate to an Internet newsgroup and is charged with the threat to injure. A postal inspector in Memphis, Tennessee downloads a pornographic image off the Internet and the California ... and spins. Baker's hero, Jerry, then rapes and mutilates her. For the denouement, they pour gasoline on her and say good-bye with a lit match. Baker, a twenty year old sophomore at Michigan college posted this piece to Usenet under his own name. The “real world” Baker was a quiet kid who played with computers and drew little notice; but on the net he excited, offended, and garnered attention ...
662: Ralph Waldo Emerson
... American Scholar," which he presented before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard. In it he talked about Americans becoming more intelligently independent. In a second address, commonly referred to as the "Address at Divinity College," given in 1838 to the graduating class of Cambridge Divinity College, brought about a problem because it attacked religion and pushed independence. Some of Emerson's famous titles are "Essays", which was published in 1844, Poems, which was published in 1847, "Nature: Addresses and Lectures", 1849 ...
663: Only Yesterday
... People were now able to hear music as well as preaching and sporting events via the airwaves. Baseball grew in popularity as Babe Ruth broke the home run record. Thousands of people flocked to see college football games. Also the first beauty pageants were being held. Men had the opportunity to view the first installment of the swimsuit segment of the pageants. Although the swimsuits of the day were much more ... appliances and inventions that made housework easier. With hard housework a thing of the past women had more time to concentrate on other things. They got the right to vote and began to go to college. Women began to invade the work force and think for themselves. The boundaries between young men and women were soon disappeared in more ways than one. Young couples disregarded the fact that they were supposed ...
664: Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment
Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment Rutherford started his scientific career with much success in local schools leading to a scholarship to Nelson College. After achieving more academic honors at Nelson College, Rutherford moved on to Cambridge University's Cavendish laboratory. There he was lead by his mentor J.J. Thomson convinced him to study radiation. By 1889 Rutherford was ready to earn a living and sought ...
665: Adam Smith
... he found himself without company, which was frequent. After his attendance of the grammar school Smith entered the University of Glasgow in 1737 and became a student of moral philosophy. He then transferred to Balliol College, Oxford, three years later. He continued to attend the college until 1746. In 1748 Smith began to deliver a series of public lectures in Edinburgh on the progress of opulence , or on wealth and its increase. In 1751 Smith was appointed professor of logic at ...
666: California's Proposition 184: Three Strikes and You're Out
... increased cost of incarceration. In the state of California it costs $20,000 per year to incarcerate an inmate under normal circumstances(Cost 1). This amount of money could put one person through a state college for two or three years. According to Beth Carter the three strikes law has placed 1,300 people in prison for a third strike offense and 14,000 people in prison on a second strike ... Daniel. "The Right Three Strikes." Washington Monthly September 1994: 25-30. Mauer, Marc. "Three Strikes Policy is Just a Quick-fix Solution." Corrections Today July 1996: 23. Ogutu, Fenno. Class lecture. Sociology 120. Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA. 13 Nov. 1996.
667: Killer Angels 2
... the honor of Major General for heroism and is chosen by Grant as the officer to receive the Southern surrender at Appomattox. Chamberlain is elected the governor of Maine and eventually elected President of Bowdoin College. He dies from his wounds in June 1914 at the age of eighty-three. General Longstreet asks to be relieved of command after the Battle of Gettysburg, but Lee makes him stay. After the war he blames Lee for the loss of Gettysburg, and this does not sit well with people. His theory of defensive war is very advanced for the time. He serves as President of Washington College until his death in 1904. General Lee remains the symbol of all that is proud and noble in the South. He asks to be relieved of his command but it is denied. After the war ...
668: Affirmative Action: Public OPinion vs. Policy
Affirmative Action: Public OPinion vs. Policy When Justin Ketcham, a white college student from the suburbs, thinks about affirmative action, he thinks about what happened when he sent out letters seeking scholarships so he could attend Stanford University after being accepted during his senior year of high ... Department officials announced that "because of the deplorably low rate of employment among minority groups" in the industry, they would set up similar plans in other major cities (Gamson and Modigliani 139). Today, without a college degree will definitely decrease the chance of upward mobility. Public universities give preferences to minorities based on race and gender. Many private universities, including Harvard, Chicago and Stanford, have given preferences to the children of ...
669: A Chemist
... patience. However, there are many other qualities you will need such as an excellent learning ability and mathematical skills. You will also need to be able to preceive concepts or objects. Once you get into college you need to know what kind of degree to get in order to have a fulfilling and successful career. For most entry level jobs a BS degree is sufficient. However, for a college teaching job a Ph.D. is required (Choices). After obtaining a degree, your next step would be to find a job. According to Jerry Murphy, if you want an easy way into the chemistry field ...
670: Essay On Book, An Angel At My
... begun on day of her arrival in a big city Dunedin. From day one she started to feel anxiety that was significant point for her future life. Being alone, afraid of the city and Training College and teaching, and yet pretending that none of these was happening, it was almost like living two different lives. With strong imagination (everyone would recognize her as a true poet - refer to page 14) the ... Frame there was no doubt that she was totally present in the "real" world, but also that she was in the world of imagination (page 73). According to Janet Frame there was no word from College or school or University, as they did not care for her. And yet, they were still teaching children about love and how to care (page 75). Her experience clearly describes the attitude of society she ...

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