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611: U.S Involvement in the Vietnam War
... of America's men to learn that the politicians place is not in war but in peace ( Roush ). Works Cited "Interview with General Norman Schwarzkopf, Commander-in-Chief, Central Command." Frontline WGBH Educational Foundation. PBS, College Station. 9-10 Jan. 1996. "Interview with Secretary of State, James Baker." Frontline WGBH Educational Foundation. PBS, College Station. 9-10 Jan. 1996. Johnson, Lyndon B. "The Tonkin Gulf Incident." Message to Congress. Aug. 5, 1964. Department of State Bulletin 24 Aug. 1964: n.p. Leyden, Andrew P. "The Operation Desert Storm Debriefing ... 1993. United States, Joint Resolution of Congress H. J. RES 1145. Aug. 7, 1964. Department of State Bulletin 24 Aug. 1965. Wittman, Sandra M. "Chronology of the Vietnam War." Vietnam: Yesterday and Today Oakton Community College. Skokie, Illinois. 16 May 1996: n.p.
612: Billy Graham
... he knew him personally. Graham felt he was now ready to follow Jesus and devote his life to God. Like most high schoolers who lack direction once they graduate, Graham blindly enrolled at Bob Jones College in Cleveland, Tennessee for the simple reason that Jones' preaching had once impressed his mother. If Graham did not know who he was prior to entering school, he soon learned that he was not meant ... a preacher, because this group focused on the beloved God rather than a vengeful one, and Graham finally found his purpose for his existence. After graduation from the Florida Bible Institute, Graham enrolled at Wheaton College, which is considered the Harvard of Christian colleges. It was at this college that he received training in the fine art of the pulpit and also where he met his future wife, Ruth Bell. It was now he made a promise to himself that someday he would ...
613: Civil Rights
... Jr. and a number of southern black clergymen create the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). 1958: Ten thousand students hold a Youth March for Integrated Schools in Washington, D.C. 1959: Sit-in campaigns by college students desegregate eating facilities in St. Louis, Chicago, and Bloomington, Indiana; the Tennessee Christian Leadership Conference holds brief sit-ins in Nashville department stores. 1960-1970 1960: Twenty-five hundred students and community members in ... war in Vietnam, which he calls ‘one of history’s most cruel and senseless wars’; his position causes estrangement with President Johnson and is criticized by the NAACP. 1967: Rioting at all-black Jackson State College in Mississippi leads to one death and two serious injuries. 1967: Thurgood Marshall is the first black to be nominated to serve on the Supreme Court. 1967: Rioting in the black ghetto of Newark, New ...
614: I Am Joaquin Vs. The First Sev
... education is the key to a better life rather than the hard labor he has gone through for many years. In the beginning of the story he wants his own daughter to go on to college because she shows promise. However she does not want to go. Defeated by his daughter s strong will he then wishes to let her marry an educated man and live a better life. Conversely, in ... how a families role is to work is to better the life for generations to come. In The First Seven Years, Feld has worked as a shoemaker for long enough to send his daughter to college during a time where few could afford to do this. Although his daughter declines, this shows that he has had her future in mind. In I am Joaquin, the entire family has been working for ...
615: Down's Syndrome
... another $2,000 to $2,500 to its costs. (www #2) The Triple Screen The "triple screen for Down syndrome" has been in existence for over five years. However, just this past year, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists officially recommended that this test be offered to all pregnant patients of all ages. This implies a legal mandate to practicing physicians who cannot afford the liability of not offering such ... facts. Oxford:Oxford University Press. Stray-Gundersen, K. (Ed.) (1995). Babies with down syndrome: A new parents' guide (2nd edition). Rockville, MD: Woodbine House. Tingey, C. (Ed.) (1988). Down syndrome: A resource handbook. Boston, MA: College- Hill Press. www #1. http://www.erms.edu/jones/depthome.htm www #2. http://ptolemy.eess.edu/ds.html www #3. http://wwwpino/ds/prenata/nsdcapf.html
616: The Effects of Stress, Alcohol Outcome Expectancies, Gender, Coping Styles, and Family Alcoholism on Alcohol Consumption
... made to split the test group approximately equal in terms of sex. Since race/ethnicity and age are not being tested, they are irrelevant for this study. Compensation may be necessary (possibly a beer), as college students' time is quite valuable, and the questionnaire may take approximately 30 minutes. There are a number of tests which currently exist which may be used to evaluate the subjects. 1. Adapted Short Michigan Alcoholism ... in the FAMILY variable, we will know to spend more time and money on programs which promote "Family Values". If high correlation is found with the STRESS variable, we can direct our energies to making college less stressful. This research should be used as a signal for what needs to be done in the future. References Carver, C. S., Scheier, M. F., & Weintraub, J. K. (1989). Assessing coping strategies: A theoretically ...
617: Kelly Flinn
... down, rid you of any individual characteristics you might cling to (like independent thought), and build you back up again.” (pg. 21) After six weeks of basic training, she graduated and began life as a college student. She quickly learned that she would get along better at the Academy if she could pass as one of the boys. She cut her hair short, never wore makeup, and didn’t date either. During her years at the academy, she learned how to fly the F-16 and the T-41. After graduating college, she went to Undergraduate Pilot School. At the end of school, she was asked to pick which plane she wanted to fly. She choose the B-52 Bomber Plane and became the first female bomber ...
618: Bill Gates
... are wrinkled, and his hair is tousled like a boy's. Yet this is an office, not a dorm room. And, while everyone calls the complex of 25 buildings a campus, it is not a college or university. It is the Microsoft headquarters in Redmond, Washington. And the person is no grad student. He is William H. Gates III chief executive and co-founder of Microsoft. Mr. Gates has changed the ... own, Traf-O-Data. They produced a small computer which was used to help measure traffic flow. From the project they grossed around $20,000. The Traf-O-Data Company lasted until Gates left for college. During Bill Gates' junior year at Lakeside, the administration offered him a job computerizing the school's scheduling system. Gates asked Allen to help with the project. He agreed and the following summer, they wrote ...
619: Catch 22
America has been involved in the cold war for years. The fear of communism is ruining lives. The country moves closer and closer to the Korean war. Joseph Heller’s Catch 22 is published. 1963- College students are seen wearing army fatigues with "Yossarian" name tags. Reports are being made about a "Heller Cult". Bumper stickers are manufactured which read, "Better Yossarian then Rotarian". The phrase "Catch 22" has surfaced meaning ... for a share in Milo’s franchise. Perhaps the most important aspect of the book, is the idea, that individuality is more important then dying for ones country. "A second ago you were stepping into college with your lungs full of fresh air. Today you are an old man……. You’re inches away from death every time you go on a mission. How much older can you be at your age ...
620: Intergrating Technology And Le
... or insulting others is also discouraged (Web Server). Even though using profanity or insulting others is unacceptable in face-to-face interaction with business associates, many people see it as no problem whatsoever. In surveying college students, 94% say that they have used profanity or have insulted someone through email. Many of the reasons corresponding to their actions were that it was much easier to insult someone online than when that ... 1989. Availabe from http:apollo.gse.uci.edu/MentorTeacher/Chapter1.html. Internet; accessed 2 April 2000 *Renaissance Education Foundation, ed. Renaissance Graduate Leadership Minneapolis, Minnesota. 1991. This resource is used as text in graduate level college course. -Haselton, Blake. Principal Oldham County High School Oldham, Kentucky “The Leadership Challenge Video.” CMR Films. “Yahoo Shopping.” 2000. Yahoo!, Inc. Available from http://search.shopping.yahoo.com/search?P=all&p=videoconference. Internet; accessed ...

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