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501: Veterinary Medicine
... learned more then I thought there was to learn about animals and becoming a veterinarian. I learned how long it takes to become a veterinarian, what my chances are on being accepted by a veterinary college, what veterinarians do, and much more. Veterinary Medicine is a branch of medical science that deals with the prevention, cure, or alleviation of diseases and injuries of animals. There are about 55,000 veterinarians and ... of lesser genetic qualities. A minimum of six years of study after high school graduation is usually required for a student to become a veterinarian. At least two and sometimes up to four years of college are completed before the acceptance into veterinary college. The competition is stiff for such acceptance, with usually five to ten qualified applicants for each one admitted. Demand is increasing for food inspection by veterinarians, particulary in meat, milk, and processed foods and ...
502: Nursing: Think in Practical way
... a registered nurse can go through. Nurse teachers in a community or university colleges and registered nurses who work in a hospital are two of the examples in the field of nursing job. University and college teachers of nursing provide advanced instruction to students in the field of nursing. first, to be an instuctor, a person must be a registered nurse with at least have a bachelor's degree. In today ... hours. Working hours really depends on their experiences, seniority, and performance. Their job is a contract basis only. Teachers' contracts run between nine to twelve months in a year. Third, according to EUREKA, average community college instructor pay is $3,166 per month and ranges from $2,577 to $3,990 per month. Full professors and those with many years of experience may earn from $3,833 to $5,463 per month. The top pay may exceed $6,932 per month. Finally, EUREKA also says that California employment by 2005 are 76,330 university and college are projected to be employed with 33,850 openings. Pay varies with size, geographic location, and type of institution. Registered nurses are the typical nurses that you see in a medical environment or hospital. ...
503: Meditation: A In-Depth Look
... More recently, as meditation moves into mainstream medicine the lower income classes are also beginning to explore meditation. Andrea La Fave of the Maharishi Vedic University in Madison says the majority of her clientele are college students who want to develop a higher state of consciousness. "Every human being has the machinery to reach blissfulness. Human consciousness and connection to the body can be developed," says La Fave. "Now, western medicine has the tools to prove it." La Fave has been practicing meditation for over 25 years. As a "young, stressed out college student", La Fave heard about the benefits of meditation through a friend before organizations like the Maharishi Vedic University were available. After her first session she felt deeply settled and was hooked. La Fave says ... all together. When that happens to your mind, your body rests but really wakes up, a restful alertness." She has seen significant long-term positive effects. She feels happier and healthier than she did in college due to the growth of consciousness. "Whatever you apply yourself to, you are more successful." La Fave says that with time and practice, the mind and body can be peaceful and potentially stressful situations ...
504: Katherine Mansfield
... him (Nathan 1). After graduating from secondary school, Miss Kathleen Mansfield Beauchamp left New Zealand. She decided this after thwarting the idea of a career in music. Beauchamp went on to attend London's Queens College and study literature. While in attendance at Queens College, Kathleen made a friend in Ida Baker. Ida Baker, like Beauchamp, was an avid writer. Kathleen gave the pen name "Lesley Moore" to Ida, after Beauchamp's brother Lesley (Sampson 308). In the spring of 1907, Miss Beauchamp held in garden party and invited many of her acquaintances from college. The party was a complete success until it was discovered that a cottager who lived on the property had been accidentally killed (Nathan 1). This event spawned to become "The Garden Party", Beauchamp's ...
505: Computer Engineering
... Definition of a computer engineer A. Definiton B. Creation of new jobs II. Change in society A. Internet B. Advertising C. Web sites D. Chat rooms III. Community and technology A. Schools 1. Homework 2. College applications B. Church IV. New technology A. RealAudio B. Video conferencing C. Web browsers D. New techology and businesses V. Computers as a new industry A. Early advantages B. Experience coming into computers C. People ... information. Chat rooms and news groups attract many people with opinions that they want to share (Marcus, 54-55). Schools are even online. Homework assignments are posted over the Internet. High-school students fill out college applications and submit them with a click of a mouse. There are chat rooms and news groups for everything imaginable. Books, watches, recordings, clothes, shoes, crafts and vacations are sold over Internet. Even churches rage ... produce a people to fill positions to fit their needs (D’Angelo, 52-53). Typically, training for computer engineering requires a two-year associate’s degree or an 18-month certification program from a technical college (D’Angelo, 54). The best technical colleges in the country tend to be located in the larger cities, for they have updated training centers. Colleges in the northeast, around Boston for example, are decent ...
506: The Flu
... shot. The research for this report was conducted from October 19, 1998 to December 7, 1998. We completed our research proposal on November 9. We conducted research using questionnaires, the Internet, and the Matanuska- Susitna College Library. We completed our questionnaire research and the graphic that correlates with our questionnaire data on the 16 of November. We completed our Internet and library research on December 7. We completed this report on December 14, 1998. We used our questionnaires, the Internet, and the Matanuska-Susitna College Library to gather data on the public's knowledge of the flu and the flu shot. We then tabulated that information to show the publics' knowledge of the flu and the flu shot. Using our ... the public's aptitude concerning the flu and the flu shot. We then chose 20 people aged 18 and older at random, to fill out our questionnaires. · We gathered two sources from the Matanuska-Susitna College library using the InfoTrac system. Using the search words "flu vaccine," we found an article from the American Journal of Nursing titled "Flu Vaccine Benefits Healthy Adults Too. We found an article using the ...
507: The Effects of Altitude On Human Physiology
... of conditions is a testament to its survivability. The decreased partial pressure of oxygen with increasing altitude is one of these adaptations. Sources: Electric Differential Multimedia Lab, Travel Precautions and Advice, University of Iowa Medical College, 1995. Gerking, Shelby D., Biological Systems, W.B. Saunders Company, 1969. Grolier Electronic Publishing, The New Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, 1993. Grollman, Sigmund, The Human Body: Its Structure and Physiology, Macmillian Publishing Company, 1978. Guyton, Arthur C., Physiology of the Human Body, 5th Edition, Saunders College Publishing, 1979. Hackett, P., Mountain Sickness, The Mountaineers, Seattle, 1980. Hubble, Frank, High Altitude Illness, Wilderness Medicine Newsletter, March/April 1995. Hubble, Frank, The Use of Diamox in the Prevention of Acute Mountain Sickness, Wilderness ... Outdoor Action Program, 1995. Starr, Cecie, and Taggart, Ralph, Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life, Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1992. Tortora, Gerard J., and Grabowski, Sandra, Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, Seventh Edition, Harper Collins College Publishers, 1993. Wilkerson., J., Editor, Medicine for Mountaineering, Fourth Edition, The Mountaineers, Seattle, 1992.
508: Community Service Projects, Lo
... charity fundraising and leadership, these are just a few of the positive ways sororities and fraternities (greeks) contribute to local society. How is it that only the negative stereotypes are more widely known throughout most college campuses? Although the preconceived notions about greeks are that hey all lie, cheat, drink, party all night, get into trouble, don’t offer anything positive to society and most of all pay money to buy ... and even within your local chapter. Running for office within student government is not your only option for leadership. Within each greek organization there are many positions that offer great leadership advancements. Not just in college life, but with experience in greek life it can help you progress in the “real world.” For example, when one goes to an interview, it is much like going through the rush and pledging periods ... evenly compared with the interview and hiring stages of getting a job. Therefore, experiencing it earlier in life will better prepare you for future occupations. While alcohol abuse, other drug use, and underage drinking among college students are by no means limited to greek organizations, it is important to target fraternity and sorority members with prevention efforts. A 1993 survey of over 17,000 students at 140 four-year colleges ...
509: Everyday Use
... story is narrated by a black woman in the South who is faced with the decision to give away two quilts to one of her two daughters. Dee, her oldest daughter who is visiting from college, perceives the quilts as popular fashion and believes they should undoubtedly be given to her. Maggie, her youngest daughter, who still lives at home and understands the family heritage, has been promised the quilts. Dee ... s different style of life and the lack of appreciation her character displays. Her mother states, "I didn't want to bring up how I had offered Dee a quilt when she went away to college. Then she had told me they were old-fashioned, out of style." Dee does not appreciate things unless it is for her own self-gratification. After being away at college, she is demanding to be given the quilts that her grandmother and aunt have made, for she now sees these precious items as fashionable objects. "Dee wanted nice things. At sixteen she had a ...
510: Cambridge
... was establish by religious groups like Franciscans and Dominicans in the early 12th century students from the Oxford University and Paris University left to study in Cambridge in the 13th century. The origin of the college is trace to the association of the students, distinctive form of religious affiliated groups, who began to reside in independent hostels, or halls. Later on some tension developed between the town people and students known as “town and gown” conflict. This conflict led to the establishment of the first college, Peterhouse in 1284 by Bishop of Ely. In 1318, Pope John XXII issued a bull recognizing Cambridge as a “Stadium Generale”, or a place of study; that is a University. The University Of Cambridge From ... in which Mathematics and Natural Sciences became important subjects in the university, for which the University is still recognize. In the 19th century, the major change that took place was the establishment of the Girton College in 1873 for undergraduate women. Since then the university has been coeducational. In the 20th century, nine more colleges were established and the old colleges were expanded. Since 1914, the state aid has been ...

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