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461: Fray Junipero Serra
... swollen from a mosquito bite. This sore never healed and hindered Serra physically for the remaining fifteen years of his life. Arriving in Mexico City, he studied and prepared for missionary work at San Fernando College. Serra's first assignment was a rugged, mountainous region of Sierra Gorda. He remained there for nine years preaching to the Indians and strengthening the two missions already in existence. While he was there he ... In those nine years, his leg still infected and ulcerated from the mosquito bite, he continued to walk over six thousand miles on foot, preaching retreats and administering sacraments. Serra then returned to San Fernando College in 1758 where he taught philosophy for nine years. In 1767, King Charles III of Spain expelled the Jesuits from Baja California and all remaining Spanish colonies. This left thirteen Jesuit missions unstaffed. King Charles ... exclusively from a biography by his disciple Palou. Palou was a native of Serra's homeland Majorca, a brother Franciscan monk, he came across the Atlantic Ocean with Serra and was his associate in the college of San Fernando. Palou was Serra's companion in the expedition to California, his successor in the Presidency in New California. He was with Miquel on his death-bed, and his nearest friend for ...
462: Black Like Me
... along with it until he said he wanted to give him a fistful of brass knuckles in his mouth. When Griffen starts looking for a job he runs into a young black man attending a college. This young black man wants to help Griffen all he can. I wonder why he wanted to help him so much. I think he wanted to help him so much because Griffen looked respectable and ... black man can never get very far. I think the points made in this conversation were very true at that time. There was no incentive for black people to work hard, because if they did college at best was all they could hope for. And after college they couldn't get high up jobs, even with a good education. The other topic they were talking about was the fact that many white Christians were hypocrites. They were saying the some white ...
463: Emmy Noether
... a teaching position in Siberia, he moved his family there. Even though friends tried to get Emmy a position at the University of Moscow, she opted to move to the United States, where Bryn Mawr College offered her a position teaching. Emmy Noether taught at Bryn Mawr College until her death in 1935. Teaching at a women's college was very different for Noether. For the first time, she had colleagues that were women. Anna Pell Wheeler, another woman mathematician, was the head of the department at Bryn Mawr, and became a great ...
464: Being A Disc Jockey
... is new to the station and just starting out, many opportunities are available, which include those listed above, plus many more. The best way to start out in this field is to work at a college or local radio station, either being a disc jockey or just an intern(Robinson). Aside from having their own daily show, one will also learn how to put a show together, what it’s like ... area asking if there are any open positions, but if that fails, then asking if they do know of any stations that are hiring new talents is a great thing to do. As for a college degree, it is not necessary, but to make a greater salary than just minimum wage, it is best to have a college education, one specifically in the music or broadcasting field(Staff 24). While on the topic of money, disc jockeys usually earn between 20,000 and 70,000 dollars per year, but experienced and well ...
465: Emily Dickinson 6
... was born in Amherst, Massachusetts on December tenth, eighteen hundred thirty, to a prominent family. She was the second child of three children. Her grandfather, Samuel Dickinson, was one of the founders of the Amherst College. Edward Dickinson, her father, held several political positions. He was on the General Court of Massachusetts, Massachusetts State Senate, and United States House Representatives. Edward was also a lawyer and the treasurer for the college. Emily's mother, Emily Dickinson, was a simple woman. She was dedicated to her home and family. Emily's mother suffered a long term of illness so she took care of her. Dickinson had an older brother, Austin, who also served as the treasurer for the college and other civic positions. Austin married Emily's best friend, Susan Gilbert. Lavinia was Emily's younger sister. She didn't marry anyone so she stayed in the family house. The three siblings shared ...
466: Emerson
... healthy person. He had lung disease and periods of temporary blindness until he was thirty years old. (Clendenning) He attended the Boston Latin School from 1812 to 1817. Emerson then started to study at Harvard College in August 1817. He worked his way through college as a messenger and writer because of the financial strain on his family after his father's death. He developed his great interests in literature and philosophy during this time. Emerson studied Latin, Greek, and French, but didn't pay much attention to mathematics. He liked living in solitude and independence and said that the best thing about college was having a room to himself. Emerson graduated in the thirtieth position in a class of fifty-nine in 1821. Afterwards, he taught in his older brother's private school for three years so ...
467: Einstein
... so interested in it that when he was fourteen he started his own series of books on natural science. When Einstein got older he became so intensely involved in math that he enrolled in a college in Switzerland. Even though he was enrolled in college, Einstein usually stayed in his room and did studies on his own. Einstein graduated from college in 1900 and from there looked for employment. Although it was hard to find, he finally got a job in the post in Bern, Switzerland. His duty there was to put applicants for patents ...
468: Labor Issues
... Then in 1947, the Labor-Management Relations Act of 1935 removed healthcare workers from coverage and provided special procedures (Robinson, 1985) to resolve labor disputes. In respect to higher education, union organization reached four-year college and university level in the 1960’s (Robinson, 1985). By the late 1970’s, thirty percent of all four-year public institutions had some type of collected bargaining agreement (Robinson, 1985). Up to this point ... were on the rise in the workforce (Robinson, 1985). Also indicative of this time period was a rapid growth of government unions. As laws were being passed that allowed organization, elementary, and secondary education teachers, college professors, and federal employees joined unions. Many large, public unions were started, such as the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, the American federation of Teachers, and the National Education Association (Robinson, 1985 ... increasingly less product driven. Associated with this is an increase in the quantity of professionals in the workforce today as compared to decades past. Census Bureau data shows that today’s workforce is approximately 26% college graduates while in 1960 this figure was less than 10% (American Labor, 1998). In addition, more people are making more money. The percentage of workers in the $75,000 income bracket (inflation adjusted) has ...
469: Ethan Frome
... in a permanent state of disability. It is not Ethan’s cowardice, which kept him from achieving his goals; he is trapped. Ethan was not always trapped. When he was younger, he actually went to college. “…he [Ethan Frome] had taken a year's course at a technological college at Worcester…” (p. 35) it says in the book. In fact, things were looking his way when his father died. He had to go home and take care of his mother. It would have been ... their own goals in life. This may be considered cowardice by some, for they would say that Ethan should have hired some one to take care of his mother, so that he could stay in college and graduate. Leaving his mother would have been a terrible thing for Ethan to do. Ethan’s mother needed him. There was nothing Ethan could do; he was trapped and that was only the ...
470: Student Development in Higher Education
... both students, I asked them each the same questions, with slight changes expounding on their experience with either upper or lower classman. The seven questions I asked were 1) Tell me about your experiences in college, and how do you feel about your classes, activities, etc? 2) When making a life decision/choice, what factors do you take into affect? I.E. jobs, choosing a university 3) What do you want to gain from your education? 4) In five years, where do you see yourself? 5) How do you feel you have grown developmentally? 6) Do you feel that your gender has impacted your college experience? 7) What do you feel is the difference between underclassmen and upperclassmen? First, the developmental level of the freshmen student when applying Marcia's theory within the psychosocial theory is extremely prominent in her ... interested in switching to graphic arts. This possible conflict between the parents could move her into the stage of Moratorium because she places a high value to her parent's opinion with regards to her college career. Also, since she has been at school, other people in her living environment have influenced her choices when considering changing her major. She has spoken with Resident Assistants, giving and expanding other possibilities ...

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