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401: Tom Clancy: His Life, His Style, His Books
... school. Most of his friends were interested in sports, and following their favorite teams throughout the season, but Tom had more important things on his mind like guns, tanks, and planes. He went to Loyola College, a Jesuit college of liberal arts in Baltimore where he majored in English. While attending college he joined the ROTC in order to serve in Vietnam, but poor eyesight kept him from fulfilling his desire. The first short story he wrote was rejected by Analog Sci-Fi magazine, crushing another ...
402: Harry Shippe Truman
... still ignored them. Harry' father got harry a pony so he wouldn't be all books and piano playing. Harry graduated as the class of '01 out of High School and planned to go to College but Harry's father lost money on their farm so Harry had to stay home and help out. Harry did finally go to school in the fall of 1901. Harry got into the Spaulding Commercial College in Kansas City. He studied business skills. But his father's money problems got worse and Harry had to quit music lessons even though his mother and his teacher plead him to let Harry go. Harry even had to quit college. Harry had to get a job to help his family. He got a job as a timekeeper for a railroad. He had to check all the railroad stops and see if people were working. ...
403: Brown Vs. Board Of Education
... began to live in ethnic enclaves. These neighborhoods later effected where students would attend school. In turn, the quality of the schools were also effected depending on the area. In 1908, the case of Braya College v. Kentucky attacked the racially mixed school of Braya College in Kentucky. The state mandated that there be separate facilities separated by at least 25 miles. The Supreme Court upheld the ruling and Braya College was segregated. Then in 1931, the issue of segregation was challenged by the Lemon Grove Incident in San Diego. In this case, which was used as a precedent for the Brown v. Board of ...
404: Bus Boycott 2
... Story, was distributed all through the south. It was put into a comic book form because it was intended for people who don t normally read books. But the comic found its way onto Vanderbilt College in Nashville, TN and into the hands of Divinity student James Lawson. James Lawson was a hardcore pacifist and believer in non-violent residence. He had been in India learning about Gandhi s teachings of ... use of non-violence in a mass protest. Martin Luther King encouraged Lawson to teach the use of non-violence through out the movement. Lawson went back to Nashville to continue his studies at Vanderbilt College. He then started a workshop there on non-violence. Students of Lawson s went on start sit-in movement. The sit-it movement was when college student went into segregated restaurants and if they weren t served they would just sit at lunch counter and engage with the manage or who ever was in charge in conversation how it was ...
405: History Of Computers
... that required mechanical motion. The great breakthrough in developing computers came in 1940s when electrtonic components were first succsessfully employed. Example: Atanasoff and Berry: In 1937, John V. Atanasoff, professor of mathematics at Iowa State College, conceived an electronic digital computer. Receiving a small grant from the college, he started building the computer with Clifford Burry, a graduate student. In 1940 and 1941, he discussed his plans and showed his work to Dr. John Mauchly, later one of the developers of the ENIAC. The Atanasoff-Berry Computer was completed in 1942. Through a misunderstanding, it was never pattented by Iowa State College. Dr. Atanasoff tried to interest both IBM and Remington Rand in his machine, but they felty it had no commercial value. In 1942, He joined the Naval Ordnance Laboratories in Washington, D.C. He ...
406: Alice Walker
... felt old, and because I felt I was unpleasant to look at, filled with shame. I retreated into solitude, and read stories and began to write poems." In 1961 Walker won a scholarship to Spelman College in Atlanta, where she became involved in the civil rights movement and participated in sit-ins at local business establishments. She transferred to Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, New York, graduating from there in 1965. She met her future husband Melvyn Leventhal, a Jewish civil rights attorney, in Mississippi where she was an activist and teacher. In 1967 Walker and Leventhal ... use of intensive, descriptive language in creating believable characters. Walker is also considered an accomplished poet. Walkers first collection, Once: Poems (1968), includes works written during the early 1960's while she attended Sarah Lawrence College. Some of these pieces relate the confusion, isolation , and suicidal thoughts Walker experienced. For she had learned her Senior year that she was pregnant and had to deal with the stressful time that followed. ...
407: Robert E. Lee
... became very ill. At the age of twelve he had to shoulder the load of not only being the family's provider, but also his mother's nurse. When time came for Robert to attend college, it was obvious his mother could not support him financially. She was already supporting his older brother at Harvard and three other children in school. In 1824 he accepted an appointment to the United States ... not accept this result as final. Let's keep the anger alive." Lee answered by saying, "Make your sons Americans." When the war was lost Robert E. Lee took a job as president of Washington College, a College of forty students and four professors. Over his time he had trained thousands of men to be soldiers, and had seen many of those thousands killed in battle. Now he wanted to prepare forty ...
408: Ted Bundy
... talking others out of killing themselves. He also wrote rape-prevention books and became active in politics gaining the attention of very important, highly known people. Ted worked many low paying jobs to pay for college. He was a busboy at a hotel, a messenger, and clerks at various stores. He left most jobs after only a few months. Some employers said he was a good worker while others gave him ... When police entered her room they found blood all over her bed, her nightgown stiff with blood, and her clothes and backpack from the night before were missing. Six weeks later, a 19 year old college student never arrived at a jazz concert she was going to. The next month a freshman girl disappeared on the way to a movie. Three other women disappeared over the next two months (Time Life ... fantasy and Ted does not appear to do this anywhere. The trolling phase is when Ted would stalk and pick his victims. He went through this stage because the majority of his victims came from college campuses. Bundy was a master at the wooing phase. Most of the time his victims went with him voluntarily. The capture phase really cannot be applied to Bundy. Sometimes he was sudden about his ...
409: Biography Of Adam Smith
... with his mother. In 1737, Adam Smith became a student at Glasgow. He was studying moral philosophy under Francis Hutcheson. Smith referred to him as "the never-to-be-forgotten." In 1740, Smith entered Balliol College, Oxford. Regarding Smith, William Robert Scott has said, 'the Oxford of his time gave little if any help towards what was to be his lifework.' Smith was not happy with the money that was being ... with a bill of sixteen pounds enclos'd for which I humbly thank you, but more for the good advice you were pleas'd to give me. I am indeed afraid that my expenses at college must necessarily amount to a much greater sum this year than at any time hereafter, because of the extraordinary and most extravagant fees we are obliged to pay the College and University on our admittance; it will be his own fault if any one should endanger his health at Oxford by excessive study, our only business here being to go to prayers twice a ...
410: John Muir: His Achievements/Journeys
... met Jeanne Carr, a woman that would change his life. Mrs. Carr was impressed with John. Her husband, Dr. Ezra Carr, was a professor of natural science at the university. John would later enroll into college and become a very good friend of the Carrs'. John did not immediately enroll at the university because he had concerns about money. Instead, he helped build iceboats, addressed advertising circulars, and drove a coach for an insurance agent. One day he learned that he had enough money to enroll into college, but he would have a very tight buget. He spent little on clothes and food. The next year at the university, John acquired a teaching job in a one- room school. It was hard to ... studies, but the money helped him considerably. John took chemistry and geology with Dr. Carr and Latin and Greek classes with Dr. James Davie Butler. Both men opened new worlds for John. During John's college years, the United States was suffering through the Civil War. Many university students joined the army, but John saw the wounded from the war and disliked it. He decided to go botanizing in Canada ...

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