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391: Labor Unions
... Then in 1947, the Labor-Management Relations Act of 1935 removed healthcare workers from coverage and provided special procedures (Robinson, 1985) to resolve labor disputes. In respect to higher education, union organization reached four-year college and university level in the 1960’s (Robinson, 1985). By the late 1970’s, thirty percent of all four-year public institutions had some type of collected bargaining agreement (Robinson, 1985). Up to this point ... were on the rise in the workforce (Robinson, 1985). Also indicative of this time period was a rapid growth of government unions. As laws were being passed that allowed organization, elementary, and secondary education teachers, college professors, and federal employees joined unions. Many large, public unions were started, such as the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, the American federation of Teachers, and the National Education Association (Robinson, 1985 ... increasingly less product driven. Associated with this is an increase in the quantity of professionals in the workforce today as compared to decades past. Census Bureau data shows that today’s workforce is approximately 26% college graduates while in 1960 this figure was less than 10% (American Labor, 1998). In addition, more people are making more money. The percentage of workers in the $75,000 income bracket (inflation adjusted) has ...
392: Killer Angels Civil War Book
Chamberlain Entering Bowdoin College , Chamberlain studied the traditional classical curriculum and showed particular skill at languages. But first Chamberlain took his Bowdoin A. B. degree, in the Class of 1852, and returned north for three more years of study ... down the opportunity to become a minister or missionary, he accepted a position at Bowdoin teaching rhetoric. A good scholar, he was also an orthodox Congregationalist, an important factor to his Bowdoin colleagues, for the College was embroiled in the denominational quarrels of the day. Chamberlain knew little of soldiering despite a short time as a boy at a military school at Ellsworth. When the sectional crisis led to civil war ... save the union. Although sympathetic to the plight of the slaves, he is not known to have been an abolitionist and showed little interest, after the war, in the cause of the freedmen. But the college was reluctant to lose his services. Offered a year's travel with pay in Europe in 1862 to study languages, Chamberlain instead volunteered his military services to Maine's governor. He was soon made ...
393: Biography of St. Alphonsus Rodriguez
... to Spain, Bl. Peter Faber among others, but it was apparently impossible to carry out his purpose of entering the Society , as he was without education, having only had an incomplete year at a new college begun at Alcala by Francis Villanueva. At the age of thirty-nine he attempted to make up this deficiency by following the course at the College of Barcelona, but without success. His austerities had also undermined his health. After considerable delay he was finally admitted into the Society of Jesus as a lay-brother, 31 January, 1571. Distinct novitiates had not as yet been established in Spain, and Alfonso began his term of probation at Valencia or Gandia -- this point is a subject of dispute -- and after six months was sent to the recently-founded college at Majorca, where he remained in the humble position of porter for forty-six years, exercising a marvelous influence on the sanctification not only of the members of the household, but upon a great ...
394: The Life of Alexander Hamilton
... in the local paper, and impressed the residents of the island with a particularly vivid and florid account of a hurricane in 1772. Alexander Hamilton reached New York Harbor in early 1773, entered King's College (now Columbia University) in 1774, and began his studies in medicine. At the time he entered college the first Continental Congress was meeting to decide the future of the colonies under the increasingly tyrannical rule of the English government. Although Kings College was known for its loyalist leanings, Hamilton's American benefactors, the Elias Boudinot family, were Presbyterians of the Whig persuasion who supported rebellion against England. Following the Boston Tea Party, Hamilton journeyed to Boston ...
395: Jefferson Davis: Leader of the Confederacy
... was growing up his father wanted him to have every opportunity he could, so against his wife's wishes he enrolled Davis in a number of private schools. He spent two years in St. Thomas College in Kentucky. He also attended local schools near home. He was always a perfect student getting the top grades in all of his classes until he was 13 and entered Transylvania College. While in college he studied just enough to pass, and graduated 23 out of 32 in his class from West Point Military Academy. After his schooling Davis took up his commission as second lieutenant. He was very ...
396: Franny And Zooey And The Razor
... explanation as to why he did not want to attend school and do something with his life. Larry explains this by saying: When I came back from France they all wanted me to go to college. I couldn t. After what I d been through, I felt I couldn t go back to school. I learnt nothing at my prep school anyway. I felt I couldn t enter into a freshman ... soul. Isabel tries to convince Larry that these questions are not important in life. It all sounds so adolescent to me. Those are the sort of things sophomores get excited about and when they leave college they forget about them. They have to earn a livin. 12 Zooey begins by letting Franny know that he does not have any positive feelings towards her Jesus prayer. The words it gives me the ... tell that Zooey is trying remarkably hard to make Franny question her belief. In addition, Isabel s words to Larry are very insulting. She uses extreme sarcasm when she compares Larry to a sophomore in college with a dream that will lead nowhere. Isabel tries to make Larry insecure in his reasoning, and to make him feel like a fool. Both Isabel and Zooey care very much for Larry and ...
397: Elizabeth Cady Stanton
... I was 15, and was always the head of my class, even in the higher levels of mathematics and language, where I was the only girl. But when I graduated, and wanted to attend Union College- as my brother had done- my father would not allow it. It was unseemly, he said, for a woman to receive a college education, for in 1830 no American college or university admitted women. Instead, my father enrolled me in Emma Willard's Female Academy in Troy, New York. Although I learned a great deal at the academy, I objected to the principle of ...
398: History Guidelines
... is to teach at a higher level that means courses in methodology, historiography, and bibliography, will have to be taught (Burnet 02). Many high school teachers get none or little of these teachings in their college education. They have to take a course for one year just on how to teach. It appears that teachers are generally only a few days ahead of the students that they are trying to teach ... Zinn 04). The discovery and transferring of Columbus’s journal into English for the 20th century brought up many other new discoveries that soon we will be forced into writing this point in history over. College students buy their own textbooks therefore it costs little or nothing for a college to change it’s text. These texts are also written for a more mature audience as well. High schools on the other hand provide students with these textbooks. These text because of public funding ...
399: Rutherford B. Hayes
... Along with his 4 other siblings, Rutherford was raised in Ohio by his mother for most of his life. Rutherford went to school in Norwalk, Ohio and Middletown, Connecticut. In 1842 he graduated from Kenyon College, in Gambier, Ohio, valedictorian of his class. After a year of study in a Columbus law office, he entered Harvard Law School and received his degree in 1845. Hayes began his practice in a small town called Lower Sandusky. Not finding many opportunities here, he left for Cincinnati in 1849 where he became a successful lawyer. In 1952, Hayes married Lucy Ware Webb, a graduate from Wesleyan Women s College. She would later become the first wife of a President to have graduated from college. When the Civil War began, Hayes offered his services to the State of Ohio. Knowing the Governor, William Dennison, he became the major in the 23rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Throughout his career in the ...
400: B. F. Skinner
... hang up his pajamas in the morning. He played the saxophone in a jazz band during high school and played piano until his failing eyesight made it hard for him to read the music. In college, he was very independent, and sometimes even a prankster. He graduated from Hamilton College in 1926 and later received his P.h.D. in psychology at Harvard University. (Ulrich, 1997) John B. Watson John Broadus Watson was born in Greenville, South Carolina on January 9th 1878. He went to college at Furman University and the University of Chicago. Watson created "Psychological behaviorism" in 1912. He told the world about his theory of behaviorism in a 1913 paper entitled ``Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It.'' ...

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