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381: Lucas: King of Film
... influenced in his late teens and early twenties. Lucas claims to have chased girls and raced cars throughout high school, and barely made it through (Moritz 258). Soon after high school, Lucas attended Modesto Junior College in California and continued to work on cars as his main interest (Moritz 258). In Smith, Lucas is quoted saying, "I was a hell-raiser; lived, ate, breathed cars! That was everything for me"(84 ... Haskell Wexler, who introduced him to film (Moritz 258). Eventually Lucas realized his new passion was film. Mr. Wexler helped Lucas gain admission into the University of Southern California's film department (Moritz 260). In college Lucas was the head of his film classes winning many awards and accolades. His first feature movie in college was titled THX-1138 and won his university's award for best film (Moritz 259). Lucas is also inspired by his circle of friends and fellow directors, producers, and collaborations with them. With the ...
382: Bus Boycott
... Story,” was distributed all through the south. It was put into a comic book form because it was intended for people who don’t normally read books. But the comic found its way onto Vanderbilt College in Nashville, TN and into the hands of Divinity student James Lawson. James Lawson was a hardcore pacifist and believer in non-violent residence. He had been in India learning about Gandhi’s teachings of ... use of non-violence in a mass protest. Martin Luther King encouraged Lawson to teach the use of non-violence through out the movement. Lawson went back to Nashville to continue his studies at Vanderbilt College. He then started a workshop there on non-violence. Students of Lawson’s went on start sit-in movement. The sit-it movement was when college student went into segregated restaurants and if they weren’t served they would just sit at lunch counter and engage with the manage or who ever was in charge in conversation how it was ...
383: Arthur Clarke
... well about armed conflict because he had experienced it for himself. In June 1946 Clarke was demobilized from the R.A.F. Only 3 months later in October of 1946 Clarke Enrolled at King's College in London where he attained a bachelor's of General Science Degree in physics, applied and pure mathematics. This gave him the base of knowledge, which he used to understand space and underlay many of ... true physics of movement. Other important events in 1946 include his election to Chairmanship of the British Interplanetary Society and his meeting of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkein. In 1948 he graduated college with first class honors. He then attended University College for post-graduate studies in Astronomy. This further reinforced his knowledge of space and helped allow him to write the myriad of non-fiction books about space that he has written. In June of ...
384: France
... with other students and begin to learn what it takes to go forward in their education. After completing Elementaire students move on to the next level called Secondaire. Secondaire consists of two stages first is College and then Lycee (Lect. Notes #4 Sp.99). College is the same as middle school in the U.S. and students attend for 4 years (Lect. Notes #4 Sp.99). This is when students begin to form their personality and start noticing the opposite sex. Students also begin to explore their options for the future. This can be a confusing but rewarding time for the students. After completing the College level of education, students move on to the Lycee. The Lycee is the equivalent of the U.S. high school except students attend the Lycee for 3 years not 4 (Lect. Notes #4 Sp. ...
385: John Bates Clark
... lived from 1847-1938. He played an important role in the development of marginal productivity, and had a great influence on the development of economic thought in the United States. Clark was educated at Amherst College and at the University of Heidelberg in Germany. He taught at Carlton College in Northfield, Minnesota from 1875 to 1881. He then moved on to teach at Smith College, Amherst, Johns Hopkins and Columbia from which he retired in 1923. In formulating the Neoclassical theory of the firm, John Bates Clark took over the classical categories of land, labor, and capital and simplified ...
386: Shadow And Custodial President
... election ever, is Rutherford Hayes. A man who spoke well, presented himself properly, and made moderate changes in America. Hayes was born in the state of Ohio in 1822. Later, he was educated at Kenyon College and Harvard Law School. Afterward he fought in the Civil War, where he was wounded in action. Hayes was elected into Congress in 1865, and served three terms as the Governor of Ohio between1867 and ... Garfield 1880-1881 Being the second President shot in office, Garfield died in September of 1881 without completing his term of office. Garfield was born in Ohio in 1831 and was educated at William’s College. Later he taught at the Western Reserve Eclectic Institute before being elected to the Ohio State Senate in 1859. His main concern while in office was bringing the seceded states back into the Union. After ... becoming a shadow President. Chester A. Arthur 1881-1884 Chester A. Arthur was known for having the “look” of a President. He was born in Fairfield, Vermont to a Baptist preacher. Arthur graduated from Union College, proceeded to teach school, and was later accepted into the bar. In 1871, President Grant appointed Arthur as Collector of the port of New York. Arthur, like Grant, was a follower of the Spoils ...
387: Biography: St. Alphonsus Rodriguez
... to Spain, Bl. Peter Faber among others, but it was apparently impossible to carry out his purpose of entering the Society , as he was without education, having only had an incomplete year at a new college begun at Alcala by Francis Villanueva. At the age of thirty-nine he attempted to make up this deficiency by following the course at the College of Barcelona, but without success. His austerities had also undermined his health. After considerable delay he was finally admitted into the Society of Jesus as a lay-brother, 31 January, 1571. Distinct novitiates had not as yet been established in Spain, and Alfonso began his term of probation at Valencia or Gandia -- this point is a subject of dispute -- and after six months was sent to the recently-founded college at Majorca, where he remained in the humble position of porter for forty-six years, exercising a marvelous influence on the sanctification not only of the members of the household, but upon a great ...
388: Maria Mitchell
... the public in the fall of 1836. At the Atheneum she taught herself astronomy by reading books on mathematics and science. At night she regularly studied the sky through her father's telesscope. For her college education even Harvard couldn't have given her a better education than she received at home and at that time astronomy in America was very behind as of today. She kept studying at the Atheneum ... paint her portrait, and people recognized her achievements. Maria s status as a respected astronomer also gave her new opportunities for employment. In 1865 Mitchell was appointed professor of astronomy at the newly opened Vassar College (one of the first colleges for women) in Poughkeepsie, New York, and director of the observatory there. In 1873 she helped found the Association for the Advancement of Women. Later she was also a pioneer ... also the first woman admitted to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and to the American Philosophical Society (founded by her distant relative Benjamin Franklin. She received honorary degrees, including one from Columbia College. A crater on the moon was named after her. After her death, Maria was given still more honors. A tablet inscribed with her name was put in the New York University Hall of Fame ...
389: Margaret Thatcher
... passport to assured employment. Margaret chose science — specifically, chemistry. At the age of seventeen, a year younger than most candidates, she took the examinations one had to pass to gain admittance to Oxford's Sommerville College. She did well and scored high marks in all categories, she tied for first in the competitive exam. This exam was given to candidates to decide which would win the one scholarship the college had to offer. But Somerville officials decided to give the scholarship to the other top-scoring candidate, an older girl who had been waiting a year longer than Margaret to get into Oxford. Margaret was ... Thatcher announced after the election that "he and the defeated candidate were engaged to be married." (Mayer, 1979) A few months before they were to be married Margaret began law courses at a special tutorial college. Mrs. Thatcher's ambition was to become a barrister, which is the "gowned and wigged advocates who present all cases in court. The barristers in Great Britain are the more exclusive and the most ...
390: Margaret Laurence
... she was nine and her brother still a baby, the family went to live with Grandfather Simpson in his big brick house on first avenue. After graduating from high school in 1944, Margaret attended United College (now the University of Winnipeg), and was an assistant editor of the college paper, Vox. She graduated from United College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1946, and married John Fergus Laurence on September on September 13, 1947, in the Neepewa United Church. She then worked for a time as a reporter for ...

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