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341: Biography Of Stephen Hawking
... place to have babies. When he was eight, his family moved to St Albans, a town about 20 miles north of London. At eleven Stephen went to St Albans School, and then on to University College, Oxford, his father's old college. Stephen wanted to do Mathematics, although his father would have preferred medicine. Mathematics was not available at University College, so he did Physics instead. After three years and not very much work he was awarded a first class honours degree in Natural Science. Stephen then went on to Cambridge to do research in ...
342: The Internet
... top, each country has at least one public backbone network. Backbone networks are made of high speed lines that connect to other backbones. There are thousands of service providers and networks that connect home or college users to the backbone networks. Today, there are more than fifty-thousand networks in more than one-hundred countries worldwide. However, it all started with one network. In the early 1960's the Cold War ... the Internet. In 1985, the National Science Foundation (NSF) began a program to establish Internet access centered on its six powerful supercomputer stations across the United States. They created a backbone called NSFNET to connect college campuses via regional networks to its supercomputer centers. ARPANET officially expired in 1989. Most of the networks were gained by NSFNET. The others became parts of smaller networks. The Defense Communications Agency shut down ARPANET ... interested in, they can post their resumes to employment service Web sites which try to match employers with those seeking employment. The Web can also be a useful place for high school students applying to college or college graduates who wish to delay their job hunt by going to graduate school. Many colleges and universities around the world are getting on the Internet to provide their students with access to ...
343: Colin Powell
... He was good in high school; he never got into any fights or any sort of trouble. He completed High school in 1954 (source 1, page 29, 30, 32). Powell applied to two colleges City College of New York (CCNY) and New York University (NYU). Both accepted him but he went to CCNY because it only ten dollars a semester as opposed to seven hundred and fifty dollars a semester at NYU. Powell majored in Engendering. He finished college in 1958 (source 1 pages 32, 36). While in college Powell joined the Recruit Officer Training Corps (ROTC). Powell said he joined ROTC because of the discipline and "The sense of comradery among a group of young men who were similarly motivated. Maybe it ...
344: Oral Roberts
... began a full-time faith healing ministry by 1948. In 1954 his healing services were broadcast on TV. In 1968 Oral became a Methodist and founded Oral Roberts University. The university was the first charismatic college. The City of Faith was erected next to the university and combined medicine and prayer. By age twenty he was known and effective as a preacher. He was married to Evelyn Lutman Fahnestock on Christmas ... had published two books at this point and recorded two songs with Evelyn. He had been Chairman of the Conference Committee on Education and Publication. While Chairman he sponsored a fund-raising service for Emmanuel College at the Eastern Oklahoma camp meeting. He raised $70 to furnish a dormitory room in the new building at the college. During his pastorate in Fuquay Springs Oral did what he had to do to build up the church. He preached everywhere he could. Including street corners and sometimes he put a loud speaker on ...
345: The Women's Rights Movement (1848-1998)
... women did work they were paid only a fraction of what men earned. -Women were not allowed to enter professions such as medicine or law. -Women had no means to gain and education since no college of university would accept women students. -With only a few exceptions, women were not allowed to participate in he affairs of the church. Women were robbed of their self-confidence and self-respect, and were ... and recommend changes that could be initiated. The Feminine Mystique Later in 1963, Betty Friedan published a landmark book, The Feminine Mystique. This book evolved out of a survey she conducted for her twenty year college reunion. In, The Feminine Mystique, she documented the emotional and intellectual oppression that middle-class educated women were experiencing because of limited life options. Immediately the book became a best seller and inspired thousands of ... needs of specific groups of women, including Blacks, Latinas, Asian-Americans, lesbians, welfare recipients, business owners, aspiring politicians, tradeswomen, and professional women of every sort. During that same time frame, thousands of young women on college campuses were playing active roles within the anti-war and civil rights movement, at least, that was their intention. Many were finding their efforts blocked by men who felt leadership of these movements was ...
346: Affirmative Action Is Wrong
... whites are discriminated ag ainst (DeWit 1996, 1). Two wrongs don't make a right. Therefore, affirmative action doesn't make discrimination ok just because it's against blacks instead of whites. Affirmative action in college is the most discriminating thing this country has ever seen since the Jim Crow laws many years ago (Buchanan 1995, 1). At ivy league colleges the median GPA of applicants is close to 4.0 ... under represented groups, such as blacks, hispanics, and american indians, over better qualified students from am ong whites and asian americans (D'Souza 1990, 231). Obviously, affirmative action is allowing undereducated citizens to get into college when the people that are qualified aren't getting accepted when they should. When we passed the equal opportunities law, it didn't mean treat different races differently , it means we should treat all people ... give minorities jobs now, it won't change. Giving someone a job won't do any good in making the qualit y of life of minorities better. Just because you enroll more minorities in your college, doesn't mean you're making the playing field even. When someone isn't good enough to get into a certain college, they're out of their league when they get in. Only 15% ...
347: Glenn Theodore Seaborg
... Sciences, the Royal Society of Arts of England, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. Honorary degrees awarded to Dr. Seaborg include Doctor of Science degrees from the University of Denver, 1951; Gustavus Adolphus College, 1954; Northwestern University, 1954; University of Notre Dame, 1961; Ohio State University, 1961; Florida State University, 1961; University of Maryland, 1961; Temple University, 1962; Tulane University, 1962; Drexel Institute of Technology, 1962; Georgetown University, 1962; University of the State of New York, 1962; Mundelein College, 1963; and Trinity College, 1963; the degree of Doctor of Laws from the University of Michigan, 1958; and University of Massachusetts, 1963; the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters from Northern Michigan College, 1962; the degree of Doctor ...
348: Order In The Classroom
... to. The rule it seems now is that the student now has more of a right to speak than the teacher does. But perhaps the biggest difference that I have noticed between High School and College is the way students behave. In College students no longer run their mouth off in class and they have more respect for the teacher. The teacher also has a lot more control over the students that just one year ago were unruly high school seniors that thought they knew everything. Well almost any college freshman that you ask will openly admit that they do not know every thing. In fact it as if they're real education is just beginning. Because now the student no longer goes to ...
349: Robert Boyle
... did. It was bad at first, however it turned out for the best.(Sootin p.9) Robert Boyle went through school like other normal boys at that time. Then it came time to go to college in which he attended Eton College. Eton college was located in England. (Sootin p.10) After graduating college, Boyle decided to start his work at Oxford. At the age of twenty-seven, he finally became what he wanted to be for so ...
350: Feminism And Gender Equality In The 1990’s
... Friedan essay and let me know if she felt as moved as I was, and to share with me her experiences of sexism. Her immediate reaction was to point out that "Betty Friedan was a college educated woman and she had certain goals that never interested me." My grandmother, though growing up during a time when women had few social rights, said she didn’t experience oppressive sexism in her life ... young age. Alice Brooks experienced inequality on the basis of her race and her sex. In her autobiography, A Dream Deferred, she recalls the reaction of her father when she brought up the idea of college to him: I found a scholarship for veterans’ children and asked my father to sign and furnish proof that he was a veteran. He refused and told me that I was only going to get married and have babies. I needed to stay home and help my mother with her kids. My brother needed college to support a family. Not only was I not going to get any help, I was also tagged as selfish because I wanted to go to college. (See Endnote #6) This is another example ...

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