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2671: Psychological Egoism: Every Person Is Oriented Towards His (or her) Own Welfare, and The Object of Every One of His Voluntary Actions Is Some Good To Himself
... sacrifice. The billionaire who contributes $50,000 to a scholarship fund is not acting altruistically; altruism goes beyond simple charity. Altruism is the grocery bagger who contributes $50,000 to the fund, foregoing his own college education so that others may go. Parents who spend a fortune to save their dying child are helping another person, but true altruism would demand that the parents spend their money to save ten other ...
2672: Sexual Harassment
... to learn differently. Muriel Kraszewski worked for State Farm Insurance Company for twelve years and was the leading candidate for an important promotion. She was denied the promotion because, her employers said, she had no college degree and was too much under the control of her husband. Kraszewski sued the company and won her case, after a nine year battle, in late January 1988. She was given what may be the ...
2673: Pornography: Sex or Subordination?
... wants to. 4. When women go around braless or wearing short skirts and tight tops, they are just asking for trouble (Burt 217). Pauline Bart reports that studies held simultaneously at UCLA and St. Xavier College on students, demonstrate that pornography does positively reinforce the rape myth. Men and women were exposed to over for hours of exotic video (of varying types; i.e. soft, hard core, etc.) and then asked ...
2674: Contrast/Comparison of A Country Lifesytle vs A City Lifestyle
... have few friend, but the people in the city have a lot of friends, Next, the country has a few theatre but the city has a lot of theatre. Third, the country doesn't have college but the city has a lot of colleges.for example, the people in the country go to the city to learn. All of it told above such as work, enviroment, entertainment usually show the different ...
2675: The Effect of Viewing Television Violence on Childhood Aggression
... in aggressive behavior. Certainly the study shows no support for the theory that viewing of aggressive television increases real life aggression (Kaplan & Singer, 1976). In a study by Carlisle and Howell (1974), angered and nonangered college students were exposed to either violent or nonviolent movie scenes. Results revealed that the violent film was more likely than the nonviolent film to disinhibit aggression among either angry or nonangry subjects (Kaplan & Singer, 1976 ...
2676: Garrett Hardin in "Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against the Poor"
... that the poor Americans do not take advantages of some of the opportunities available for them. The middle class people sometimes work two or three jobs to pay for their own or their children's college education. The government should use the money they are sending to other countries to help the taxpayers. In my family we have just enough money to get by. I do not see the government knocking ...
2677: Women's Fashion And Cosmetics
... products are expensive. The money used to buy cosmetics and hair styling products could be spent for more important things. If one has that much money to give away, why not save it for a college education or donate it to a charitable organization? The time and money spent on cosmetics and hair commodities imprisons women by preventing them from doing more constructive things. Next, billboard images of waif models cause ...
2678: The Pressures of Today's Youth
... groups. In a way adult pressure is worse than peer pressure. Adults control teens lives until they are eighteen years old or older. Adults may force a son or daughter to go to a certain college that the teen does not want to attend, or obtain a career that the teen does not want. In conclusion the two pressures of peers, and adults are often conflicting. Sometimes neither are good, and ...
2679: Reverse Discrimation
... on minorities by incurring wrongs on the majority today, it will start a cycle that will, in th e worst case, be never ending. For example, if yesterday a Negro could not get into a college because of discrimination, then today we'll let him in because we want to try to right the wrong of yesterday. But in doing so, we must not admit a white because he is white ...
2680: The Clinton Sex Scandal
... It's like Melrose Place all the time." "The establishment of the office of independent counsel in 1978 also changed views of the presidency", says Shirley Anne Warshaw, associate professor of political science at Gettysburg College and author of "The Domestic Presidency". The Clinton-Lewinsky story "is all based on a series of leaks," she notes. "Ever since Watergate, society has said 'Let's investigate our officials at a different level ...

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