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2431: Paul Laurence Dunbar
... the first issue of Dayton Tattler, a black-oriented weekly newspaper. He was chosen president of the "Philomathean Society," a literary organization. (Austin) Paul Dunbar wanted to study law. He was financially unable to attend college so he took at job as a elevator operator and continued to write. At age twenty he appeared before an audience to give an address before the Western Association of Writers. This lead to notoriety ...
2432: Booker T. Washington
... s visit to the White House in 1901 was greeted with a storm of protest as a "breech of racial etiquette". He went on to receive honorary degrees from Harvard University in 1896 and Dartmouth College in 1901. Booker T. Washington struggled up himself and then gave to his people what he felt they needed education for the skill of hand, light of mind, and honesty of heart.
2433: Bob Dylan
... and Jesse Fuller. Finding an instant connection with their songs, songs relevant to social issues. Dylan was drawn into both the musical style and the social message of these indivisuals. In 1959 he left for college, but instead of consentrating on his studies he devoted himself to his music. He sang wherever he could, his performance style, a nasal tone with annunciation problems sometimes drew applause while other times critisism, yet ...
2434: Harriet Beecher Stowe
... housekeepers. Catharine’s hard and enduring work paid off because she eventually founded a school in Hartford, Connecticut. It was at this seminary that Harriet received her formal education. Oddly enough she did not attend college, but ended up becoming a teacher at her alma mater (Hedrick, BBR March 95). In 1833, Lyman Beecher became the President of the Lane Theological Seminary in Cincinnati, Ohio (Ward, Introduction). Both Catharine and Harriet ...
2435: John Dalton (1766 - 1844)
... to Manchester, this is where he would remain the rest of his life. Dalton was influenced greatly by the mathematician John Gough. Dalton while in Manchester became the teacher of math and philosophy at a college. He taught there until 1799. Dalton became a chemist and physicist after his teaching jobs. Dalton did a lot of experimenting but did not test his experiments to make sure they were right. A good ...
2436: Jane Addams
... famous as a social settlement. An outspoken pacifist, Miss Addams shared the 1931 Nobel Peace Prize with President Nicholas Murray Butler of Columbia University. Jane Addams was born in Cedarville, Illinois, and graduated from Rockford College. She began the Study of medicine but her health broke down, and for two years she was an invalid. During several years of unhappy indecision she found her purpose when she visited Toynbee Hall, a ...
2437: Jim Thorpe
... clears the jump. The boys run and tell Pop Warner that Jim just broke the school record. Soon enough Jim's on the track team. That year Jim dominated the field at the PA Junior College Interscholastic meet in Harrisburg. In fall Jim wanted to go out for the football team. Pop tried to discourage him, he was too small. "You're my most valuable track man and I don't ...
2438: Newton and Prisms
... England on January 4, 1643 and raised by his grandmother because his mother had been widowed twice. He was persuaded to go to grammar school and then in the summer of 1661, he attended Trinity College at the University of Cambridge. In 1665 Newton returned to Woolsthorpe and continued his study of light. Newton was intrigued by light and was curious about its composition. When trying to explain how colors occur ...
2439: To Race the Wind by Krents and All But My Life Klein
... his hardest and did the best he could do. As his life progressed, Harold was taken advantage of many times, used in plans and schemes for the sake of his blindness. Harold plowed through his college years tackling any problems that stood in his way. He ended up meeting the girl of his dreams and passing the bar exam. No matter how many names Harold was called, or how many times ...
2440: The Life of Emily Dickinson
... against tradition. From all the jails the boys and girls Ecstatically leap,- Beloved, only afternoon That prison doesn't keep. In this poem Emily shows her feelings towards formalized schooling. Being a product of reputable college one would think that she would be in favor of this. But as her beliefs in transcendentalism grew so did her belief in individuality. Emily also went against the Church which was an extreme rarity ...

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