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181: J.D. Salinger
Born on January 1, 1919, Jerome David Salinger was to become one of America’s greatest contemporary authors. In 1938 Salinger briefly attended Ursinus College in Pennsylvania where he wrote a column, "Skipped Diploma," which featured movie reviews for his college newspaper. Salinger made his writing debut when he published his first short story, "The Young Folks," in Whit Burnett’s Story magazine (French, xiii). He was paid only twenty-five dollars. In 1939, at the ... life. Eloise finds a loyal and trustworthy friend in Mary Jane. They are on the same path in life. Salinger suggests that they have stayed friends for so long because neither of them graduated from college. Eloise left college because she was caught with a soldier in the elevator. Mary Jane left college because she was to marry a soldier in jail. Eloise feels like an outsider in her own ...
182: University of Pennsylvania Essay Questions
... an energy source can help us to save the environment. Question: What characteristic of Penn and yourself make the University a particularly good match for you? Briefly describe how you envision your first year in college. How will your presence be known on campus? I have the difficult task of being the “first.” I will be the first one in my family who has ever studied overseas, and while I find ... be easy. Without having anyone around to advise me about the new life I will face, I have had to figure out everything by myself. If I am to make a mistake in selecting a college, I will bear the full burden of that mistake. As I begin to realize this, I understand that I will need to find the inner strength and self-reliance to face difficult changes alone, but ... the “first” is great, I believe that UPenn, with many students in similar situations, would provide me the support I need to excel in this very important academic community. If I am admitted to the college, I will not fool around trying to get situated; instead, I will work to integrate myself into the campus community from the very beginning to become a contributing member of my class. In a ...
183: John McCain
... actively sought out 18-24 year olds, the group collectively known as "Generation Y." The Arizona Senator reached out to young voters with a message of personal honesty and government reform, drawing large crowds on college campuses in New Hampshire and South Carolina (Sullivan, "McCain Gets"). McCain has addressed some of the issues that concern America's youth today. The Senator does not support gun bans but does promote "effective measures ... reminders to downloadable pictures of McCain "This is how we're making the Internet local to everybody," said Max Fose, McCain's Internet manager (Sullivan, "Virtual"). McCain is attracting Generation Y through various appearances at college campuses, using his standard line of "inspiring a generation of young Americans to commit to causes greater than themselves"(Gannon). McCain's Campus Connection, a group of one hundred and sixty college campuses nationwide, recently joined Students 4 Dole, an organization of over two hundred schools and colleges nationwide, to form one of the largest collections of student leaders in America. McCain's Campus Connection is ...
184: The Tradition of the Twelfth Man
The Tradition of the Twelfth Man Tradition and history are important parts of life on any college campus. So what makes Texas A&M University so special? The “Spirit of Aggieland” is said to be unmatched by any other college or university in the United States. Most traditions at Texas A&M are filled with the rich background of its Corps of Cadets, which for many years made up the entire student body at the College Station campus. However, when talking about traditions heard round the nation, two particular events come to mind: The tradition of the Twelfth Man and The Bonfire. The tradition of the Twelfth Man began on ...
185: Basketball
... scoring average per game in many years. Coaches know that talent only gets you in the door, and the rest is complete dedication to the mental aspects of the game. Rick Pitino was an excellent college coach at Kentucky; here he benefited from his player's superior talents. Now as the coach for the Boston Celtics his team consists of ex-Kentucky stars, but the results are opposite. His players lack ... was Rashard Lewis. He was drafted right out high school into the NBA. Considering that we were about the same age, I question how can he be ready for the NBA? I can barely handle college classes, and he is already started his career. Rashard's skills were impressive, but he was undisciplined like all teenagers are. The league is flooded with his type; he skipped having possibly a historical college career to mold on the bench in the NBA. Rashard was not prepared for this level of competition, or the lifestyle and responsibility that accompany it. He was 18 years old with millions of ...
186: Madonna
... commercial success in America and abroad. She has achieved the reputation as a forefront performer and entertainer. Before Madonna began her superstar career, she attended school at the University of Michigan. Before she even attended college, she was already well talented in the field of dance. She was so good that she won a dance college scholarship in high school. This was the main reason she continued onto college. In the beginning of her college education, she enjoyed going to school on a daily basis. In addition, she enjoyed learning and meeting new friends. However, she began to get bored with her college ...
187: Careers In Computer Engineering
Careers In Computer Engineering While financial analysts, government officials, and employment specialists frequently disagree on conditions existing in the American economy today, everyone concurs with the idea that a college graduates possessing a degree in the field of computer engineering is in the enviable position of being able to pick and choose among job offers with several major computer companies and other Fortune 500 employers ... employees in 1997 to work in every part of the country (Schmidt 32). Once the epitome of corporate organization and structure, IBM has shed business suits for jeans and revolutionized its recruiting style, even recruiting college students on the beaches of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, during spring break (Schmidt 32). In 1997, Microsoft had approximately three hundred open positions in software design, hardware engineers, software test engineers and support engineers (Schmidt 32). Microsoft looks for applicants who are strong in problem-solving abilities, eager students of technological advances, and who exhibit a strong capacity for working with others (Schmidt 32). One recent college graduate describes Microsoft as a "nonpolitical environment" where opportunities exist but no pressure is applied to employees to take advantage of them (Schmidt 32). Intel is seeking over one thousand integrated circuit designers, electrical ...
188: How Technology Effects Modern America
... Report (7/31/95). Since 1973, wages adjusted for inflation have declined by about a quarter for high school dropouts, by a sixth for high school graduates and by about 7% for those with some college education. Only the wages of college graduates are up. Of the fastest growing technical jobs, software engineering tops the list. Carnegie Mellon University reports, "recruitment of its software engineering students is up this year by over 20%." All engineering jobs are ... education policy must keep pace with the demands of the highly technical job market. If a middle class income of 1970 required a high school diploma, and the middle class income of 1990 requires a college diploma, then it should be as easy for the children of the 90's to get a college diploma, as it was for the children of the 70's to get a high school ...
189: Sobering Studies
... study found students who doubt their abilities to handle bad moods or bad situations are more prone to drinking. This is just the latest in a number of alcohol studies coming out in relation to college students. College students are always easy targets for these surveys, since many students are finally away from their mother's nest for the first time and feel free to go out more times than Friday and Saturday ... even graduation. Don't let the summer become an excuse to drink more heavily than other times. Despite increasing publicity about the problems caused by student drinking, a new survey suggests that the number of college-age drinkers has been steadily falling for the past twenty years. Recent studies have found connections between drinking and the prevalence of date rapes, hazing, and property damage on campuses. (Higher Education Research Institute, ...
190: Graduation 1999
... them all from all coming back at once. You also realize that this might be the very last time that you see many of these people, most of them will end up going off to college and moving away. Its sad when you realize that all of these events will be gone forever and all that is left is the memories you have of them. All through a persons life there ... do homework. It is now your turn to say what you will do and make of yourself. This is your chance to try something new, different and even scary. Many people will go off to college away from home just to get away from there parents and be on their own. Others will go on a mission, begin working, or even try living abroad. This night is very important because it ... ve been waiting their whole life for graduation so that they could get on with life and begin working in a field that they enjoy. It doesn’t matter if they don’t go to college, because it would be a waste of time and money. Some fields of work do not require you to have a college education, instead they offer what is known as an apprenticeship. This is ...

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